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tienes mucho dinero?

no, no tengo mucho dinero!!!
do you have much money?

no, I don't have much money!!!
preguntame si tengo mucha suerte!!!

tienes mucha suerte?
ask me if I have much luck!!!

do you have much luck?
tienes mucho dinero?

si, tengo mucho dinero!!!
do you have a lot of money?

yes, I have a lot of money!!!
preguntame si tengo muchos amigos!!!

tienes muchos amigos?
ask me if I have a lot of friends!!!

do you have a lot of friends?
le llamas de vez en cuando?

si le llamo de vez en cuando!!!
do you call him from time to time?

yes, I call him from time to time!!!
preguntame si voy al cine de vez en cuando!!!

vas al cine de ves en cuando?
ask me if I go to the cinema from time to time!!!

do you go to the cinema from time to time?
from time to time = de vez en cuando
hay una iglesia en el pueblo!!!

hay dos iglesias en el pueblo!!!
there's one church in the village!!!

there're two churches in the village!!!
tengo un reloj de pulsera!!!

tengo dos relojes de pulcera!!!
I have one watch

I have two watches.
hay una caja en la mesa!!!

hay dos cajas en la mesa!!!
there's one box on the table!!!

there're two boxes on the table!!!
tienes algo para mi?

si, tengo algo para ti!!!
do tou have anything for me?

yes, I have anything for you!!!
hay algo en tu bolso?

si, hay algo en mi bolso.
is there anything in your bag?

yes, there's something in my bag!!!
something = algo
a que horas te despiertas los lunes?

me despierto a las 7 los lunes!!!
what time do you wake up on mondays?

I wake up at 7am on mondays!!!
quieres algo de la tienda ?

do you want anything from the shop?

preguntame si quiero algo de la tienda?

quieres algo de la tienda?
ask me if I want anything from the shop?

do you want anything from the shop?
preguntame si el hace algo esta noche!

el hace algo esta noche?
ask me if he's doing anything tonight!!!

is he doing anything tonight?
no voy a decir nada.

I'm not going to tell you anything.
quieres algo?

no, no quiero nada!!!
do you want anything?

no, I don't want anything!!!
vas a decirme algo?

no, no te voy a decir nada.

are you goin to tell me anything?

no, I'm not going to tell you anything!!!
que haces?

what are you doing?
preguntame que hago!!!

que haces?
what arr you doing?
preguntame donde voy esta noche?

where are you going tonight?
puedes cuidar de mi gato?

si, puedo cuidar de tu gato!!!
can you look after my cat?

yes' I can look after your cat.
preguntame si estoy cuidando de sus cosas ( de ellos)!!!

estas cuidando de sus cosas?
ask me if I'm looking after their things.

are you looking after their things?
to look after = cuidar de alguien o algo.
lo hare lo antes posible
i'll do it as soon as possible!!!
cuando lo haras?

lo hare lo antes posible!!!
when will you do it?

i'll do it as soon as possible!!!
dime que saque mi cartera de mi bolsillo.

saca tu cartera de tu bolsillo, por favor.
tell me to take my walle out of my pocket!!!

take youy wallet out of your pocket, please.

to take out (of ) = sacar

to put into = meter
que estoy haciendo?

estas sacando tu cartera de tu bolsillo!!!
what am I doing?

you're talking your wallet out of your pocket!!!
dime que de nuevo meta mi cartera en mi bolsillo!!!

mete de nuevo tu cartera en tu bolsillo, por favor!!!
tell me to put my wallet back into my pocket!!!

put your wallet back into your pocket, please.
dime que me quite la corvata!!!

quitate la corbata, por favor!!!
tell me to take off my tie!!!

take off your tie, please!!!
to take off = quitar

to put on = ponerse (ropa joyas)
que estoy haciendo?

te estas quitando la corbata!!!
what am I doing?

you're taking your tie off!!!
to take off = quitar

to put on = ponerse (ropa joyas)
dime que me ponga la corbata!!!

ponte la corbata por favor!!!
tell me to put on my tie!!!

put on your tie, please!!!
te resfrias cada año.

si, me resfrio cada año!!!
do you catch a cold every year?

yes, I catch a cold every year!!!
to catch = coger o atrapar
y tu jefe?

si, el se resfria cada año tambien
and what about your boss?

yes, he catches a cold every year too!!
to catch = coger o atrapar
coges el autobus todos los dias?

si, cojo el autobuss todos los dias
do you catch a bus every day?

yes, I catch a bus every day!!!
to catch = coger o atrapar
como deletreas...
how do you spell...
spell = deletrear
preguntame como se deletrea...

como se deletrea
ask me how you spell....

how do you spell....
spell = deletrear!!!
nada en esta vida es facil!!!

nothing in life is easy!!!
anything = nada

nothing = nada
nada puede fallar
nothing can go wrong
nada va a cambiar!!!
nothing is going to change!!!
estas de acuerdo que nada es imposible?

si, estoy de acuerdo que nada es imposible!!!
do you gree that nothing is impossible?

yes, I agree that nothing is imposible!!!
estas de acuerdo que nada puede cambiar el resultado?

si, estoy de acuerdo que nada puede cambiar el resultado!!!
do you agree that nothing can change the final result?
yes, I agree that nothing can change the final result.
ahora mismo estoy hablando con mi hermano al telefono!!!

right now, I'm speaking to my brother on the phone.
right now = Ahora mismo
ahora mismo me estoy afeitando!!!
right now, I'm shaving!!!
right now = Ahora mismo
estoy tomandome una cerveza ahora mismo!!!
I'm having a beer right now.
right now = Ahora mismo
steve llega a la oficina a las nueve cada mañana!!!
steve gets to the office at nice o'clock every morning!!!
to get to = llegar
llegare a casa sobre las 7
I' ll get home around seven!!!
to get to = llegar
a que horas llegaras a chicago?

what time will you get to chicago?
to get to = llegar
no puedo llegar al trabajo antes de las 10!!!
I don't normally get to work before ten.
to get to = llegar
hacer amigos
to make friends
to make = hacer
haces la cama todos los dias? di que si!!!

si, hago la cama todos los dias
do you make the bed every day?
say " yes"

yes, I make the bed every day!!!
tu hermano hace la cama todos los dias? dime que no!!!

no, mi hermano no hace la cama todos los dias!!!
does your brother make the bed every day? say " no "

no, my brother doesn't make the bed every day!!!
to make = hacer
preguntame si hago la cama todos los dias?

haces la cama todos los dias?

ask me if I make the bed every day.

do you make the bed every day?
to make = hacer
el hace sus deberes todos los dias? di que si!!!

si, el hace sus deberes todos los dias.
does he do his homework every day?
say "yes"

yes, he does his homework every day!!!
friegas cada noche? di que no!!!

no, no friego cada noche.
do tou do the dishes every eveninh? say "no"

no, I don't do the dishes every evening.
preguntame si hago la compra cada sabado por la mañana?

haces la compra cada sabado por la mañana?

ask me if I do the shopping every saturday morning!!!

do you do the shopping every saturday morning?
to do = hace
vas de compras a menudo?

si, voy de compras todos los dias y voy a ir de compras mañana!!!

do you often go shopping?

yes, I go shopping every day and I'm going to go shopping tomorrow
to go shopping = ir de compras
to go running = ir a correr
to go jogging = ir a hacer footing
to go swimming = ir a nadar
tu madre va a correr a menudo?

si' mi madre va a correr todos los dias y mañana va a correr.
does your mother often go running?

yes, my mother goes running every day and she's going to go running tomorrow.
to go shopping = ir de compras
to go running = ir a correr
to go jogging = ir a hacer footing
to go swimming = ir a nadar
de pende de el

no depende de mi.
it depends on him.

it doesn't depends on me
depende del resultado?

does it depend on the result?
quiero comer
I want to eat.
ella quiere comer
she wants to sing.
quieres venir?

si, quiero venir!!!
do you want to come?

yes, I want to come!!!
katy quiere comerse una pizza?

si, katy quiere comerse una pizza.
does katy want to eat a pizza?

yes, katy wants to eat a pizza-!!
quieren parar?

si, quieren parar!!!
do they want to stop?

yes, they want to stop!!!
ella quiere cocinar
she want to cook
queremos irnos
we want to leave
quiero empezar
I want to star.
el quiere estudiar
he wants to study
no quiero ir
I don't want to go.
quieres comprarlo?

no, no quiero comprarlo
do you want to buy it?

no, I don't want to buy it!!!
anna quiere jugar?

no, anna no quiere jugar!!!
does anna want to play?

no, anna doesn't want to play!!
paul quiere preparar la cena?

no, paul no quiere preparar la cena!!!
does paul want to make dinner?

no, paul doesn't want to make dinner!!!
no queremos leerlo
we don't want to read it.
no quiero hacerlo!!!
I don't want to do it!!!
no quieren llamarnos
they don't want to phone us!!!
el puede hacer cualquier cosa!!!
he can do anything!!!
mi caballo come cualquier cosa!!!

a mi hijo le gustaria cualquier cosa!!!
my horse eats anything!!!

my son likes anything!!!
el come de todo!!!

el entiende de todo!!!
he eats everything!!!

he understands everything!!!
quieres tomar un helado?

do you want to have a nice cream?
preguntame si quiero tomarme un te?

quierea tomar un te.
ask me if I want to have a cup of tea!!

do you want to have a cup of tea?
preguntame si quieren entrar a nuestra empresa!!!

quieren entrar a nuestra empresa?

ask me if I they want to join our company?

do they want to join our company?
quieren casarme?

do they want to get married?
el quiere fumar?
does he want to smoke?
tengo que levarme los diente

acuerdate de lavarte los dientes
I have to brush my teeth

remember to brush your teeth.
remember to do = acuerdate de hacer

I have to do = tengo que hacer.
tengo que terminar mi informe!!!

acuerdate de terminar tu informe!!!

i have to finish my report.

remember to finish my report.
remember to do = acuerdate de hacer

I have to do = tengo que hacer.
tengo que ir de compras!!!!

acuerdate de ir de compras!!!

I have to go shopping!!!

remember to go shopping!!!

remember to do = acuerdate de hacer

I have to do = tengo que hacer.
tengo que pagar el alquiler

acuerdate de pagar el alquiler!!!
I have to pay the rent.

remember to pay the rent!!!

remember to do = acuerdate de hacer

I have to do = tengo que hacer.
tengo que comprarme un nuevo cepillo de dientes

acuerdate de comprarte un nuevo cepillo de dientes
I have to buy a new toothbrush!!!

remember to buy a new toothbrush!!!
tienes que ordenar tu mesa de trabajo!!!

recuerdame que ordene mi mesa de trabajo!!!
you have to tidy your desk!!!

remind me to tidy my desk!!!
remind = recordarme algo.
tienes que hablar con tu jefe!!!

recuerdame hablar con mi jefe!!!
you have to speak to your boss!!!

remind me to speak to my boss!!!
tienes que echar una carta al buzon!!!

recuerdame que eche una carta al buzon!!!
you have to post a letter!!!

remind me to post that letter!!!
remind = recordarme algo.
me gustaria un vaso de agua!!!

I would like a glass of water.
I would like = me gustaria
Nos gustaria un descanso
we would like a rest
I would like = me gustaria
le gustaria otro!!!
he would like another one!!!
I would like = me gustaria
te gustaria algo de comer?

si me gustaria
would you like something to eat?

yes, I would, please.

I would like = me gustaria
te gustaria un poco mas?

no, gracias
would you like a bit more?

no, I wouldn't, thank you.
I would like = me gustaria
fui andando alli!!!

fui caminando alla!!!
I walked there
fuiste andando a casa?

si, fui andando a casa!!!
did you wolk home?

yes, I walked home!!!
to walk = caminar pasear
el fue andando al super mercado?

si fue andando al super mercado!!!
did he walk to the supermarket?

yes, he walked to the supermarket!!!
te gustaria un cafe.

si, me gustaria un cafe!!!
would you like a cup of coffee?

yes, I'd like a cup of coffee.
te gustatoa una ducha?

si, me gustaria una ducha!!!
would you like a shower?

yes, I would like a shower!!!
te gustaria una manta?

si me gustaria una manta!!!
would you like a blanket?

yes, I would like a blanket!!!
te gustaria ver el partido?

si, me gustaria ver el partido!!!
would you like to watch the match?

yes, I would loke to watch the match!!!
les gustaria visitar madrid?

si, me gustaria visitar madrid!!!

would they like to visit madrid?

yes, they would like to visit madrid!!!
me gustaria aprender ingles pero no me gustaria a prender noruego!!!
I would like to learn english but I wouldn't like to learn norwegia!!!
le gustaria (a el) trabajar en un banco pero no le gustaria trabajar en una tienda.
he would like to work in bank but he would'n like to work in a shop
preguntame si me gustaria darme una ducha!!!

te gustaria darte una ducha?
ask me if I would like to have a shower!!!

would you like to have a shower?
preguntams si a ella le gustaria ir a la boda!!!

a ella le gustaria ir a la boda?
ask me if she' d like to go to the wedding.
el vende fruta y yo la compro!!!
he sells fruit and I buy it!!!
to sell = vender
ella vende zapatos y ellos los compran
she sells shoes and they buy them.
to sell = vender
compras verduras todas las semanas?

si, compro verduras todas las semanas
do you buy vegetables every week?

yes, I buy vegetables every week!!!
preguntame si compro leche cada semanas!!!

compras leche cada semana?
ask me If I buy milk every week!!!!

buy milk every week?
todos los dias le hago una pregunta.

ayer le hice una prefunta.
every day I ask him a question!!!

yesterday I asked him a question!!!
todos los dias ella me hace una pregunta.

ayer me hizo una pregunta.

every day she asks me a question.

yesterday she asked me a question!!!
tu me haces una pregunta todos los dias?

si, te hago una pregunta todos los dias!!!
do you ask me a question every day?

yes, ask me a questiom every day!!!
me hiciste una pregunta ayer?

si, te hice una pregunta ayer!!!
did you ask me a question yesterday?

yes, I asked you a question yesterday.
a mi me gustan las verduras pero odio la fruta!!!

I like vegetables but I hate fruit!!!
I like = me gusta o aprecio

I hate = odiar
a el le gusta las ciudades pero odia los pueblecitos!!!
he likes cities but he hates villages!!!
I like = me gusta o aprecio

I hate = odiar
a ella le gusta la musica clasica pero odia la musica pop.

she likes classical music but she hates pop music.
I like = me gusta o aprecio

I hate = odiar
me encantaria ir a florencia!!!
I would love to go to florence!!!
I would like = me gustaria

I would love = me encantaria
te gustaria ir al cine conmigo?

me encantaia ir al cine contigo!!!
you would like to go to the cinema with me?

I would love to go to cinema with you!!!
I would like = me gustaria

I would love = me encantaria
te guataria ir a nueva york?

me encantaria ir a nueva york!!!
you would like to go to new york with me?

I would love to go to new york with you!!!
I would like = me gustaria

I would love = me encantaria