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I&D(incision and drianage)
is perform to relieve the buildup to purulent material as a result of injection the purulent may determinated what microorganisms is causing the infection and thus what antibiotic would be effective. a stray set up for I&D would include:scalped handle and blade, curved iris scissors, tissue forceps, kelly hemostat,retractor, thumb dressing, gauze 4X4s squared
is an instrument used to look into a hallow organ or body cavity is used to examinated the larynx, bladder, colon, sigmoid colon, stomach, abdomen and some joints. some attachment used endoscope such as ligjt source, suction, monitor and video recorded may be the patient will need for preparation before examination fasting, taking, laxative, an enema.
Endometrial biopsy
consist of using a currete or suction tool to remove uterine tissue for testing perform for variety reason: detect imflamatory condition, asses abnormal uterine bleeding. its perform with the patient in the lithotomy position. Provides a perineal pad for the patient with instruction for home care.