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Recordar algo malo o experiencia desagradable por mucho tiempo.

to remember something bad or
an unpleasant experience for a
long time
haunted by
sthg/sbdy v
ˈhɔːntɪd baɪ

I'm still haunted by the
memory of the last time we
went on holiday together.
I'm still haunted by the memory of the last time we went on holiday together.
Memorable. Digno de recordar.

worth remembering or easy
to remember, because of
being special in some way

It wasn’t Adele’s most
memorable performance, but
she's still a world-class singer.
It wasn’t Adele’s most memorable performance, but she's still a world-class singer.
Recordar viejas historias.

to talk, think, or write about
enjoyable experiences in your
reminisce v
Sheila often reminisces about
her old schooldays with friends.
Sheila often reminisces about her old schooldays with friends.
Compartir recuerdos. Tener el mismo sentimiento o recuerdo con alguien.

to have the same feeling,
opinion or memory as
someone else
(memories) v

Pat and his brother share so
many happy memories.
Pat and his brother share so many happy memories.
Traer de vuelta ideas.

to cause ideas, feelings, or
memories to be in your mind
bring back brɪŋ bæk
Seeing him again brought it all
Seeing him again brought it all back.
Pasado oscuro y lejano. (Pasó hace mucho tiempo).

used for saying that something
happened a long time ago
dim and distant
dɪm ənd ˈdɪstənt

His rebellious days are all in the
dim and distant past.
His rebellious days are all in the dim and distant past.
Impresión distintiva. Opinión o sentimiento claro.

clear opinion or feeling

She had the distinct impression
that she’d been in this room
She had the distinct impression that she’d been in this room before.
Vago recuerdo.

an unclear memory of

I have a faint recollection of
the story.
I have a faint recollection of the story.
Para enfatizar que no tenés ni idea de un tema en particular.

used for emphasizing that
you do not know anything at
all about something
foggiest idea ˈfɒɡiist aɪˈdɪə

He didn't seem to have the
foggiest idea who Jack was.
He didn't seem to have the foggiest idea who Jack was.
Una memoria extremadamente mala (Memoria como un tamiz).

an extremely bad memory
have a memory like a sieve
ˌhæv ə ˈmem(ə)ri laɪk ə sɪv

David has a memory like a
David has a memory like a sieve.
Refrescar la memoria de alguien. Hacer que alguien recuerde algo.

to make someone remember
jog sbdy’s memory
dʒɒɡ ˈsʌmbədiz ˈmem(ə)ri

Seeing her again jogged my
memory, and all the good times
we'd had came flooding back.
Seeing her again jogged my memory, and all the good times we'd had came flooding back.
Despertar un recuerdo. Hacer que alguien recuerde algo.

to make someone remember
spark a memory spɑː(r)k ə

Certain smells can suddenly
spark a memory and transport
you back to different times in
your life.
Certain smells can suddenly spark a memory and transport you back to different times in your life.
Recuerdo que se queda en la mente. No se olvida facilmente.

if something sticks in your
mind, you do not forget it
stick in sbdy’s
stɪk ɪn ˈsʌmbədiz

One thing he told me always
sticks in my mind.
One thing he told me always sticks in my mind.
Habitación aireada (Con mucho espacio y aire fresco).

with a lot of fresh air and space
airy adj

The bedrooms were all light and airy.
The bedrooms were all light and airy.
Habitación luminosa.

full of light
brightly (lit) adv
ˈbraɪtli (lɪt)

The restaurant was very brightly lit by huge lamps.
The restaurant was very brightly lit by huge lamps.
Fácil de usar, encontrar, tratar, etc. (Conveniente).

in a way that is easy to use, find, deal with etc.
conveniently (located) adv
kənˈviːniəntli (ləʊˈkeɪtɪd)

His apartment is conveniently located next to the station.
His apartment is conveniently located next to the station.
Acogedor. Cálido y confortable, te hace sentir relajado.

warm and comfortable, and making you feel relaxed
cosy adj

The fireplace makes the room warm and cosy.
The fireplace makes the room warm and cosy.
Oscuro, sin luz.

lacking light
dark adj

When Maggie woke up, it was still dark.
When Maggie woke up, it was still dark.
Tenuemente iluminado.

in a way that does not provide much light
dimly (lit) adv
ˈdɪmli (lɪt)

The back streets were dimly lit.
The back streets were dimly lit.

a dingy place or object is rather dark in an unpleasant way and often looks dirty
dingy adj

The house looks dingy at the moment but we can paint it.
The house looks dingy at the moment but we can paint it.

elegant places and things are attractive because they are beautiful in a simple way
elegant adj

My mother likes to stay in elegant hotels.
My mother likes to stay in elegant hotels.
Llamativo. De colores brillantes y feo, o de mala calidad.

brightly coloured and ugly, or of bad quality
gaudy adj

With all the gold picture frames and chandeliers it looks a little gaudy.
With all the gold picture frames and chandeliers it looks a little gaudy.
Lujosamente (decorado).

in an obviously expensive way
lavishly (decorated) adv
ˈlævɪʃli (ˈdekəreɪtɪd)

The palace is lavishly decorated with expensive rugs and paintings.
The palace is lavishly decorated with expensive rugs and paintings.
Muy brillante por la luz del sol.

very bright because of light from the sun
light adj

The big windows make the room nice and light.
The big windows make the room nice and light.
Desordenado o Sucio.

very untidy or dirty
messy adj

His room is never messy.
His room is never messy.
Minimalista (amueblado).

in the smallest way possible
minimally (furnished) adv
ˈmɪnɪm(ə)li (ˈfɜː(r)nɪʃt)

His house is very modern and minimally furnished.
His house is very modern and minimally furnished.
Modestamente (decorado).

to a small or simple degree
modestly (decorated) adv
ˈmɒdɪstli (ˈdekəreɪtɪd)

They don't have a lot of money so the flat is modestly decorated.
They don't have a lot of money so the flat is modestly decorated.

no longer modern or fashionable
old-fashioned adj
ˌəʊld ˈfæʃ(ə)nd

The houses on this street are rather old-fashioned.
The houses on this street are rather old-fashioned.

in a pleasant way
pleasingly adv

The sauce was pleasingly thick and savoury.
The sauce was pleasingly thick and savoury.

deliberately intended to be like clothes, music etc. from the recent past
retro adj

She loves the 1960s so her house is very retro.
She loves the 1960s so her house is very retro.
Desgastado. (Viejo y en malas condiciones).

old and in bad condition
shabby adj

The inside of the house was really shabby.
The inside of the house was really shabby.
Simple (amueblado).

in a simple way
simply (furnished) adv
ˈsɪmpli (ˈfɜː(r)nɪʃt)

The living room is simply furnished with a sofa and a TV.
The living room is simply furnished with a sofa and a TV.
Elegante. Limpio y ordenado en apariencia.

clean and neat in appearance
smart adj

Since the renovation the house is looking very smart.
Since the renovation the house is looking very smart.
Suavemente iluminado.

gently, not harshly or strongly
softly (lit) adv
sɒftli (lɪt)

She sat in the softly lit waiting room.
She sat in the softly lit waiting room.
Sólidamente construido.

strong enough not to break or become damaged easily
solidly (built) adv
ˈsɒlɪdli (bɪlt)

The wooden cabin was solidly built.
The wooden cabin was solidly built.

a spacious room, building etc. has a lot of space inside it
spacious adj

How does he afford such a spacious apartment in London?
How does he afford such a spacious apartment in London?
Mal gusto.

tasteless things such as clothes, furniture, or decorations look unpleasant or ugly
tasteless adj

The décor was really tasteless.
The décor was really tasteless.
Buen gusto.

showing good judgment about what is attractive or suitable.
tasteful adj

Each room in the house was very tasteful.
Each room in the house was very tasteful.
Lleno de luz y decorado de forma agradable.

full of light and decorated in a pleasing manner
bright and cheerful
braɪt ənd ˈtʃɪə(r)f(ə)l

The south-facing kitchen was very bright and cheerful.
The south-facing kitchen was very bright and cheerful.
Estrecha y desordenado. Poner muchas cosas en un lugar pequeño.

to put too many things in a small place so that it looks untidy and there isn't much space
cramped and cluttered
kræmpt ənd ˈklʌtə(r)d

The old bookshop was very cramped and cluttered.
The old bookshop was very cramped and cluttered.
Limpio y ordenado.

clean and not messy
neat and tidy
niːt ənd ˈtaɪdi

I like to keep my room neat and tidy.
I like to keep my room neat and tidy.
Escasamente decorado.

with very little furniture
sparsely decorated
spɑː(r)sli ˈdekəreɪtɪd

They only have a table, a bed and two chairs so the flat is very sparsely decorated.
They only have a table, a bed and two chairs so the flat is very sparsely decorated.
Cálido y acogedor.

fairly hot and comfortable, and making you feel relaxed
warm and cosy
wɔː(r)m ən ˈkəʊzi

It was a warm and cosy little cottage.
It was a warm and cosy little cottage.