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1. What is vital in overcoming the competition?
So understanding your potential customers is vital to overcoming the competition and learning what it will take to help your prospect choose your product or service rather than the competition is offering
2. Name two differences in traditional sales and modern sales.
2. Name two differences in traditional sales and modern sales.
Traditional Sales
Modern Sales
Seller knows the product
Seller knows the prospect and his needs. In a business to business sales relationship, this means also understanding the prospect’s marketplace and what their customers, suppliers, and partners need
Value of the seller’s offering is judged by the sales price
Value of the seller’s offering is judged by sales price plus non-financial aspects related to Corporate Social Responsibility such as ethics and the environment
Salesperson is the only one who deals with the prospect.
Prospect may deal with anyone in the organization both before and after the sale
Organization’s focus for salespeople is on acquiring new customer
Organization’s focus for salespeople is on retaining and expanding current sales relationships (though new customers are also sought)
3. What are personal Sales?
Personal sales is type of sales where the seller offers or sells a product or service to an individual consumer directly or personally (face to face).
4. Where can Personal sales take place?
This type of sale can take place within the premises of a business (when the customer visits the store where the seller is), or off the premises (when the seller goes to look for the customer, usually carrying a catalog or a sample)
5. How are Telephone sales also known as?
Telephone sales, also known as, “telesales" are a type of sales where the seller communicates by phone with a potential client in order to offer or sell a product or service.
6. What are the two types of telephone sales?
Telephone sales can be output (when the seller telephoning a potential customer to provide a product or service), or input (when the seller receives a phone call from a potential customer to fulfill an order).
7. What are online sales?
Online sales, also known as Internet sales, are a type of sales where you offer or sell products or services over the Internet.
8. Name the ways to sell over the Internet.
The ways to sell a product or service online are varied, the main ones are through a virtual store, own or third party website, the use of marketplaces, the use of email marketing, etc.
9. What are sales by mail?
Sales by mail are a type of sales where a product or service through the sending postal mail or email is offered.
10. List the active listening cycle.
1. Pay close attention
2. Demonstrate that you are listening
3. Check for understanding
4. Don’t interrupt
5. Respond appropriately
11. What is nonverbal communication?
Mainl, we are referring to tone of voice and boby languge. Tone of voice is responsible for about 40% of the message we are sending. It involves the volume, emotin, and emphasis in our voice when we speak.
12. Body language is important in this type of sales…
Body language is very important in a face-to-face sales presentation because it is a subconscious way that we communicate and it is one that we recognize in others on instinct.
13. What does a successful sales presentation require you to be?
Successful sales presentation require that you be well organized.
14. List the tools or resources you can use for a Sales Presentation.
Microsoft Power Point
Interactive Whiteboard
Video Conferencing
15. What are some Interpersonal skills?
Respect for others
Ability to see things from others perspective
Ability to understand various communi-cation styles.
16. What is the Five-second rule?
You have about five seconds to capture a prospect’s attention. This means that you have between ten and twenty words of your opening statement in order to get the prospect to keep reading or listening.
17. List 3 points when choosing vocabulary…
1. Use language and make points that are relevant to decision makers.
2. Use vocabulary that a decision-maker is used to hearing.
3. Keep the tone professional and polite.
18. What are four great sources of information online about prospects and/or clients?
1. The information that your potential prospects have put online about their own companies.
2. The information online about your prospects’ competition.
3. What are customers or reviewers saying about your prospect?
4. What will your prospects hear from the competitions’ salespeople?
19. What does AIDA stand for?
20. List four things that will appear interesting to your prospect…
It is relevant to the prospect and can provide some kind of advantage (benefit) for them.
You are approaching the person who has a need for your product or service.
You are approaching the prospect at the right time.
You can talk the language of the prospect. It is relevant to the prospect and can provide some kind of advantage (benefit) for them.
You are approaching the person who has a need for your product or service.
You are approaching the prospect at the right time.
You can talk the language of the prospect.