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Cómo estudiar sus tarjetas

Teclas de Derecha/Izquierda: Navegar entre tarjetas.tecla derechatecla izquierda

Teclas Arriba/Abajo: Colvea la carta entre frente y dorso.tecla abajotecla arriba

Tecla H: Muestra pista (3er lado).tecla h

Tecla N: Lea el texto en voz.tecla n


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Depend on
Depender de, confiar en
To need the help and support of someone or something in order to existes or continue as before
Do without
Hacer sin, pasarse sin y arreglarse sin
To manage without having something
Back up
Respaldar, apoyar, hacer una copia
To make a copy of information in a computer that is stored separately
Face up to
Hacer frente a, reconocer la realidad, estar preparado para
To accept that a difficult situation exists
Focus on
To give a lot of attention to one particular person, subject or thing
Get in
To succeed in getting a place on a course especially at university or college
Mix up
To mistake someone or something for someone or something else; to confuse two people or things
Think through
Considerar detalladamente
To carefully considero the posible results of doing something
Calm down
To stop feeling upset, angry or excited
Come down with (sth)
Contraer, enfermar de, caer enfermo
To become ill, usually with a disease that is not very serious
Come round
Volver en si, recobrar el conocimiento, venir a ver, dejarse convencer
To become conscious again after an accident or operation
Get (sb) down
To make someone feel unhappy or depressed
Get over (sth/sb)
Superar, sobreponerse, recuperarse
To get better after an illness, or feel better after something or someone has made you unhappy
Throw up
(informal) to vomit
Kneel down
To go down into, or stay in, a position where one or both knees are on the ground
Sail through (sb)
Navegar a través
To succeed very easily in something especially a test
Weigh up
Ponderar, pesar, formar juicio
To consider something carefully, especially in order to make a decision
Count on (sb)
Contar con
To be confidente that you can depend on someone
Fall out (with) (sb)
Pelearse con, tener un disgusto, reñir
To argue with someone and stop being friendly with them
Finish with (sb)
Terminar con
To end a romantic relationship with someone
Go off (sb/sth)
Perder el gusto por
To stop liking or being interested in someone or something
Hit it off (with)
If people hit it off, they like each other and become friendly inmediately
Let (sb) down
Defraudar, decepcionar, fallar
To disappoint someone by failing to do what you agreed to do or were expected to do
Look down on (sb)
Despreciar, mirar por encima, mirar por encima del hombro
To think that you are better than someone
Look up to (sb)
Admirar a alguien
To admite and respect someone
Stick together
Permanerse juntos, pegarse
If people stick together, they support and help each other
Take after
Pareserse a, seguir el ejemplo de
To be similar to an older member of your family in appearance or character
Cheer up
If someone cheers up, or something cheers them up, they start to feel happier
Speak out
Hablar claro, hablar claramente
To say in public what you think about something sucha as a law, an oficial plan or an important issue
Break down
(Of a vehicle or machine) to stop working for a period of timw
Drive off
Ahuyentar, marcharse
To leave in a car or other people
Hold up
Retrasar, sostener, mantener
To make something or someone slow or late.
Keep up with (sb or sth)
Ir al paso de, mantenerse al día.
To move at the same speed as someone or something that is moving forward so that you stay level with them
Pull into
If a vehicle pulls in or pulls into somewhere, it moves in that direction and stops there
Pull out
Salir, arrancar
If a train pulls out, it starts to leave a station
Pull over
Hacerse a un lado
If a vehicle pulls over, it moves to the side of the road and stops
Pull up
If a vehicle pulls up, it stops, often for a short time
Run into
Chocar con, dar contra
To drive a vehicle into an object or a person in another vehicle by accident
Run over
Atropellar, desbordarse
If a vehicle or its driver runs over someone or something, the vehicle hits and drives over them or it
Slow down
Desacelerar, bajar la velocidad
To become slower, or to make someone or something become slower
Speed up
To go or happen faster, or to cause something to happen faster
Point out
Indicar, señalar, advertir
To tell someone about some information, often because they don not know it or have forgotten it
Bring (sth) up
Sacar, criar
To start to talk about a particular subject
Catch up on
Ponerse al día en
To learn the newest facts about something
Clear (sth) up
Aclarar, esclarecer, resolver
To give or find an explanation for something, or to deal with a problem or argument
Follow up
Completar, llegar hasta el fin
To find out more about something, or take further action connected with it
Get (sth) across
Pasar, hacer comprender
To manage to make someone understand or believe something
Leave out
Dejar, dejar fuera, omitir, prescindir
To not includes someone or something
Look into
Examinar, investigar
To examine the facts about a situatiom
Believe in
Creer en
Estar seguro de que algo es efectivo y correcto.
To be confident that something is effective and right
Go along with (sth/sb)
Ir con, acompañar con, marcharse con
To support an idea, or to agree with someone's opinion
Break up
Terminar del curso, disolver, dividir, romperse, acabar con, deshacer
When schools or colleges break up, the classes end and the holidays begin
Figure (sth) out
Descubrir, descifrar, resolver para
To find the answer to something by thinking about it
Get in
Ser elegido, entrar, llegar a casa, lograr decir
To succeed in being chosen or elected
Get on
Progresar, congeniar, poner
To manage or deal with a situation, especially successfully
Give (sth) out
Repartir, divulgar, distribuir, revelar, emitir
To give something to each of a number of people
Go for (sth)
Ir por, optar por, dar, esforzarse por
To try to get or achieve something
Hand (sth) in
Entregar, presentar, ayudar a subir
To give a piece of written work or a document to someone to read, judge or deal with
Join in (sth)
Participar, intervenir, tomar parte
To become involved in an activity with other people
Note (sth) down
To write something so that you do not forget it
Put (sth) off
Aplazar, posponer
To decide or arrange to delay an event or activity until a later time or date
Read (sth) out
Leer en voz alta
To read something and say the words aloud so that other people can hear
Stay behind
Quedarse, quedarse atras
To not leave a place when other people leave it
Try out
Probar, ensayar, experimentar, poner a prueba
To use or do something to discover if it works or if you like it
Fall out with (sb)
Pelearse con
Discutir con alguien y dejar de ser amable con él.
To argue with someone and stop being friendly with them
Identify with (sb)
Identificarse con
To feel that you are similar to someone in some way and that you can understand that person or their situation because of tjis
Pick on (sb)
Meterse con, criticar, elegir
To criticise, punish or be unkind to the same person often and unfairly
Take after (sb)
Parecerse a alguien
To be similar to an older member of your family
Talk into (sb)
To persuade someone to do something
Knock over
Derribar, volcar,
To hit something or someone so that they fall down
Cool down
Enfriarse, calmarse
To become less hot, or to make someone or something become less hot
Cut (sth) out
Cortar, suprimir, eliminar, excluir
To stop eating or drinking something usually to improve your health
Eat out
Comer fuera
To eat in a restaurant
Eat (sth) up
Acabar, terminar con
To eat all the food that you have been given
Fill up on (sth)
To eat something to make yourself feel full
Go off
Perder el gusto, perder su calidad, perder forma
If food goes off, it stops being good to eat because it is too old
Heat (sth) up
To make food hot so that it can be eaten
Live on (sth)
Consumir, devorar, seguir viviendo, alimentarse de
To only eat a particular type of food
Chill out
To relax completely, or not allow things to upset you
Cool down
Enfriarse, calmarse
To become less hot
Sign up
registrarse para algo
To arrange to do an organised activity
Stay up
Quedarse despierto, permanecer de pie
To go to bed later than usual
Wander around
To walk slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear purpose or direction
Check in
Registrarse, presentarse
To say who you are when you arrive at a hotel so that you can be given a key for your room
Check out
Verificar, pagar la cuenta e irse
To leave a hotel after paying and returning your room key
Get around
Llegar, viajar, ir a muchos sitios, salir mucho, viajar mucho
To travel or move from place to place
Get away
Ir de vacaciones, escapar, evadir, separar
To go somewhere to have a holiday, often because you need to a rest
Look around
Mirar alrededor, andar buscando
To visit a place and look a the things in it
See (sb) off
Ir a despedir, despedir de, acompañar
To go to the place that someone is leaving from in order to say good ye to the
Stay over
Pasar la noche
To spend the night somewhere instead of returning to your home or continuing your journey
Stop over
To stop somewhere for a short period of time when you are on a long journey
Take (sb) around
Llevar alrededor
To visit a place with someone, showing them the most interesting or important parts
Live on
Vivir, residir, poseer, pedir,
If you live on an amount of money, that is the money that you use to buy all thing that you need
Pay off
Saldar, reembolsar, dar resultado, merecer la pena
To finish paying back mone that you owe
Take out
Sacar, extraer,
To get money from a bank
Clear up
Aclarar, esclarecer, resolver, disipar
To make a place tidy by removing things from it or putting them where they should be
Put (sth) away
Guardar, repudiar, desechar,
To put something in the place or container where it is usually kept
Wash (sth) up
Lavar, fregar los platos, laverse las manos
To wash plates, bowls, knives, etc. After a meal.
Pass out
To suddenly become unconscious
Trip over
Tropezar, caer, dar un tropezón
To fall because you hit your foot on something when you are walking or running
Get away with
Escapar con
To avoid getting punished for something
Get back
Volver, regresar, recuperar, recobrar
To be given something again that you had before
Get into
Ingresar, meterse en, lograr entrar, introducir
To succeed in being chosen or elected
Get on with
llevarse bien con, Comenzar o continuar haciendo algo, especialmente el trabajo.
To start or continue doing something, especially work
Get out of
Salir de, liberarse, Para evitar hacer algo que no quieres hacer, especialmente dando una excusa
To avoid doing something that you do not want to do, especially by giving a excuse
Get round to
Hacer algo que ha tenido la intención de hacer durante mucho tiempo.
sacar tiempo para hacer algo
To do something that you have intended to do for a long time
Get through
To deal with a difficult or unpleasant experience successfully