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Cómo estudiar sus tarjetas

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Auto de la Compañía.

a car belonging to your employer that you use while you work for them
company car n
ˈkʌmp(ə)ni kɑː(r)

When I started working for them, they let me choose a company car.
When I started working for them, they let me choose a company car.
Ocupar un puesto. (Llenar una posición).

if someone fills a job or position, they are given that job or position
fill (a position) v
fɪl (eɪ pəˈzɪʃ(ə)n)

We currently have four positions to fill within the department.
We currently have four positions to fill within the department.

to pay someone to work for you, especially for a short time
hire v

I hired someone to paint the house.
I hired someone to paint the house.

a temporary job that a student or recent graduate takes in order to get experience in the area they want to work in
internship n

I would be willing to do an internship if there was the prospect of getting a job at the end.
I would be willing to do an internship if there was the prospect of getting a job at the end.
Mal pago (pago bajo).

not receiving or offering much pay.
low-paid (job) adj
ləʊ peɪd (dʒɒb)

Jobs for students are often low-paid.
Jobs for students are often low-paid.
Pensión (jubilación).

money that someone regularly receives after they have stopped working because of their age, paid either by their company or by the government.
pension n

He retired and now lives off his pension.
He retired and now lives off his pension.
Ventajas de un trabajo. Un pago extra o beneficio que obtiene en su trabajo.

an extra payment or benefit that you get in your job.
perk n

Free theatre tickets are one of the perks of this job.
Free theatre tickets are one of the perks of this job.
Posición. Un trabajo en una compañía.

a job in a company
position n

We currently have four positions to fill within the department.
We currently have four positions to fill within the department.
Promoción. Subir de nivel.

a move to a higher level in a company, institution or sport
promotion n

Tony has just got a promotion at work.
Tony has just got a promotion at work.
Trabajo no pago.

unpaid work is work that you are not paid for
unpaid adj

Any extra holiday will have to be taken as unpaid leave.
Any extra holiday will have to be taken as unpaid leave.
Estar en carrera por algo. Tener chance de triunfar.

to have some chance of success
be in the running for sthg
biː ɪn ðə ˈrʌnɪŋ fɔː(r) ˈsʌmθɪŋ

Maria has really impressed her managers and is in the running for a promotion.
Maria has really impressed her managers and is in the running for a promotion.
cortado para ser algo. Tener las cualidades o el carácter adecuados para hacer algo.

to have the right qualities or character for doing something
cut out to be sthg
kʌt aʊt tə biː ˈsʌmθɪŋ

I just don't think Marcel is cut out to be a doctor.
I just don't think Marcel is cut out to be a doctor.
Ponerse al día. Acostumbrarse a un nuevo trabajo o forma de trabajar, u obtener la información más reciente sobre una situación.

become accustomed to a new job or way of working, or get the latest information on a situation.
get up to speed
ɡet ʌp tə spiːd

It will take me a few days to get up to speed with all the company policies.
It will take me a few days to get up to speed with all the company policies.
Entrar en algo. Para comenzar a trabajar en un tipo particular de trabajo o negocio.

to start working in a particular type of job or business
go into sthg
ɡəʊ ˈɪntuː ˈsʌmθɪŋ

She's decided to go into finance.
She's decided to go into finance.
Vacaciones pagas.

used for describing a periodof time when you are given pay by the place where you work although you are not at work
(30 days’) paid holiday
(ˈθɜː(r)ti deɪz) peɪd ˈhɒlɪdeɪ

They get 30 days' paid holiday a year.
They get 30 days' paid holiday a year.
Con demasiado trabajo para hacer frente.

with too much work to deal with
snowed under
snəʊd ˈʌndə(r)

Charlie is snowed under with assignments for his Masters.
Charlie is snowed under with assignments for his Masters.
Asumir algo. Aceptar algún trabajo o responsabilidad.

to accept some work or responsibility
take on sthg
teɪk ɒn ˈsʌmθɪŋ

I can't take on anymore work at the moment.
I can't take on anymore work at the moment.

the part at the bottom of your leg where your foot joins your leg
ankle n

I fell and twisted my ankle.
I fell and twisted my ankle.

when your skin has a swollen area on your skin that is full of a clear liquid; caused by being burned or rubbed
blistered adj

My hands were sore and blistered.
My hands were sore and blistered.
Un canal en tu cuerpo bloqueado que impide pasar aire o sangre.

when a channel in your body has a blockage that stops blood or oxygen from passing through in the normal way
blocked adj

I have a blocked nose and a sore throat.
I have a blocked nose and a sore throat.
Roto (hueso).

a broken bone has a crack in it
broken adj

His leg is broken in two places.
His leg is broken in two places.

when your skin had marks on it from being hit or knocked by someone or something
bruised adj

Her leg is badly bruised from the fall.
Her leg is badly bruised from the fall.
Agarrar un resfriado.

to get a disease or illness
catch (the flu) v
kætʃ (ðə fluː)

He caught the flu and had to stay in bed.
He caught the flu and had to stay in bed.

when something has forceda bone out of its normal position in its socket
dislocated adj

The doctor said his shoulderwas dislocated.
The doctor said his shoulder was dislocated.
Fracturado (hueso).

broken, or cracked
fractured adj

She suffered two fractured ribs in the accident.
She suffered two fractured ribs in the accident.

a piece of flesh that connects one bone to another and is used for movig a particular part of your body
muscle n

These exercises are good for your stomach muscles.
These exercises are good for your stomach muscles.
Lesionar un músculo por estirarlo demasiado.

to injure a muscle by stretching it too much
pulled adj

He limped off the pitch with a pulled muscle in his leg.
He limped off the pitch with a pulled muscle in his leg.

one of the lond curved bones that are in you chest
rib n

My ribs had every time I breathe in.
My ribs had every time I breathe in.
Muy cansado.

so tired that you do not feel well
run-down adj
rʌn daʊn

She had been feeling run-down all week.
She had been feeling run-down all week.

one of the two parts of your body between your neck and the top of your arms
shoulder n

She injured her shoulder in the accident.
She injured her shoulder in the accident.

usually as a result of an injury, infection, or too much exercise
sore adj

I have a really sore throat.
I have a really sore throat.

when you have injured a joint such as your wrist by sudden stretching or turning it too much
sprained adj

The patient has a severely sprained left ankle.
The patient has a severely sprained left ankle.

an area of your body that is swollen has increased insize as a result of an injury or an illness
swollen adj

My hands are really swollen, I must be allergic to something.
My hands are really swollen, I must be allergic to something.

the area at the back of your mouth and inside your neck
throat n

She's in bed with a throat infection.
She's in bed with a throat infection.

when you have damaged something such as a muscle by stretching it until it pulls apart
torn adj

He has a torn muscle from playing football.
He has a torn muscle from playing football.
Torcedura (torcido).

when you have injured a part of your body such as your knee or wrist by bending it too much or by bending it in the wrong direction
twisted adj

I have a twisted ankle so I won't be able to play on Saturday.
I have a twisted ankle so I won't be able to play on Saturday.
Extremadamente cansado (desgastado).

extremely tired
worn out adj
wɔː(r)n aʊt

I hadn't slept well so I feltreally worn out.
I hadn't slept well so I feltreally worn out.
Empezar a sentirse mejor luego de una enfermedad.

to be getting better after an illness
on the mend
ɒn ðə mend

She's been ill, but luckily she's on the mend now.
She's been ill, but luckily she's on the mend now.
No se siente bien.

if a person is under the weather, they do not feel well
under theweather
ˈʌndə(r) ðəˈweðə(r)

I've been feeling a bit under the weather this week.
I've been feeling a bit under the weather this week.