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fulfil (verb)
fulfil something to do or achieve what was hoped for or expected
crude (adjective)
"[usually before noun] (of oil and other natural substances) in its natural state, before it has been processed or refined - (of people or the way they behave) offensive or rude, especially about sex"
culprit (noun)
a person who has done something wrong or against the law
cursory (adjective)
done quickly and without giving enough attention to details
debase (verb)
debase somebody/something to make somebody/something less valuable or respected
debunk (verb)
"debunk something to show that an idea, a belief, etc. is false; to show that something is not as good as people think it is"
decry (verb)
"decry somebody/something (as something) to strongly criticize somebody/something, especially publicly"
decay (noun)
the process or result of being destroyed by natural causes or by not being cared for (= of decaying)
decline (verb)
" [intransitive] (rather formal) to become smaller, fewer, weaker, etc."
deepen (verb)
"[intransitive, transitive] deepen (something) (into something) if an emotion or a feeling deepens, or if something deepens it, it becomes stronger"
defective (adjective)
having a fault or faults; not perfect or complete
deference (noun)
?behaviour that shows that you respect somebody/something
defile (verb)
"defile something to make something dirty or no longer pure, especially something that people consider important or holy"
definitely (adverb)
a way of emphasizing that something is true and that there is no doubt about it
defunct (adjective)
"no longer existing, operating or being used"
degrade (verb)
[transitive] degrade somebody to show or treat somebody in a way that makes them seem not worth any respect or not worth taking seriously
flaw (noun)
a mistake in something that means that it is not correct or does not work correctly
desecrate (verb)
desecrate something to damage a holy thing or place or treat it without respect
distorted (adjective)
pulled out of shape so that it looks strange; made to sound strange
breakdown (noun)
[countable] an occasion when a vehicle or machine stops working
dependent (adjective)
needing somebody/something in order to survive or be successful
portray (verb)
portray somebody/something to show somebody/something in a picture; to describe somebody/something in a piece of writing
deplete (verb)
deplete (something) to reduce something by a large amount so that there is not enough left; to be reduced by a large amount
deride (verb)
to treat somebody/something as silly and not worth considering seriously
despite (preposition)
used to show that something happened or is true although something else might have happened to prevent it
deter (verb)
"?deter (somebody) (from something/from doing something) to make somebody decide not to do something or continue doing something, especially by making them understand the difficulties and unpleasant results of their actions"
detract from (prhasal verb)
detract from something | detract something from something
dexterous (adjective)
"showing or having skill, especially with your hands"
dictate (verb)
"[transitive] to tell somebody what to do, especially in an annoying way"
adroit (adjective)
clever and showing skill
dictum (noun)
a statement that expresses something that people believe is always true or should be followed
differ (verb)
[intransitive] to be different from somebody/something
adage (noun)
a well-known phrase expressing a general truth about people or the world
discord (noun)
[uncountable] (formal) disagreement; arguing
discourage (verb)
"to try to prevent something or to prevent somebody from doing something, especially by making it difficult to do or by showing that you do not approve of it"
discuss (verb)
"to talk about something with somebody, especially in order to decide something"
engage (verb)
[transitive] engage something/somebody (formal) to succeed in attracting and keeping somebody’s attention and interest
factor (noun)
[countable] one of several things that cause or influence something
force (noun)
[uncountable] violent physical action used to obtain or achieve something
rely on/upon (prhasal verb)
to need or depend on somebody/something
settled (adjective)
not likely to change or move
appear (verb)
[intransitive] to start to be seen
condition (noun)
"[uncountable, singular] the state that something is in"
environment (noun)
"the environment [singular] the natural world in which people, animals and plants live"
habitat (noun)
the place where a particular type of animal or plant is normally found
inhabitant (noun)
a person or an animal that lives in a particular place
presence (noun)
[uncountable] (of a person) the fact of being in a particular place
realice (verb)
"[transitive, intransitive]-to understand or become aware of a particular fact or situation"
suddenly (adverb)
quickly and unexpectedly
sight (noun)
[uncountable] the ability to see