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The settling of Italy
Early people settled in Italy because it was centrally located in the Mediterranean region. Had a sunny, mild climate. Had large plains ideal for farming. Had mountain passes that link settlements.
Rome's Location
Rome was founded sometime in the 700s B.C.The city was named after Romulus, and its people became known as Rom Rome was located .15 miles up the Tiber River from the Mediterranear.in an ideal location to ship goods..In an ideal location to fight off pirates .among seven steep hills, which aided in defense
Influences of Greeks and Etruscans
Greeks and Etruscans greatly influenced the early development of Rome.
Greeks influenced Roman:
~ farming villages by settling in southern Italy
~farming practices by introducing grapes and olives to the region.
~religion, architecture, sculpture, and literature.
Etruscans influenced Roman :
~ villages by settling north of Rome in Etruria.
~ artisans by turning metals into weapons, tools, and jewelry.
~building techniques by introducing brick and tile. city planning by laying out city streets .
~Roman fashion.
Were wealthy landowners and Rome's ruling class.
had the rights of citizens and could vote.
led religious rituals and could hold public office.
could be senators, consuls, ormembers of the Assembly of Centuries.
were artisans, shopkeepers, and small farmers.
made up Rome's lower class.
were citizens and could vote.
lacked basic rights.
could not lead religious rituals or hold public office.
could not marry patricians.
Romans-rich and poor
Economic divisions between patricians and plebelans led to unrest in Roman lands.
~Plebeians had no representation in government.
~Wealthy Romans owned most of the land.
~ Thousands of workers were unemployed.
~ Patricians used enslaved people for labor rather tharn hiring plebeians.
Roman reformers
Economic problems in the Roman Republic led to reforms.
~Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus: senators who urged the Senate to return farmland to the poor
~ Marius: a general who opened the army to Romans who did not own land; promised soldiers land and paid them wages, changing the makeup of the Roman army from volunteers to paid professionals
~ Sulla: a general who opposed Marius and marched his own army into Rome; declared himself dictator and reduced the power of the tribunes; gave the Senate more responsibilities before stepping down as dictator