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disdain (noun)
the feeling that somebody/something is not good enough to deserve your respect or attention
disparage (verb)
disparage somebody/something to suggest that somebody/something is not important or valuable
compel (verb)
to force somebody to do something; to make something necessary
divert (verb)
[often passive] to make somebody/something change direction
dogmatic (adjective)
"being certain that your beliefs are right and that others should accept them, without paying attention to evidence or other opinions"
contempt (noun)
the feeling that somebody/something is without value and deserves no respect at all - desprecio
detour (noun)
a longer route that you take in order to avoid a problem or to visit a place
donor (noun)
"a person or an organization that makes a gift of money, clothes, food, etc. to a charity, etc."
dubious (adjective)
[not usually before noun] dubious (about something)/(about doing something) (of a person) not certain about something and suspecting that something may be wrong; not knowing whether something is good or bad
dysfunctional (adjective)
not working normally or properly
fought (verb)
past simple and past participle of fight
dystopia (noun)
an imaginary place or state in which everything is extremely bad or unpleasant
eager (eager)
very interested and excited by something that is going to happen or about something that you want to do; showing this
eccentric (adjective)
considered by other people to be strange or unusual
efficiency (noun)
[uncountable] the quality of doing something well with no waste of time or money
efficient (adjective)
"doing something in a good, careful and complete way with no waste of time, money or energy"
elusive (adjective)
"difficult to find, define or achieve"
embrace (noun)
"[countable] an act of putting your arms around somebody as a sign of love or friendship - [uncountable] the act of accepting an idea, a proposal, a set of beliefs, etc, especially when it is done with enthusiasm"
emergence (noun)
emergence (of somebody/something) (from something) the fact of somebody/something moving out of or away from something and becoming possible to see
empathy (noun)
"the ability to understand another person’s feelings, experience, etc."
emerging (adjective)
"starting to exist, grow or become known"
dispose of (phrasal verb)
"to get rid of somebody/something that you do not want or cannot keep - to deal with a problem, question or threat successfully"
arise (verb)
[intransitive] (rather formal) (especially of a problem or a difficult situation) to happen; to start to exist - occur
empirically (adverb)
in a way that is based on experiments or experience rather than ideas or theories
enable (verb)
enable somebody/something to do something to make it possible for somebody/something to do something - allow
enchant (verb)
"enchant somebody (formal) to attract somebody strongly and make them feel very interested, excited, etc."
enclose (verb)
"[usually passive] to build a wall, fence, etc. around something"
endure (verb)
[transitive] to experience and deal with something that is painful or unpleasant without giving up
enormous (adjective)
extremely large
entire (adjective)
"(used when you are emphasizing that the whole of something is involved)including everything, everyone or every part"
assumption (noun)
"[countable] a belief or feeling that something is true or that something will happen, although there is no proof"
contemporary (adjective)
belonging to the same time
eventually (adverb)
at the end of a period of time or a series of events
evidence (noun)
"[uncountable] the facts, signs or objects that make you believe that something is true"
frequently (adverb)
gradual (adjective)
happening slowly over a long period; not sudden
immediately (adverb)
without delay
inevitable (adjective)
that you cannot avoid or prevent
rapid (adjective)
happening quickly or in a short period of time
rarely (adverb)
not very often
recently (adverb)
not long ago
technique (noun)
"[countable] a particular way of doing something, especially one in which you have to learn special skills"
term (noun)
"[countable] a word or phrase used as the name of something, especially one connected with a particular type of language"
remaining (adjective)
still needing to be done or dealt with