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Dimensions of concentration
Economic: competition among markets participants for business transactions (market shares). Depends of regulatory framework and market structure. Market concentration and capital concentration
Media: is related to the concentration of editorial Units as well to the homogenization of the content. Diversity of opinion is affected.
Global media governance aspects
Theory: approach away from formal institution. More diverse and complex form of governance.
Practice: social actors, networks where these actors can be funded.
Policy agenda: a guideline for good practice
Public diplomacy mechanisms
Nation branding areas
Foreign direct investment
Media government characteristics
- Less hierarchical approach
- Strong elements of self regulation
- bottom up approach
- continuous process of evolution
Level of concentration
Publisher level: ownership concentration
Editorial level: degree of editorial independence. Affects diversity of opinion. Hard to measure.
Audience level: range of market share that one media "owns". It is the captive audience that a media has.
Media governance def. Mc quail
Governance refers to a recess in which a range of different actors cooperate for different purposes with actors drawn from the market and civil society institutions as well as from government.
Process, actors cooperate, market, civil society and government
Media concentration mc quail
More and more power of ownership being concentrated in fewer hands and with tendencies of mergers between electronics hardware and software industries.
Concentration fewer hands, mergers hardware and software
Characteristics of public diplomacy
- Addresses to masses.
- International orientation.
- Promotion of state interests.
Causes of concentration (mergers)
- availability of more content
- economies of scale and scope
- decrease of fixed costs
- bigger audiences for advertisement
- reduction of procurement
- securing access of recipient market
Instruments of public democracy
- foreign aid
- international broadcasting
- print and online publications
- academic exchange
- events
- international law
- international pr
Public diplomacy institutipns
- ministries
- government
- religious institutions
- military alliances
- broadcasters
- cultural institutions
- corporations
- business associations
Interdependency between economic and media competition
- diversity of providers leads to diversity of opinions
- editorial cooperation is method to keep companies alive, but reduces editorial diversity
- mergers reduces economic diversity
Recommendation for internet regulation
- strong framework at internet level
- monitoring of internet filtering
- documentation of legal and regulatory initiatives
- collaboration academia - civil society
-dissemination of good practices
- stimulate debate in key issues
Recommendation for internet regulation
- strong framework at internet level
- monitoring of internet filtering
- documentation of legal and regulatory initiatives
- collaboration academia - civil society
-dissemination of good practices
- stimulate debate in key issues
What is the relationship accountability- media governance- media ethics
Media accountability is media ethics in practical sense. And media ethics is the basis to build media governance.
Advantages and disadvantages of concentration
- money for expensive quality projects
- and for expensive campaigns
- ability to withstand short terms losses
- increase social status

- loss of diversity of content
- loss of independence
- less capacity for local and regional coverage
- high entry barriers
Internet content filtering
- users
- computers
- companies
- providers
- internet backbone
- technical blocking
- induced self regulation
- research results removals
- take down of websites
Internet content filtering
- users
- computers
- companies
- providers
- internet backbone
- technical blocking
- induced self regulation
- research results removals
- take down of websites
Why do regulatory models exist?
They help to explain differences on the degree to which governments can intervene although they have become less distinct, specially because of deregulation and technological convergence.
Media accountability levels
Individual: qualification and training of journalists
professional: improve quality of discourse on
Media ethics, code of ethics
In media company: self commitment. Voluntary confessions, transparent communication
Instruments of accountability
Press council
Media critics
Freiwillige selbstkontrolle
Board of complaint
Instruments of accountability
Press council
Media critics
Freiwillige selbstkontrolle
Board of complaint
Phases of unesco
1: free flow of communication. After WWII 1945, post colonial states or URSS weren't part of it. Assures free access to info.
Phase ended in '54 because of escalation of Cold War.
Gradual decolonization
Radicalization of globalization
2: new world information and communication order (NWICO)
Phase influenced by interest of ost colonial states.
A. 1978 promotion of human rights, fight against racism, apartheid, and warmongering. Free flow, balances and comprehensive distribution of info.
C. Formulating the NWICO
3: social orientation of globalization. New strategy: development aid in the media and communication as training. Media competence and media training promotion. 2005: creating fair access to info and knowledge for development. Promotion if freedom of opinion and of communication development

From 1990: unesco continues loosing relevance.
3 phases
Institutions of global governance
- ITU: International Telecommunication Union: world wide coordination of frequencies and standardization of products and services of the telecom sector
- world Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
- ICANN International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
- World Trade Organization (WTO)
Indicators of governance
Freedom in the world index
World bank index
Corruption perception index
International: cooperation between 2 or more nation states (WTO)
Transnational: relations between individuals, regardless of nation - state boundaries. Fluid relationships. They are becoming more important. They increase the demand for legitimacy. (Greenpeace, Amnesty International, Humans Rights Watch, ATTAC)
Supranational: above or beyond state or the control of one nation. (ONU, EU)
Media governance concepts
- monitoring system from a multistage holder perspective
- considers public interest
- enables participatory grins of decision making
- creates transparency
- imposes accountability and reporting obligations on dominant actors
- the public sphere gains a regulators forum to formulate and carry out conflicts of interest among the stakeholders
What is the relation between media governance and media ethics?
1. Media ethics can be seen as a dimension of governance. Media governance is applied media ethics. Med Gov. Has solved the issue of implementation of media ethics.
- as applied media ethics has answered questions such as which mechanisms are there to implement the norms?
- structures are necessary and are provided by governance ex: accountability systems.
2. Media ethics can give answers to questions of media policy issues under gov. perspective.
- governance structure need resilient norms.
- can a consensus about norms, standards and values be made?
Media ethics and media governance relay on each other.

The mechanisms and structures needed to secure socially responsible actions of media are themselves requires to be checked and shaped with regard to compliance to standards, norms and values.
Public diplomacy vs. nation branding
goal: promoting political interest - economic interest
Context: politicized, focus and priorities may change with the change of government - general agreement among actors and political parties. Identity driven - image driven. Driven by international relations and culture - driven by marketing and consumerism.
Target: citizens - consumers
Direction: foreign public - foreign and domestic audiences.
Actors: state and non state actors, government, embassies, ministry of culture, foreign affairs, NGO - national tourist boards, travel agencies, export agencies, trade boards, chamber of commerce.
Strategies: relationship building and maintaining, trust building, decentralized approach -image management, centralized approach.
Media: mass media are less significant - mass media is the mail channel.
Budget: sponsored by government - public and private partnership.
Difference between public affairs and public diplomacy
Purpose: informing - influencing
Audience: domestic population - the public leaders of foreign nations
Relationship with media: tells the truth to people, not strategic - has national interest, can alter messages and target groups, is strategic in itself
Governance measures to overcome media concentration
1. Public governance for media
a. State governance: expansion limitation. Control of mergers although is not often effective.
b. Ownership governance: increasing necessity of transparency rules and reporting. Observation of impacts of concentration for the editorial competition by analyzing, reporting and contacting other newsrooms.

2. Corporate social responsibility:
a. External corporate governance: increasing necessity for transparency and corporate social responsibility reports to be clear about conflicts of interest that a company could have and to assure the quality. Editorial offices are involved in doing corporate responsibility reports and report about competition through their point of view.
b. Internal corporate governance: internal separation of advertisement and editorial department, no discrimination by race, sex, age religion.
Compulsory editorial guides concerning the editorial independence.

3. Governance by media coverage:
a. Critic and control of public and corporate governance by media coverage: reports in all type of me edit about media concentration giving recommendations about how to fight against concentration with action from state and economy.
Report articles about mergers control, csr and the outcome of observations.
Types of concentration
Vertical: different stages of production and distribution
Horizontal: mergers within the same media market
Diagonal: cross-media ownership
International: concentration across national boarders
Views of regulation
Neoliberal: supports deregulation of markets and encourages local initiatives in social and cultural policy

Social democratic: supports engagement by civil society and public in a participatory democracy
Related concepts of public diplomacy
Propaganda: communication technique that intends to manipulate the opinions and attitudes. Defends political ideology. Is a one way communication.

Nation branding: elements that provide a differentiation. Unique Saling point. Identity uniqueness of a country.

Foreign cultural affairs: engaging with foreign audiences. Represent non-governmental voice in transnational relations.
Regulatory models
Print model: freedom from any governmental regulation and control

Broadcasting model: high level of content regulation

Common carrier model: regulation of infrastructure, low degree of content regulation
Types of concentration
Vertical: different stages of production and distribution
Horizontal: mergers within the same media market
Diagonal: cross-media ownership
International: concentration across national boarders
Views of regulation
Neoliberal: supports deregulation of markets and encourages local initiatives in social and cultural policy

Social democratic: supports engagement by civil society and public in a participatory democracy
Related concepts of public diplomacy
Propaganda: communication technique that intends to manipulate the opinions and attitudes. Defends political ideology. Is a one way communication.

Nation branding: elements that provide a differentiation. Unique Saling point. Identity uniqueness of a country.

Foreign cultural affairs: engaging with foreign audiences. Represent non-governmental voice in transnational relations.
Regulatory models
Print model: freedom from any governmental regulation and control

Broadcasting model: high level of content regulation

Common carrier model: regulation of infrastructure, low degree of content regulation