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Take On
Encargarse de- When my mother left us, I took on looking after my little sister.

Contratar- Chuck was taken on by a very important company las week.
Take Over
Asumir, encargarse de - I would like the architect to take over the project if you don't mind

From - reemplazar a alguien- Jenny will take over from John until his recovery.
Ask After
Preguntar por

Yesterday, I came across Lily and she asked me after you.
Add On
Agregar algo a la cantidad total o costo de

Many private schools add on extra charges for material.
Die Down

The noises of the party died down after four in the morning.
Knuckle Under To
Ceder a, someterse a

After all the accusations, the senator had to knuckle under to trial.
Think Up

I wonder what new story Vivian is going to think up now.
Walk About

If you are not working this evening we could walk about the beach.
Weigh Up

Let's weigh up the benefits before signing the contract.
Be over
Terminar- It's all over between them.

At one's friend - estar de visita en lo de un amigo- I'm going to Paris this Summer. I'll be over at my friend's house.
Hear From
Tener noticias de alguien

Have you heard from Peter? He hasn't been here for ages.
Hold Down
Mantener bajo

Despite the inflation, this shop tries to hold the prices down.
Hit Off

Sam is very good at hitting off politicians.
Nip Along
Ir rápido

I couldn't see the driver, the car was nipping along very fast.
Pair Off

I've heard that Peter and Sarah paired off last week.
Order About
Dar órdenes todo el tiempo

I don't like playing with Mel because he's always ordering us about.
Rub Up
Pulir -I need you to rub this necklace up for me.

Repasar- Don't worry, I will help you rub up the script.
Back Away From
Alejarse/irse hacia atrás por miedo a

Lily backed away from the boy when he pointed the gun at her.
Catch On
Ponerse de moda- Pilates and yoga have caught on in Argentina.

Empezar a entender después de un tiempo de no comprender- He didn't know any English but he was so brilliant that he caught on fast.
Pick Out
Elegir - If you go to the supermarket please pick something out for dinner

Reconocer- The police asked me if I could pick the suspect out.
Saw Up
Cortar con serrucho

You should ask Geoffrey to saw up the branch.
Stumble Across
Descubrir accidentalmente, hallar

I was looking for my glasses when I stumbled across this letter from Peter.
Break Up
Deshacer, hacer pedazos -Timmy was so angry with his brother that he took his coloring book and broke it up into pieces.

Empezar las vacaciones- The children were so happy about the school breaking up that day.

Terminar una relación- Chris and Joan broke up, they're no longer together.
Call Up
Trae a la memoria -Watching the children play called up Susan's memories about her childhood.

Llamar por teléfono- I'll call my parents up to see how they're doing.

Llamar para el servicio militar- Rick was called up but he refused to join the army.
Hurry Up

If you don't hurry up we will miss the sunset.
Read Into
Darle mucha importancia a algo

Don't read into Sam's comments and buy the dress you like.
Reason With
Intentar convencer

I tried to reason with Rachel, but she doesn't want to talk to Peter.
Shrug Off
Hacer pasar desapercibido

Sally tried to shrug off the fact that she is no longer engaged.
Wear Out
Gastarse por el uso- You'll have to replace those parts of the engine, they've worn out.

Estar exhausto- After all those tests Nelson was worn out.
Do Up
Atar, cerrar, envolver, redecorar

Don't forget to do up the present for Julia, she is about to come.