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Cómo estudiar sus tarjetas

Teclas de Derecha/Izquierda: Navegar entre tarjetas.tecla derechatecla izquierda

Teclas Arriba/Abajo: Colvea la carta entre frente y dorso.tecla abajotecla arriba

Tecla H: Muestra pista (3er lado).tecla h

Tecla N: Lea el texto en voz.tecla n


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42 Cartas en este set

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Who can we call to?
We can call to my teacher, dentist, doctor, lawyer, the police, the firefighters. the academy
When can we call?
Next week, next month, semester, weekend, now, at ths moment, right now, last week, monday, year
Who are you going to call?
I am going to call my mother
Who are you going to call?
I am going to call my dentist
Who are they going to call tomorrow?
They are going to call the police tomorrow
when are you going to call your dentist?
I am going to call my dentist next week.
Who is she going to call?
She is going to call her sister
Who are you going to call your father with?
I am going to call my father with my sister.
Who are you calling now?
I am calling her lawyer
Where is she calling her lawyer from?
She is calling him from her house.
Are they calling their teacher?
Yes, they are calling their teacher.
Who is her mother calling?
She is calling the firefighters.
Is your friend calling his father?
No, he is not calling his father, he is calling his brother.
Who did you call last night?
I called my mother last night
What time did you call her last night?
I called her at 7:00 last night
Where did your sister and you call yesterday?
We called the cademy yesterday
Did they call their doctor yesterday?
Yes, they called their doctor yesterday
Do not use TO after the verb call
WRONG> I am going to call TO my mother. Right> I am going to call my mother.
Subject Pronoun - Object Pronoun
I - me
You - You
He- hiim
she- her
It - It
We- Us
They - Them
You - You
Who are you calling?
I am calling with my friend
I am going to call my mother tomorrow
Who are you going to call to?
She called her brother last week
When did she call her berother?
Which restaurant did you call for reservation?
I called to KFC for reservation.
Why is James calling the doctor?
He is Calling the doctor because he is sick
Who is she going to call next week?
She is going to call her friend last week.
Because I am sick, I am calling a doctor.
Why are you going to call a doctor?
She called her father to ask for money
Who did she call to ask for money to?
Carol is going to call customer service after work.
When is Carol going to call customer service?
Who can we call?
a person, a teacher, my sister, my boss, my brother
Where can we call?
From the street, from the office, from the bank
When can we call?
Today, next week, last night, tomorrow.
what time can we call?
A quater past eleven, nine o'clock, at half past three, a quater to twelve
Who are you going to call?
I am going to call my boss
Who is he going to call?
he is going to call his boss
Who is she going to call?
She is going to call her teacher
Where are you calling me from?
I am calling you from the street
where is she calling you from?
He is calling me from his office
Where is she calling you from?
She is calling me from her house.
When did you call me?
I called you last night
When did she call you?
She called me last night
When did she call you?
She call me last week (today, last night. yesterday)
are you going to call you boss?
No, I am not going to call him