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todos los dias te llamo!!!

ayer te llame!!!
every day I call you!!!

yesterday I called you!!!
to call someone = llamar alguien
todos los dias ella me llama!!!

ayer ella me llamo!!!
every day she calls me!!!

yesterday she calls me!!!
to call someone = llamar alguien
me llamaste aller?

si te llame aller!
did you call me yesterday?

yes, I called you yesterday!!!
estas lavando tu coche y necesitas ayuda!!!

me puedes ayudar a lavar mi coche?
you're washing your car and you need help!!!

can you help me (to) wash my car?
can you help me (to) do something
estas haciendo tus maletas y necesitas ayuda!!!

me puedes ayudar a hacer las maletas
you are packing your suitcases and you need help!!!

can you help me (to) pack the suitcases?
estas cortando el cesped y necesitas alluda!!!

me puedes alludar a cortar el cesped
you are cutting the grass and you need help!!!

can you help me (to) cut the grass?
todos los dias hablo con el!!!

ayer hable con el!!!
every day talk to him

yesterday I talk to him!!!
todos los dias hablan con ella!!!

ayer hablaron con ella!!!
every day they talk to her!!!

yesterday they talked to her!!!
el hablo contigo?

si, hablo conmigo!!!
did he talk to you?
yes, he talked to me!!!
tu le escuchaste?

si, le escuche!!!
did you listen to him?

yes, I listened to him!!!
el relon es para ella.

dale el reloj.

daselo a ella.
the watch is for her!!!

give her the watch!!!

give it to her!!!
los sellos son para ti!!!

dame los sellos!!!

damelos a mi!!!
the stamps are for you!!!

give me the stamps!!!

give them to me!!!
el agua es para ellos!!!

dales el agua!!!

daselos a ellos!!!
the water is for them!!!

give them the water!!!

give it to them!!!
fuiste andando al trabajo ayer?

no, no fui caminando al trabajo ayer!!!
did you walk to work yesterday?

no, I didn't walk to work yesterday!!!
el abrio la puerta?

no, no abrio la puerta!!!
did he open the door?

no, he didn't open the door!!!
tu la cerraste?

no, no la cerre!!!
did you close it?

no, I didn't close it!!!
me hiciste una pregunta ?

no, no te hice una pregunta!!!
did you ask me a question?

no, I didn't ask you a question!!!
to try to do something
intentar hacer algo!!!
tried = intentar!!!
todos los dias intento trabajar!!!

ayer intente trabajar!!!
every day I tried to work!!!

yesterday I tried to work!!!
tried = intentar!!!
todos los dias ella intenta ayudar!!!

ayer ella intento ayudar!!!
every day she tries to help!!!

yesterday she tried to help!!!
tried = intentar!!!
intentaste terminar tu informe?

si intente terminar mi informe
dis you try to finish. your report?

yes, I tried to finish my report!!!
tried = intentar!!!
el intento parar?

si, el intento parar!!!
did he try to stop?

yes, he tried to stop!!!
tried = intentar!!!
dime que coja el boligrafo!!!

recoge el bpligrafo!!!
tell me to pick up the pen!!!

pick up the pen!!!
lo estoy cogiendo o soltando?

lo estas cogiendo!!!
am I picking it up or putting it down?

you are picking it up!!!
to pick up = coger o recoger
dime que suelte esta moneda!!!

suelta esas moneda!!!
tell me to put these coins down!!!

put down those coins!!!!
to pick up = coger o recoger

to put down = soltar
las estoy cogiendo o soltando?

las estas soltando!!!
am I picking them up or putting them down?

you're putting them down!!!
to pick up = coger o recoger

to put down = soltar
como se deletrea el verbo?
how do you spell the verb?
como se deletrea la palabra?
how do you spell the word?
preguntame como se deletrea la palabra...?

como se deletrea la palabra?
ask me how you spell the word!!!

how do you spell the word?
todos los dias empiezo y todos los dias paro!!!

ayer empece y pare!!!
every day I start and every day I stop.

yesterday I stared and I stopped.
to start = empezar.

to stop = parar
todos los dias ella empieza y todos los dias para!!!

aller ella empezo y paro.
every day she starts and every day she stops.

yesterday she started and she stopped.
to start = empezar.

to stop = parar
can you drive fast in the city center?

no, no se puede conducir rapido en el centro de la ciudad!!!
can you drive fast in the city center?

no, you can't drive fast in the city centre.
todos los dias voy a la tienda!!!

ayer fui a la tienda!!!
every day I go to the shop!!!

yesterday I went to the shop!!!
fuiate al banco ayer?

si, fui al banco ayer!!!
did you go to the bank yesterday?

yes, I went to the bank yesterday!!!
todos los dias hablo ingles!!!

ayer hable ingles!!!
every day I speak english.

yesterday, I spoke english.
hablaron contigo ayer?

si, hablaron conmigo ayer!!!
did you speak to you yesterday?

yes, they spoke to me yesterday!!!
tiraste de la cadena o la empujaste?

la tire!!!
dis you pull the chain or did you push it?

I pulled it!!!
to push = pulsar o empujar!!!
hiciste una tortilla anoche?

si, hice una tortilla anoche.
did you make an omelette last night?

yes, I made an omelette!!!
make = hacer
el preparo la comida?

si, el preparo la comida!!!
did he make lunch?

yes, he made lunch!!!
make = hacer
todos los dias se rien

ayer se rieron!!!
every day they laugh.

yesterday they laughed!!!
todos los dias lloro!!!

ayer llore!!!
every day I cry 😢

yesterday I cried!!!
preguntame si se rieron o lloraron!!!

se rieron o lloraron?
ask me if they laughed or cried!!!

did they laugh or did they cry 😢
estoy bostezando?

si estas bostezando!!!
am I yawning?

yes, you're yawning
estoy estornudando?

no, no estas estornudando!!
am I sneezing?

no, you're not sneezing
paraste en el semaforo?

no no pare en el semaforo
dis you stop at the traffic lights?

no, I didn't stop at the traffic lights!!!
fuiste al concierto?

no, no fui al concierto!!!
did you go to the concert?

no, I didn't go to the concert!!!
hablaste con tu mujer del problema?

no, no hable con mi muner del problema!!!
dis you speak to your wife about the problem?

no, I didn't speak to my wife about the problem!!!
ella se rio?

no, ella no se rio!!!
did she laugh?

no, she didn't laugh!!!
yo pulse el boton?

no, no pulsaste el boton!!!
dis I push the button?

no, you didn't push the button!!!
estoy triste!!!

porque estas triste?
I'm sad!!!

whay are you sad?
estan ahi!!!

porque estan ahi?
they are over there!!!

whay are they over there?
estamos disgustados!!!

porque estais diaguatados?
we're upset 😡

whay are you upset?
estan diacutiendo?

porque estan discutiendo?
they're arguing!!!

whay are they arguing?
todos los dias grito!!!

aller grite!!!
every day I shout

yesterday I shouted.
aque horas acaba la reunio?

la reunion acaba alas 4.!!!
what time doea the meeting finish?

the meeting finishes at four o' clock!!!
tu jefe te grito?

no, mi jefe no me grito!!!
did your boss shout at you?

no, my boss didn't shout at me!!!
comiste todo?

no, no comi todo!!!
did you eat everything?

no, I didn't eat everything!!!
ella dijo algo?

she said something.
dijiste algo?

no, no dije nada!!!
did you say anything?

no, I didn't say enything!!!
el dijo algo!!!

dijo el algo?

si, el dijo algo!!!
he said something!!!

did he say anything?

yes, he say anything!!!
ella me dijo algo!!!
she told me something
me dijista algo?

no, no te dije nada
did you tell me anything?
no, I didn't tell you anything!!!
el ledijo a ella algo!!!
he told her something.
le dijo (el) a ella algo?

si, (el) le dijo a ella algo!!!
did he tell her anything?

yes, he told her something!!!
ella le ayudo a hacer sus deberes!!!

she helped her (to) do her homework!!!
a ella le dolio el brazo ayer?
her arm hurt yesterday.

te duele el brazo?

no, no me duele el brazo!!!
does your arm hurt?

no, my arm doesn't hurt.
puede decirme donde encontrar....?
can you tell me where to find?
preguntame si te puedo decir donde encontrar leche!!!
ask me if I can tell you where to find milk.
preguntame si te puedo decir donde encontrar pan!!!

puedes decirme donde encontrar pan?
ask me if I can tell you where to find bread 🍞

can you tell me where to find the bread
se le cayo la taza y se rompio!!!
she dropped the cup and broke it.
to drop = caersele alguien, dejar caer o tirar.

dropped = cayó
y ati se te cayo una taza ayer?

si, se me cayo una taza ayer!!!
and did you drop a cup yesterday?

yes, I dropped a cup yesterday.
to drop = caersele alguien, dejar caer o tirar.

dropped = cayó
bas a ir al cine esta noche?

no, no voy a ir al cine esta noche
are you going to go to the cinema tonight?

no, I'm not going to go to the cinema tonight!!!
vas a estudiar y hacer los ejercicios?

she's going to study and she's going to do the exercises?
preguntame ai me voy a comprar una casa la semana que viene!!!

te vas a comprar una casa la semana que viene?
ask me if I'm going to buy a house next week!!!

are you going to buy a house next week?
preguntame si (se) van a ir al norte este otoño.

(se) van a ir al norte este otoño?
ask me if they're going to go to the north this autumn!!!

are they going to go to the north this autumn?
preguntame si va a llover este fin de semana!!!

va a llover este fin de semana?
ask me if it's going to rain this weekend!!!

is it going to rain this weekend?
el que esta en la mesa es el de ella!!!
the one on the table is hers.
el que esta en la mesa no es el de ella!!!
the one on the table isn't hers.
el que esta en la mesa es de ella?
is the one on the table hers?
no compro el verde, compro el azul y el amarillo!!!
he didn't buy the green one; he bought the blue one and the yellow one.
cuales compro?
which ones did he buy?
jugaste al ajedrez ayer?

si, jugue al ajedrez ayer
did you play chess yesterday?

yes, I played chess yesterday.
ellos jugaron tenis tres veces la semana pasada.
they played tennis three times last week!!!
y tu ¿jugaste al tenis tres veces la semana pasada?

si, jugue al tenis tres veces la semana pasada!!!
did you play tennis three times last week?

yes, I played tennis three times last week!!!
tu vecino toco la flauta el mes pasado?

si, mi vecino toco la flauta el mes pasado!!!
did your neighbour play the flute last month?

yes, my neighbour played the flute last month!!!
preguntame que tipo de coche conduce ese hombre.

que tipo de coche conduce ese hombre?

un porche

el conduce un porche.
ask me what kind of car that man drive!!!

what kind of car does that man drive?

a porsche

that man drives a porsche.
te importa comer conmigo?

no, no me importa comer contigo.

do you mind having lunch with me?

no, I don't mind having lunch with you!!!
do you mind = te importa
te importa llamar mas tarde?

no, no me importa llamar mastarde!!!
do you mind calling later?

no, i don't mind calling later!!!
do you mind = te importa
te importa contestar a mis preguntas en voz alta?

no, no me importa contestar a tis preguntas en voz alta!!!
do you mind answering my questions aloud?

no, I don't mind answering your questions aloud!!!
do you mind = te importa
esto le pertenece a ella
this belongs to her!!!
to belong = te pertenece
te pertenece esta silla?

no, esa silla no me pertenece!!!
does thia chair belong to you?

no, that chair doesn't belong to me!!!
to belong = te pertenece
te pertenecera este boligrafo si te lo doy?

si, me pertenecera ese boligrafo si me lo das!!!
will this pen belong to you if I give it to you?

yes, that pen will belong to me if you give it to me!!!
to belong = te pertenece
esto le pertenecio a mi abuela!!
this belonged to my grandmother!!!
to belong = te pertenece
preguntame si me importa alludar!!!

te importa alludar?
ask me if I mind helping!!!

do you mind helping?
to mind = te importa
preguntame si me importa sentarme serca de ti!!!

te importa sentarte serca de mi?

ask me if I mind sitting close to you!!!

do you mind sitting close to me?
to mind = te importa
preguntame si me importa contestar a tus preguntas!!!

te importa contestar a mis preguntas?

ask me if I mind answering your questions!!!

do you mind answering my questions?
to mind = te importa
preguntame si puedo mirar el menu!!!

puedes mirar el menu, por favor?

ask ne if I you can see the menu!!!

Can I see the menu, please?
puedo tomar algo de agua, por favor?

Can I have some water, please?
el trabaja para vaughan sistems.

he works for vaughan systems!!!
y tu, trabajas para vaughan sistems?

no, no trabajo para vaughan sistems!!!
do you work for vaughan systems?

no, I don't work for vaughan systems!!!
ella trabajo para esa empresa el año pasado!!!
she worked for that company last year!!!
un amigo de el esta de vacaciones!!!
a friend of his is on holiday!!!
preguntame si un amigo mio esta de vacaciones?

un amigo tuyo esta de vacaciones?
ask me if a friend of mine is on holiday!!!

is a friend of yours on holiday?
un vecino de ella hace mucho ruido!!!
a neighbour of hers makes a lot of noise.
preguntame si me importa si llueve en verano!!!

te importa si llueve en verano?

ask me if I mind if it rains in summer!!!

do you mind if it rains in summer?
preguntame si me importa si la gente huele mal!!!

te importa si la gente huele mal?

ask me if I mind if people smell bad!!!

do you mind if people smell bad?
preguntame si me importa si te levantas y te vas!!!

te importa si me levanto y me voy?
ask me if I mind if you stand up and leave!!!

do you mind if I stand up and leave?
la foto copiadora no funciona!!!
the photocopier doesn't work!!!
preguntame si funcionaba ayer!!!

funcionaba ayer?
ask me if it worked yesterday!!!

did it work yesterday?
preguntame si funciona ahora?

funciona ahora?
ask me if it works now!!!

does it work now?
el aparco su coche enfrente de la oficina cuando fue atrabajar!!!
he parked his car opposite the office when he went to work!!
ella aparco su coche delante del mio!!!
she parked her car in front of mine!!!
sabes si le gusta el atun?

no, no se si le gusta el atun!!!
do you know if he likes tuna?

no, I don't know if he likes tuna!!!
sabes si vengo al estudio a pie?

no, no se si vienes al estudio a pie?
do you know if I walk to the studio?

no, I don't know if you walk to the studio!!!
preguntame si se si vives por aqui cerca.

sabes si vivo por aqui cerca?
ask me if I know if you live nearby.

do you know if live nearby?
preguntame si se si tu vecino hace mucho ruido!!!

sabes si mi vecino hace mucho ruido?
ask me if I know if your neighbour makes a lot of noise.

do you know if my neighbour makes a lot of noise?
preguntame si se si esto te pertenece!!!

sabes si esto me pertenece?
ask me if I know if that belongs to you!!!

do you know if this belong to me?
leiste algun libro el año pasado?

si lei unos libros el año pasado!!!
did you read any books last year?

yes I read some books last year!!!
ella leyo cuatro libros el mes pasado!!!

she read four books last month.
sabes donde esta tu vecino?

no, no se donde esta tu vecino!!!
do you know where your neighbour is?

no, I don't know where my neighbour is.
sabes donde vive natasha?

no, no se donde vive natasha.
do you know where natasha lives?

no, I don't know where natasha lives!!!
pregintame si se donde vive mi jefe!!!

sabes donde vive tu jefe?

ask me if I know where my boss lives.

do you know where your boss live?
preguntame si se donde trabajas!!!

sabes donde trabajo?
ask me if I know where you work!!!

do you know where I work?
preguntame si se donde aparcaste aller!!!!

sabes donde aparque ayer?

ask me if I know where you parked yesterday!!!

do you know where I parked yesterday?
preguntame de que va mi libro!!!

de que va tu libro.

ask me what my book is about!!!

what's your book about?

preguntame de que va el libro de mi vecino!!!

de que va el libro de tu vecino?

ask me what my neighbour's book is about.

what's your neighbour's book about?
preguntame de que va mi pelicula favorita!!!

de que va tu pelicula favorita?

ask me what my favourite movie is about!!!

what's your favourite movie about?