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Hadean Era 4.6 bya- 4 bya
Earth constantly hit by asteroids

(asteroids brought the minerals)
Archean Era 4 bya- 2.5 bya
Oceans had form

(earliest life cyanobacteria)
Proterozoic Era 2.5 bya- 500 mya
Formation of continents, appearance of advanced cells called eukaryotes (had nucleus)
The Paleozoic Era (also known as Cambrian Explosion) 541 mya - 250 mya
Ocean life starts to appear

(Anomalocaris, first apex predator and Tiktaalik, first fish to exit the water)
The Mezozoic Era 252 mya- 66 mya

- Tirassic 252 mya- 200 mya
- Jurassic 200 mya- 145 mya
- Cretaceous 145 mya- 66 mya
Age of reptiles

(No land mammal survived, got eaten by large reptiles, only the Kimbetopsalis Simmonsae)
1.Continential drift on Permian period

2. Tirassic period

2. Laurasia on top, Gondwana on the bottom
The Cenozoic Era 66 mya- present day
Age of mammals
Paleolithin Era 3 mya- 14,000 years ago

-Old Stone Age
-Human Evolution
-Originated in the African country, and started to dispersed through the world
-Stone tools
-Climate change
Australopithecus 4.2 mya
- Could walk
- Neurons start to work faster
-First ones to use stone tools

(Lucy, an australopithecus,is considered the 1st human)
Homo Habilis 2.1-1.5 mya
-Shorter than australopithecus
-Brain was 45% bigger
-Ate fruit
-Thick body hair
-Gripping abilities
-Jog long distances
Homo Erectus 1.6 mya- 400,00 years ago
-Straighter back and taller
-Walked heel to toe
-Ability to throw objects
-Spread through the Middle East and Asia early as 1.6 mya
-Discovered fire
-Possible bonding relationships
How did they discovered fire and what were its advantages?
Discovered by natural fire

Advantages: Kept away predators, and killed bacterias of the food creating carbohidrates and by this, theire brain expanded
Neanderthalensis 500,000 years ago
-Build caves and maked clothes
-Expanded to Europe and adapt to cold climate
Homo Sapiens 300,000 years ago
-Trapping animals
- Nomadic: Don´t have a permanent home
-Expanded out of Africa in two waves:
1. 120,000 BC- the Arabian Peninsula
2. 60,000 BC-Asia
Ice Age 2.4 mya- 12,000 years ago
The ice let the humans pass to other countries, like a bridge, Beringia birdge.
Why did the humans left Africa
Because they were following their "food", animals.
Neolithic (New Stone Age) 14,000 BC
-Weather gets warm
-Domestication of animals (dogs were the first ones)
- Cows were important, they used them to trade. Money uses
Agricultural Revolution
- Humans settled along rivers to grew their own food
-Farming-beginning of civilization
-Social relationships evolved because of the food
-Population increased
-Sedentary life; stay in one place
Catalhoyuk 7500-5700 BC
-First "small city"
-People folded the dead bodies and buried them inside the houses, like a ritual
-First metal was cooper
-Economy based on agriculture
Banpo (China) 5,000-4,000 BC
-Society located in Yellow River
-Similar lifestyle as Catalhoyuk
-Rellied on millet, fishing and pottery
Oaxacan Valley 4,000 BC- 1500 BC
-Influation to the Olmecs
- Relied on corn
-More than 16 different cultures and languages
Faiyum (Egypt) 5000 BC
-Cultural diffusion
-First people settled there
-Farming community