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Difference between open and closed systems.
A phyisical system that interacts with other systems. I exchanges energy and matter with other systems.
Closed: A system that only exchanges energy with other systems, like the Earth.
Name an example for an open system.
A Car Engine
What are Emergent Properties
An emergent property is a property which a collection or complex system has, but which the individual members do not have. A failure to realize that a property is emergent, or supervenient, leads to the fallacy of division.
What is a System
"A set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or interconnecting network"
What are Characteristics of a system (7)
-some structure or organization
- abstraction or idealization of the real word
- function together in some way
- functional and structural relationships between the units
- flow and transfer of material between the units
- requiere a source of energy or driving force
- Have some degree of integration
Describe the approximate size of the DOC pool, its composition and reactivity
Size: DOC is the second largest carbon pool. 2% of the carbon inventory. Rapid Cycle DOC 15 to 25 Pg/y, consumed as fast as is produced. Composition: Bioavailable f.: sugars and aacids. /Refractory DOC (Not-bioavailable and what actualy acumulates, 660 Pg!!!)
Describe the principal production mechanisms of the oceanic DOC pool.
Production made by the phytoplankton in the ocean, and then by the respiration of producents produces DOM. The R-DOC results of the succesive transformation of DOM through microbial carbon pumps. Dis R-DOC enter in the Slow Cycle, (Physical-Chemical processes). Reactive and bioavailable fraction evenly distributed in the surface ocean. RDOC evenly distributed in depth
What is DOC
The biological pump is a process whereby CO2 in the upper ocean is fixed by primary producers and transported to the deep ocean as sinking biogenic particles or as dissolved organic matter. The fate of most of this exported material is remineralization to CO2, which accumulates in deep waters until it is eventually ventilated again at the sea surface. However, a proportion of the fixed carbon is not mineralized but is instead stored for millennia as recalcitrant dissolved organic matter. The processes and mechanisms involved in the generation of this large carbon reservoir are poorly understood. Here, we propose the microbial carbon pump as a conceptual framework to address this important, multifaceted biogeochemical problem
how anthropogenic CO2 affects the oceans.
Increased Co2 concentration , lower the pH, and therefore the Co3- equilibrium, desoversaturating Co3 concentrations and therefore disturbing the Co3 mineralization to CaCo3 of lots of shell building organisms like Cocolitophorits
what is DIC
CO2, carbonic acid (H2CO3), bicarbonate ions (HCO3
), carbonate ions (CO3
2-)In equilibrium in seawater governed by pH, salinity, temperature:
What are tracers and how and why do we use them?
Tracers are used in well to well tests to gather data about the movement and saturation of fluids and hydrocarbons in the subsurface. Chemical tracers can be used to gather data about water or gas.
Mention the major aquifer types and if they are vulnerable for nanoparticle bound transport
Fractured Rock/Karstic/Pore aquifers
Most vulnerable: Karstic, faster transport, less surface to adsorb. not enough recidence time to degrade/adsorve disperse or diffuse.
natural and engineered nano particles. Name two examples each.
Natural: Polymers / every natural particle from 1 to 100nm
Engineered: Slow releasing pesticides/fertilizers
TIO2 in sunscreen covered with ALox layer.
What characteristics has a good tracer?
Highly specific
Low detection limits
high mobility
Persistent (not easily degradable)
Acesulfame K / Gadolinium
Why is bioaugmentation not good?
Bacteria do not adapt that fast: beter to do it slowly, adapting bacteria step by step.
ideal to create middle disturbances to maintain diversity high, and keep monitoring.
WWTP Process
Influent-- Activated sludge A (C removal) recirculation
Activated sludge B (N removal) recirculation
N-Removal process
Sewage contains NH4/NH3
1) Nitrification (NH4-NO2-NO3) oxic
2) denitrification (no3 to nxo to N2) anoxic
Enhanced biological phosphorus removal through aerobic and anaerobic phosphate accumulating organisms
Important bacteria for nitrification in wwtp sludge
Nitrospira spp.
What is Commamox?
Nitrospira inopinata
Complete ammonia oxidiser: organism that can convert ammonia into nitrite and then into nitrate
Global FLows of Carbon
Plant Soil (2000)-E:+100 U100
Ocean Deep 40000 surface 800 E100 U+100
OIl reservoirs 1000 E 6.5
CO2 concentration in the athmosphere
410.47 ppm
What makes Carbon so special?
4 valence eletrons
strong covalent non-polar bonds
form long molecules
low energy required to form/break bonds
What is the fast carbon cycle?
it is BIOTIC
reduction of COt to Corg by primary production
oxidation to CO2 by respiration
What is the slow carbon cycle?
Release the CO2 by volcanic acivity and removal of C by sedimentation and subduction of org. C and carbonates
Biggest sources of Methane? (Natural and Anthropogenic)
Natural: Wetlands, termites, ocean
Anthropogenic: Enteric fermentation, rice paddles, biomass burning
Global GHG emissions
CO2 (57%) oil + 17% decay and land use change
Methane 14 %
NOx (8)
What are the mechanisms of terrestrial carbon Sink?
Co2 fertilization--faster primary production
N fertilization
Fire suppression increased weathering
What is silicate weathering?
The carbonate–silicate geochemical cycle describes the long-term transformation of silicate rocks to carbonate rocks by weathering and sedimentation, and the transformation of carbonate rocks back into silicate rocks by metamorphism and volcanism.
Describe the biologically mediated reactions in the global sulfur cycle and name representative microorganisms.
H2S ----- S°-------SO4 (Sulfur oxidation) Thiobacillus
SO4----- SH (assimilation) Many organisms
SH----- H2S (Desulfurylation) Many organisms
SO4-2 ------- H2S (Sulfate reduction) Desulfovibrio
H2s-----S°------SO4 (Sulfur oxidation) Chemolitotrophs Purple and green phototrophic bacteria
S° to SO3 and H2S (disproportionation) Desulfovibrio
S° to H2S (S reduction) Desulfovibrio
Hydrogen Sulfide is...
Volatile sulfure gas
toxic at higher concentration
What is the most abundant organic sulfur compound?
Dimethyl sulfide (DMS)
Produced in marine environments
First sulfur disproportionation
3.5 billion years ago
(oldest specific microbial microorganism)
(Where do they live?)
There are thermophillic mesophillic and psychrophillic
ph2 to ph10
Some symbionts
Cover 7% of Eahrths area
emit 30-40% of the total methane
Sulfate Reducers suppres methane emissions from wetlands. How?
Sulfate reducing microbes use the same precursors as electron donors: Acetate, H2, SCFA and Lactate. And they compete with methanogens for the same resources. If there is more sulfate to act as electron acceptor, the sulfate reducing microbes will have a competitive advantage over the methanogenes, as they gain more energy from the reduction of sulfate.
Describe in detail, why a higher Fe content in asbestos make it more carcinogenic?
Asbestos fibers are large enough to not be cleared and small enough to be aspired.
Fe present in asbestos fibers facilitates iron-catalyzed genaration of hyper reactive oxygen radicals.
They can damage the DNA.

The Fenton reaction is a catalytic process that converts hydrogen peroxide, a product of mitochondrial oxidative respiration, into a highly toxic hydroxyl free radical.
What is asbestos?
A group of six silicate minerals with a fibrous crystal structrure. (achrysotile, amosite)
How is the Ni and Cr released out of serpentinites?
Through weathering reactions (Ni)
and Cr by oxidation of Cr(III) to Cr(Iv)
Lethal risks associated to asbestos:
cancer (lung)
Remediation possibilities?
Making it less toxic by dissolving the Fe in asbestos with natural chelates.
Techniques for a sustainable agriculture?
Crop rotation
Inter cropping
Urban farms
Nitrogen Use efficiency
Soil health
Nitrogen managment techniques (Nitrogen uptake efficiency)
Soil based
-Rhizosphere management
-Water management
-Use of controlled-release fertilizers and ammonification inhibitors
-green manure
-water management

Plant based
-Crop management
-crop rotation and intercropping
-crop residue management
-improving biological nfixation
Which of plant microbe interactions are there?
Antibiose -+
Parabiosis =+
Symbiosis ++
What about AM Fungy?
ARbuscular mycorrhiza- sumbionts and endophites
are in 80% of land plants and improve their survival, and uptake rate. Spread horzontaly (spores) and through the seeds
How do the roots shape the microbioma?
They alter the soil structure, the drainage, and segregate substance (exudates) that cause chemical changes.
- Organic acids
Amino acids
SUgars and vitamis
Protein and enzymes
Definitions and differences between SAR/ISR
1Systemic adquired resistance
2Induced systemic resistance
1Related to former attacks and hyper sensitive responses (triggered by saliclic acid)- include fortification of cell wal, and discarding the affected area

Plant to plant communication induced via Jasmonates. effective comunication via rhizosphere
Rhizobium induced flavonoid production that triggers symbiont interaction and strees alleviation
symbiotic induced staygreen
Abiotic effect of microbial interaction that cause the plants a higher resitance againtst drought, and a faster drought recovery
How Hg is used in anthropogenic processes.
Can this Hg be replaced?
Amalgam fillings ---- yes, resin fillings
fluorecense lamps --- yes, led lamps
CHloralkaly using a membrane cell instead of a Mercury cell
Which information about biogeochemical Hg cycling can be gained by analyzing the distribution of the seven stable Hg isotopes?
What is the history of the mercury in the sample? (Identification of the source, age)
Know which species and transformations have taken place!!!
Know about the sources ,conditions and processes that have shaped the present Hg, and also distinguish beween anthropogenic and natural background
Biogeochemical Hg transformation in nature
Hg(0) >>>oxidation>>> Hg(II) Photo
Hg(II) >>>reduction>>>Hg(0) Photo/microbial
Hg(II) >>> methylation >>>>> MethylHG microbes
Methyl-hg>>>>>dmethilated>>>>Hg(II) photo/microbes
Methyl-hg >>> Hg(0) Photo/microb
Trees that are good with degrading mercury
Alder trees and their microbial communitis in wetlads
How do we differentiate engineered Nanoparticles from natural ones?
Engineered are clean
Characteristics of ENP
Large specific surface area
High surface reactivity
(surface energy is larger--- ostwald ripening)
More soluble
Relevant ENPs
Cerium Oxide
Silycon Dioxide
Zinc Oxide
Metal Oxide, white pigment indoors
Nano form: semi conductor, photocatalyst UV filter
Wheatering resistant elements, present in soils
Metal oxida
rare earth element
used as polishing powder
fuel additive in London
UV-filter instead of TiO2
Silver (Plata coloidal)
Biocide in textiles, sponges, WTP
Most important reaction of Nanoparticles in Environment:
1) Agglomeration
-With themselves
-With other paticles
-Deposition on surfaces
Most important reaction of Nanoparticles in Environment:
2) ransformation
Dissolution (coating, in water, or after oxidation)
Transformation into somthing else
Most important reaction of Nanoparticles in Environment:
3) Uptake
Plant uptake in roots to leaves
Expected behavior of ENM in WWTP
_Attachment to sludge and removal with the sludge
-high removal efficiency
- Dissolution or transformatin during treatment
but in general, removal efficiencies are high!
Expected behavior of ENM in Waters
Surface waters (turbidity and sediments) so--- aggregation and settling expected
ENM analysis
Biggest Nitrogen Pools
Air (Of course!) 39000000000 millones de toneladas
Océano (660 000)
Where is the error in the "traditional" nitrogen cycle?
That plants absorb nitrogen from the soil in the form of nitrate and ammonium! THey take mostly aminoacid.
Traditional methods for estimating soil N
-Ion-exchange resin bags
Microdialysis in soil
Imitate root
have a large osmotic pressure (dexran) so they drag in water and nutrients