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Dress up the truth
To make something appear more interesting or attractive than it actually is:

The agent dressed up the truth about the old house
Foot the bill
Pagar la cuenta

I had to foot the bill for repairs myself.
Short and sweet
Corto y breve

He kept his answers to the police short and sweet
Be plain sailing
Pan comido

The roads were busy as we drove out of the town, but after that it was plain sailing
Be on a roll (inf)
Tener buena suerte

Rafa Nadal won five sets, he was on a roll
In a nutshell
En resumen

In a nutshell, the things were better than now.
Make up my mind

Are you coming with me or not? Make up your mind!
Do the trick (inf)
Ser suficiente

I need something to put these papers in. This folder should be the trick
Come to a halt
Parar bruscamente

It's time that this frivolous nonsense comes to a halt!
Put my fingers on (inf)
Dar en el clavo

There is something odd about him, I can't quite put my fingers on it.
An awful lot of (inf)
Un montón de

There are an awful lot of violets growing
On the big picture
Imagen general

Wee need to consider the big picture and not focus just on the details.
Right and wrong
Lo bueno y lo malo

I don't care about the rights and wrongs of the matter
Off the beaten track

The farmhouses we stayed in was completely off the beaten track
Out of the blue

One day, out of the blue, she announced that she was leaving
Black market
Mercado *****

During the war, we bought food on the black market
Red tape (inf)

Prepare yourself for a lot of red tape when buying a house in Italy
White lie

His baby was ugly, but I told him a white lie
See everything in black and white
Ver todo en blanco y ***** (tener una visión simple)

You have a simple view of what is wrong or right, you see everything in black and white
White elephant

The stadium is likely to become a white elephant after the championships are over.
Grey area

18th-century British history is a bit of grey area for me
Red herring
Pista falsa

Agatha Christie used red herrings to keep readers guessing.
Go on and on about (inf)
No parar de haber de
She went on and on about the celebrities she'd met
Absolutely fanatical (inf)
Absolutamente fanático
Ranya is absolutely fanatical of his favourite baseball team
Dependent on
Addicted to, rely on
The patient became dependent on morphine
Hooked on (inf)
Enganchado a
I am hooked on Turkish series
Have a thing of (inf)
I have a thing of chocolate
Keen on
Aficionado a
She's very keen on eating Chinese food!
Fond of
Tener cariño
I fond of my dogs
Deep down
En el fondo
She looks like happy but deep down she's very lonely
Gut feeling (inf)
Instinto, presentimiento
I have a gut feeling that something is wrong between you and Marie
Follow sth to the letter
Seguir al pie de la letra
The illiterate slave followed the master's instruction to the letter
Pain in the neck (inf)
Filling out the insurance claims was a pain in the neck
Has a quick temper
Mal genio
Patrick has a quick temper but he always apologizes when he calm down
Cold fish (inf)
She's such a cold fish that she wouldn't even talk to me
Mary is a really down-to-earth person
Soft touch (inf)
he's a soft touch, he's bound to say yes
The won't get anything until they cease this tug of war
Well-spring of
Fuente de inspiración
He's a well-spring of knowledge
A posteriori
Hindsight is always a lot clearer than your problems right now
Picasso was a avant-garde artist of his time
Bear in mind that
Tener en cuenta
Bear in mind that we already have and enormous sum invested in the project
At cross-purposes
En contraposición
I was bound to act at cross-purposes
On the tip of my tongue
En la punta de la lengua
I had a word on the tip of my tongue
Get the wrong end of the stick
Es un malentendido
I'm not having a affair with your wife. You get the wrong end of the stick
Get my head around (inf)
I'm trying to get my head around the subjunctive
Build up
Johnson gradually builded up his business empire
Look down on
It's wrong to look down on people less fortunate than yourself.
Keep up with
Seguir el ritmo
The old man struggled to keep up with his young granddaughter.
Get on (sb) nerves (inf)
Poner de los nervios
Her husband's grumbling was starting to get on Olga's nerves.
Get anywhere
Tener éxito
Get a life
Hacer algo útil por la vida

When I told them that I was translating the Bible into Latin, they said "Get a life!"
Get on a bit
Hacerse viejo
Get on like a house on fire
Llevarse muy bien
Get my act together
Comportarse como es debido
Look on the bright side
Ver el lado positivo
Have a hankering for
Turn your back on
Dar la espalda
Have a ball (inf)
Pasarlo bomba
It's like water off a duck's back
Con efecto nulo
Be like a fish out of water
Como pez fuera del agua (fuera de lugar)
Don't count your chickens before they hatch
No cantes victoria
Dark horse
Persona reservada
The lion's share
El mejor pedazo
I smell a rat
Kill two birds with one stone
Matar dos pájaros de un tiro
Her bark is worse than her bite
Perro ladrador poco mordedor
Money doesn't grow on trees
El dinero no cae del cielo
It costs an arm and a leg
Cuesta un ojo de la cara
They can't make ends meet at the moment
No llegan a fin de mes
We're in the red
En números rojos
It's daylight robbery
Tighten our belt
Apretarse el cinturón
Live beyond their means
Vivir por encima de tus posibilidades
Hang on
Poner atención en algo