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Reach, achieve
Bring about a desired object or result.
Goal, aim
Desired result
Month Over Month
Shows the change in the value as a percentage of the previous month’s value.
Year Over Year
Shows the change in the value as a percentage of the previous year’s value.
The position of a trainee who works, sometimes without pay, to gain experience.
Sales pitch
Line of talk to persuade someone to initiate or make a sale.
Participation of the audience towards the brand.
Popularity of interesting themes, fashion.
Social media
Social media platform
Websites and applications that enable people to create and share content.
Account Management
Post-sales role that focus on nurturing client relationships.
Pause in indecision.
Standardized text or document, template.
Difficult time.
Getting things done through others.
Preliminary version of a piece of writing.
Going to see a website, online.
Advertisement, publicity.
To interact
Have an effect on each other.
Person who uses something.
User behaviour
How people use a website.
User journey
Path that user may take to reach their goal when using a particular time.
Click Through Rate
Ratio of the number of clicks to the number of times people were exposed to the link.
Call To Action
Prompt to get the audience to do something.
Search Engine Optimization
Increase the traffic to a website through organic search engine results.
Search Engine
Program that searches for.
Search Engine Results Page
Web pages served to users when they search for something online using a search engine.
Pay Per Click
Model in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked.
Hypertext document on the World Wide Web.
Collection of webpages.
Spammy website
Website created to increase the SEO value of the brand without any value to the user.
Introductory page of a website, typically serving as a table of contents for the site.
Word that describes the content of the webpage, it is a word which acts as the key to a cipher or code.
Same that keyword but being a phrase, with few words in it.

Word that describes the content of the webpage, it is a word which acts as the key to a cipher or code.
Long Tail Keyphrases
Keyphrases with more probability to be used when the consumer is closer to the purchase point.
Keyword stuffing
Technique considered web spam in which keywords are loaded into a web page's meta tags, in an attempt to improve the SEO.
Percentage of.
Bounce rate
Percentage of visitors who enter to the website and immediately they go out.
Organic traffic
Traffic from search engine results that is earned, not paid.
Paid traffic
Traffic from search engine results that is the result of paid advertising via Google Ads or another paid search platform.
Referral traffic
Traffic that occurs when a user finds you through a site other than a major search engine.
Direct traffic
When a visitor arrives directly on a website, without having clicked on a link on another site.
Links from outside domains that point to pages on your domain; essentially linking back from their domain to yours.
Link building
Process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own.
Content Marketing
Strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain the audience.
Conversion Rate Optimization
Systematic process of increasing the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action, such as became clients.
Return Of Inversion
Measure the amount of return on a particular investment, relative to the investment's cost.
Above the fold
Positioned in the upper half of a web page and so visible without scrolling down the page.
Below the fold
Positioned in the lower half of a web page and so not visible without scrolling down the page.
A small piece of brief extract.
Unique Selling Proposition
Is the essence of what makes your product or service better than competitors.
Truncated Metadata
A metadata description is the 160 character snippet that is useful to summarize the content of the web page. It’ truncated when there are errors created by the admin.
Brand Alignment
Practice of ensuring all marketing assets and customer interactions uphold the brand's promise by communicating one cohesive, ongoing story.
Searchers query
Keyword or keyphrase that users enter in search engines to find things of interest.
Small device or computer program that is designed to be used with and fits into a larger one.
Content Management System
Computer software or application that uses a database to manage all content, and it can be used when developing a website.
Ranking signal
Characteristics of a website that determine the position in the search engines.
Business to business
Business that is conducted between companies, rather than between a company and individual consumer.
Business to consumer
Process of selling products and services directly between a business and consumers who are the end-users of its products or services.
Company culture
Values, goals, attitudes and practices that characterize an organization.
To be in line with your values
To act being coherent with your company culture.
Internal communications
Effective communication between the company and its participants.
Online training
Form of instruction that takes place completely on the internet, also known as computer based training (CBT), distance learning or e-training.
Bulletin issued periodically to the members of a society or other organization.
Steering meeting
Meeting which include the high-level executives, authorities, or stakeholders of the organization.
Company wide-meeting
Meeting that is intended to include every member of an organization.
Company procedures
Establish the rules of conduct within an organization, outlining the responsibilities of both employees and employers.
Open door policy
Means, literally, that every manager's door is open to every employee, to promote openness and transparency with them.
Local or restricted communications network, especially a private network created using World Wide Web software.
Organization chart
Graphic representation of the structure of an organization showing the relationships of the positions or jobs within it.
Owner of shares in a company.
Board of directors
Elected group of individuals that represent shareholders.
Place from which a commander performs the functions of command.
List of goods sent or services provided, with a statement of the sum due for these.
Income, especially when of an organization and of a substantial nature.
The amount of work to be done by someone or something.
Thing or person likely to cause damage or danger.
Good chance for advancement or progress.
Main goals we want to achieve.
Target group
Objective audience of the brand.
Employing or possessing many communication or television channels.
Market penetration
Measure of how much a product or service is being used by customers compared to the total estimated market for that product or service.
Market share
Portion of a market controlled by a particular company or product.
Chief Executive Officer
Highest-ranking person in a company or other institution, ultimately responsible for taking managerial decisions.
Chief Learning Officer
Senior-level executive who ensures that a company's corporate learning program and strategy supports its overall business goals.
Chief Financial Officer:
Senior executive with responsibility for the financial affairs of a company or other institution.
Chief Marketing Officer
Corporate executive responsible for activities in an organization that have to do with creating, communicating and delivering offerings that have value for customers, clients or business partners.
Chief Operating Officer
Responsible for the development, design, operation, and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the firm's products.
Chief Technology Officer
Senior executive with responsibility for managing the technological requirements of a company or other institution.
Chief Communications Officer
Head of communications, public relations, and/or public affairs in an organization.
Brand awareness
Extent to which consumers are familiar with the qualities or image of a particular brand of goods or services.
Brand equity
Commercial value that derives from consumer perception of the brand name of a particular product or service, rather than from the product or service itself.
Brand image
General impression of a product held by real or potential consumers.
Brand loyalty
Tendency of some consumers to continue buying the same brand of goods rather than competing brands.
Brand salience
Degree to which your brand is thought of or noticed
Marketing strategy that utilizes multiple brand names on a good or service as part of a strategic alliance.
Brand extension
Instance of using an established brand name or trademark on new products, to increase sales.
Brand architecture
System that organizes brands, products and services to help an audience access and relate to a brand.
House of brands
Home to numerous brands, each independent of one another, and each with its own audience, marketing, look and feel.
Branded house
Exact opposite of a house of brands. It maintains the focus on a single, well-known and consistent brand.
Endorsed brands
Creation of sub-brands with their own identity for certain business units under a parent brand, which are grouped together adding prestige and credibility.
Brand kernel
Essential identity of the brand, its necessary features.