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has three separates membranes layers
duration mater
pia mater
dura mater
beneath the bony cranium
protects the brain
filled with cerebrospinal fluid and contain branching fibers
that connect to the pia mater
pia mater
next to the brain that contains spieder Web like network of small blood vessels
is the separate rounded section of the brain that lies inferior and posterior to the cerebrum
central nervous system
contains the brain and the spinal cord
peripheral nervous system
contains the cranial nerves and the spinal nerves
the nervous system is divided
into the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system
the brain
the largest part of the central nervous system
is each half of the cerebrum
corpus callosum
is the middle of the cerebrum
central nervous system
frontal lobe
originates conscious, thought and intelligence cordinates mouth lips tongue to produce speech left frontal lobe
parietal lobe
analyzes sensory touch tempeture vibrational pain. analyzes gustatory cortex
temporal lobe
analyzes sensory information about hearing. analyzes auditory cortex, olfactory cortex
right temporal lobe
occipital lobe
analyzes sensory information about vision. visual cortex
the thalamus
located near the center of the cerebrum, acts as a relay station receiving sensory information from the cranial nerves and the spinal nerves is part of the limbic system the deals with emotions
lumbar puncture Procedure to obtain cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) also known as a spinal tap
to measure the intracranial pressure as the (CSF) cerebrospinal fluid rises in the manometer
computer axial tomography
computer tomography
CAT and CT
CAT procedure that uses x-rays to create many individual closely spaced images
CT scan used to view the cranium, brain, vertebral column and spinal cord.
carpal tunnel syndrome
CTs carpal tunnel syndrome
chronic condition by repetitive motions of the hand and wrist often from constant typing or data entry. there is tingling in the hand because of inflammation and sewelling of the tendons
brief, involuntary episodes of falling asleep during day time while engaged in ctivity.
Parkinson disease
chronic degenerative disease due to an imbalance in the levels of the neurotransmitters dopamine and acetylcholine.
CVA cerebrovascular accident
disruption or blockage of blood flow to the brain.
PET positron emission tomography scan
shows the metabolic activity to the brain
syncope or syncopal episode
patient becomes lightheaded fainting unconscious briefly caused by carotid artery cardiac arrhythmia that decrease blood flow to the brain
TIA transient is chemical attack
a temporary lack of oxigenated blood to the brain it's effects last only 24 hrs.
ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerois
chronic progressive disease of the motor nerves coming from the spinal cord.
it is also known as Lou Gehrig's disease
afferent nerve
dorsal nerve roots and their spinal nerve are categorized
ventral nerve roots are categorized
efferent nerve because they carry nerve impulses from the spinal cord to the body
the right hemisphere
analyzes the emotional content of words but not the actual words.
the left hemisphere
performs mathematical and logical reasoning and problem solving and coordinates the recall of memories.
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
procedure that uses magnetic field and radio waves to align the protons in the body to emit signals that create an image
AFP alpha fetoprotein
test performed on a sample of amniotic fluid taken from the uterus during pregnancy. it's used to diagnose a neural tube defect in the fetus before birth.
surgical excision of the lamina removal of this bony segment relieves pressure on the dorsal nerve roots and relieves pain from a herniated nucleus pulposus
parasympathetic division
is active when the body is sleeping
sympathetic division
is active when the body is active or exercising
autonomic nervous system
controls the involuntary contractions of cardiac muscle in the heart
recurring condition in wich a group of neurons in the brain spontaneously send out electrical impulses in an abnormal uncontrolled way.