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Cómo estudiar sus tarjetas

Teclas de Derecha/Izquierda: Navegar entre tarjetas.tecla derechatecla izquierda

Teclas Arriba/Abajo: Colvea la carta entre frente y dorso.tecla abajotecla arriba

Tecla H: Muestra pista (3er lado).tecla h

Tecla N: Lea el texto en voz.tecla n


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31 Cartas en este set

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Fag Out

Today's training has fagged me out, I'm tired and my legs hurt.
Move Along
Correrse en la dirección indicada

The police asked the bystanders to move along and let them work.
Scrub Out
Quitar frotando

If you want to get rid of that stain, you have to scrub it out first.
Get Back
Recuperar, devolver, volver- • If you are getting back early we could go to the movies.

At- vengarse de alguien por algo- Clark got back at Bill for telling his mother he cut classes.

Into - volver a hacer algo luego de no hacerlo por un tiempo -• Two years after the accident, Jen was able to get back into her job.

To - devolver una llamada- • I've to go, my boss is coming. I'll get back to you when I get home.
Let Up
Mejorar, amainar- You can go out once the rain lets up

Hablar sin parar- Sarah will never let up if you ask her about her boyfriend.
Rip Off
Desgarrar - The police ripped the sofa leather off but they didn't find anything.

Engañar, estafar, robar-mediante precios altos- You shouldn't buy anything at Metro's, they rip you off there.
Wade Through
Pasar mucho tiempo haciendo algo aburrido o difícil, especialmente leer mucha información

Before translating the article we had to wade through legal jargon
Call Off
Cancelar, suspender, dar por terminado- I'm sorry, but we'll have to call off our meeting, I'm not feeling well.

Distraer- You will have to call off Mary until I finish preparing her present.
Cut Across
Tomar un atajo

We will gain time if we cut across this field.
Kick Off
Comenzar un juego dando el puntapié inicial

The Black team kicked off at seven.
Spit Up
Hablar fuerte, decir todo

I know you saw what happened, so spit it up!
Watch Out (For)
Tener cuidado con

Now that the baby walks by himself watch out for sockets.
Come Back
Regresar, volver, recordar - I couldn't remember what had happened, but now it's all coming back.

To - comenzar a hablar de algo nuevamente- The teacher wanted to come back to the first unit so we could revise.
Fall Behind
Retrasarse, quedarse atrás - Tom has bet all his money on the horse that is falling behind.

With - atrasarse con un pago- The bank says I've fallen behind with the payment of the house.
Get Over
Superar - Ben could get over his fear of flying and took a plane to Spain.

Transmitir - I was trying to get it over to him that it was impossible

With - acabar de una vez- The kids are trying to get the homework over with so they can play.
Get Together
Controlar tus emociones así te calmas -Get yourself together or we will have to leave the bar.

Poner en orden - I'm trying to get together these papers, I can't stand this mess.

Reunirse- We should all get together one day and go out for a drink!

Comenzar una relación romántica- Paul and Sue got together last week. They're in love!
Give Away
Regalar -I knew Peter loved my green sweater, so I gave it away to him.

Revelar, delatar- My little sister gave me away and told mum our big secret.

Entregar a la novia en el altar- Rita's father is going to give her away at her wedding.

Distribuir- I love it when they give free samples away at the supermarket!
Keep To
Cumplir con, mantener un secreto

I'll tell you what really happened, I know you'll keep it to yourself.
Pin Down
Descubrir detalles de algo

The detective cannot pin down what has happened.
Sette Up
Pagar las deudas

Once I cash my check I will settle up all that I owe you.
Tamper With
Interferir, modificar

The police said that somebody haD tampered with the evidence.
Wither Up
Marchitarse, secarse

It's a pity that the roses have withered up.
Work Out
Resolver -We are still trying to work the enigma out.

Calcular -I need you to work out the costs of the project.

Producir el resultado deseado - The plan worked out perfectly.

Hacer ejercicio- I started working out today, I needed some exercise.
Cut Through
Traspasar, abrirse camino a través de, sortear, saltarse

Just cut through all the gossiping and remember Peter loves you.
Come Round / Around
Recuperar la conciencia -Fortunately, Patricia's father was with her when she came around.

Visitar a alguien en su casa, aceptar finalmente -Mary didn't want to come to the party, but she came round and she enjoyed it.
Come Upon
Encontrar algo o encontrarte con alguien cuando no lo esperabas, descubrir-

I thought that Jerry was in Paris, but I came upon him today.
Fall On / Upon
Incidir en, caer en, tropezar con

This year my birthday will fall on Saturday.
Get Ahead
Tomar la delantera, progresar

Sally's really getting ahead in the investigation.
Get By
Pasar, arreglárselas

Monica couldn't study much, but she got by and passed the exam.
Set Forth
Exponer, explicar, mostrar

The scientist set forth his theory about the strange meteorite.
Stick Up For
Defender, apoyar

Nobody expected Helen to stick up for Anthony at the trial.