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Question form
•WITH BE: Question word + verb to be (is, are, was, were)+ pronoun/ noun+ complement+?
•WITH OTHER MAIN VERBS: Question word + auxiliar verb (do, did, does)+ pronoun/ noun+ main verb (live, have, make, etc)+ complement+ ?
•Questions: (Who, what, where, when why, which, whose, how, how much, etc)
Present simple
•Positive form: Pronoun/ noun+ verb+ complement
•Negative form: Pronoun/noun+ do/does+ not+ verb+ complement
•Interrogative form: Do/does+ pronoun/ noun+ verb+ complement
State verbs and feelings
This verb don't use when you do a sentence in present simple.
Present continuous
•Positive form: Pronoun/ noun +verb+ complement
•Negative form: Pronoun/ noun +verb to be (am, is, are)+ not+ verb+ ing+ complement
•Interrogative form: Verb to be (am, is, are)+ pronoun/ noun+ verb+ ing+ complement
Past simple
•Positive form: Pronoun/ noun+ verb in past+ complement
•Negative form: Pronoun/noun+ did+ not+ verb in present+ complement
•Interrogative form: Did+ pronoun/noun+ verb in present+ complement
Past continuous
•Positive form: Pronoun/ noun +verb+ complement
•Negative form: Pronoun/ noun +verb to be (am, is, are)+ not+ verb+ ing+ complement
•Interrogative form: Verb to be (was, were)+ pronunm/ noun+ verb in past+ ing+ complement
Present perfect
•Positive form: Pronoun/ noun+ have/ has+ never* + verb participle+ complement
•Negative form: Pronoun/ noun+ have/ has+ not+ verb participle+ complement
•Interrogative form: Have/ has+ pronoun/ noun+ ever+ verb participle+ complement
Perfect perfect with just, already and yet
a) JUST= POSITIVE/ QUESTIONS: To say something happened a very short time ago.
•Comes before the veb in participle.
b) ALREADY= POSITIVE/ QUESTION: Show that something is complete, often before we expected/ ask and show surprise.
•Comes before the veb in participle.
c) YET= NEGATIVE/ QUESTION: Show that something is not complete/ ask if something is complete
•Comes at the end of the sentence.
Present coninuous vs going to
Both forms are possible BUT,
•PC: When you have agreed something with other people or you have already spent money.
•GT: When you have already decided to do something in the future but is just a plan or intention.
Will/ won't/ shall
WILL- FORM "+, -, ?": To make offers, promise and request.
SHALL- FORM "?": Offers, suggstions or ask for a suggestion.
•We often replay with "Let's+ infinitive"
Must/ mustn't
Have to/ don't have to
Can/ can't
•Necessary in a specify rule/ it's important not do something, mot allowed
•It's necessary, obligation of othe speaker (deber)/ It's not necessary to do it
•Means something is allowed/ An accion it's not possible or allowed
Wiil and might
•More probable (100%)
•Not probable (50% or less) [I'm not sure, but it's possible]
Imperative or should
•Imperative stronger that "should" because tells somebody exactly what to do. (Advice/ warning/ instructions) This don't use a pronoun just the verb.
•Should is a bit less strong that "imperative". Shows that we are saying an advice and not an intruction. (Adding I think or I don´t think...)
Uses of to+infinitive
NEGATIVE FORM= Not+ to+ infinitive
1) To give a reason
2) When two verbs o together in the sentence (I ¨wanted to visit¨ Australian. )
WITH THIS VERBS: Choose, decide, want, would like, try, promise, expect, remember, forget, need, plan, learn, offer
3) Adjective+ to+ infinitive
4) Verb+ question+ to+ infinitive
WITH THIS VERBS: Ask, decide, explain, forget, know, show, tell, understand
EXAMPLE: I don't "know who to ask"
Collocation of "like"
•Looks like
•Sounds like
Collocation of "just"
•A short time ago
•Almost no
•Just time
•Just under
•Just about
•Just in time
•Just over
Collocation of "off"
•Set off
•I'm off
•Drove off
•Walked off
•Switch off
•Was off
•Took off
•20% off
•Fell off
•Cut off
•Take off
•Turned off
Collocation of "look"
•Looking foward
•Looking after
•Looked it up
•Look around
•Look out
•Looking to
•Look for
•Look for
•Look at
Collocation of "job and work"
•Use lots of energy to do something (hard work)
•The activity of your job (your work)
•The place where you work (at work)
Verb with dependent preposition
•Borrow from
•Spend on
•Pay for
•Wait for
•Ask for
•Talk to
•Think of
•Arrive at
You can do it!!
Let's do it!!
Tu peux le faire!!
¿Qué harias si no tuvieras miedo?
Que feriez-vous si vous n'aviez pas peur ?