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Used to
Algo que solía pasar. Por ej "He used to go to the beach every summer."
To be + used to
Estar acostumbrado a algo. Cuando está seguido por un verbo, este debe tener el -ing. Por ej. "She's used to living alone." Se puede usar "get used to" para el proceso de familiarización. Por ej. "I need to get used to this cold"
uso del must / can't + have past participle?
Lo usamos para hacer suposiciones acerca del pasado de las que estamos casi seguros. " Higuaín couldn't/can't have scored a goal"
uso del should/ ought to + have past participle?
Para criticar a las personas por cosas que hicieron o no. Eg " You should have studied harder for this test"
uso del may/might/could + have past participle?
Para hablar de cosas que posiblemente pasaron o no en el pasado. Eg " She might not have known about the meeting"
O podemos usar might/could para hablar de algo que pudo haber pasado, pero sabemos que no pasó. Eg "You could have been killed!"
conditionals : cuál se usa para imaginarnos el pasado como si hubiera sido diferente?
third conditional : If + past perfect + would have + past participle.
Para hablar de un pasado hipotético (no real).
eg: If I had known about the party, I would have gone ( I didn't know about it. I didn't go)
third conditional: por qué se puede reemplazar el would?
might o could
If I had known about the party,I might have gone. ( I'm not sure)
If we had enough money last night, we could have gone to the cinema. ( It would have been possible)
Lester wad caught and arrested because he hacked into a company's computer

Use the third conditional
If Lester hadn't hacked into a company's computer, he wouldn't have got caught and arrested
use of: will + have + past participle
Para mostrar que una acción va a pasar en algún punto entre ahora y u momento en el futuro
Eg: I'll have finished my homework by 8 o'clock
También se puede usar con may / might / should para hablar de cosas que probable o posiblemente pasen entre ahora y algún momento del futuro
use of: will + be + ing
Para hablar de una acción que pasará en un punto en el futuro
Eg: This time next week, I will be lying on a tropical beach
También se puede usar may / might para hablar de acciones que posiblemente pasen en un punto del futuro
use of: will + have been + ing
Para hablar de acciones que están en progreso hasta un punto en el futuro
Eg: I'll have been living here for ten years at the end of June
As soon as se reach the coast, we will __________ (sail) for a week.
Have been sailing
I bet the shop will be sello out/ will have sold out by the tome we get there
will have sold out
This time tomorrow I'll be lying / lie on a beach
Be lying
don't think you are/ think you aren't
Cuando queremos expresar una idea usando think / believe / suppose / imagine , normalmente hacemos dichos verbos negativos y no el que le sigue
Cuando usamos HOPE no hacemos esto
I ___________ (think/they/know/not) the truth
don't think they know
I ______ (suppose/not/you would be) willing to take me to the airport
don't suppose you'd be willing