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Cómo estudiar sus tarjetas

Teclas de Derecha/Izquierda: Navegar entre tarjetas.tecla derechatecla izquierda

Teclas Arriba/Abajo: Colvea la carta entre frente y dorso.tecla abajotecla arriba

Tecla H: Muestra pista (3er lado).tecla h

Tecla N: Lea el texto en voz.tecla n


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Allow For
Tener en cuenta

If you travel during the rush hour, allow for possible delays on the road.
Die Away
Extinguirse, desaparecer

Suddenly the lights died away and we had to find a candle.
Dispense With

We can't dispense with Jacob. He's our best employee!
Feed Up
Engordar -In that farm they feed the pigs up with a strange substance.

Be fed up with - cansarse, hartarse -I am just fed up with your lies, so don't try to make any excuse.
Hand Over

All the essays are to be handed over before Monday.
Hand Down
Dejar como herencia, transmitir como herencia

In China, traditions have always been handed down from father to son.
Pull Over
Acercar, volcar, hacerse a un lado

The car's making a funny noise, I'll pull over to see what it is.
Put Towards
Usar una cantidad de dinero para pagar parte del costo de algo

I am saving money to put towards a state-of-the-art computer.
Put Towards
Usar una cantidad de dinero para pagar parte del costo de algo

I am saving money to put towards a state-of-the-art computer.
Run Through
Consumir, gastar -We've run through all the food, we should go to the supermarket.

Echar un vistazo, ensayar- The play's about to be premiered and we're running through it all the time.
Stand To
Estar alerta, poner en estado de alerta

Since the terrorist attack, the military bases are standing to.
Take Along
Llevar consigo

When you come to the party please take along the camera.
Take Around
Visitar un lugar con alguien mostrándole los lugares más interesantes

Sarah can take you around the city if you have time for a little walk.
Throw Over
Dejar, abandonar

Walter has thrown Betty over without giving her any explanation.
Take In
Asimilar- Susan can't take in the fact that her boyfriend has lied to her.

Comprender- There was so much noise that I couldn't take your explanation in.

Achicar- You can wear my dress, but you will need to take in the hem.
Take In
Asimilar- Susan can't take in the fact that her boyfriend has lied to her.

Comprender- There was so much noise that I couldn't take your explanation in.

Achicar- You can wear my dress, but you will need to take in the hem.
Ask Around

"Do you know anybody who needs translations?"
"Don't remember - I'll ask around for you."
Ask In
Invitar a alguien a pasar

Susan asked her friend in for a cup of coffe.
Burst Into
Irrumpir/entrar de sopetón- Two thieves burst into the bank and pointed their guns at the cashiers.

Tears/laughter/applause - romper en llanto/risas- When she mentioned his name, Sally burst into tears.
Carry Away ( Get Carry Away)
Dejarse llevar/cometer actos desmedidos

My children normally get a bit carried away at Christmas.
Cast Down ( Be Cast Down ) By
Quedar desconsolado/deprimido por

Sally was completely cast down by her fiance's death.
Double Up
Inclinarse por dolor o risa

The thief punched Timmy and he fell to the floor doubled up with pain.
Drag On
Continuar tediosamente

The speech dragged on all the afternoon.
Drive Away
Irse conduciendo en auto

Edgar drove away through the main street.
Fend Off

If you're not sure how to answer a question, try to fend it off.
Fit In With
Congeniar, encajar

You can't buy Helen that dress, it doesn't fit in with her likes.
Fly Over
Volar hacia donde está alguien

Grace flew over to see Rob as soon as she learnt he was in hospital.
Frighten Into
Controlar mediante el miedo

When I was a child, Kate frightened me into telling my mother I had stolen from her.
Grow Up
Crecer -Gina wants to be a teacher when she grows up, just like her sister.

Desarrollar una leyenda, tradición, vestuario, etc- I don't know when the legend of the tooth fairy grew up, but I like it.
Hang Back
No decidirse, estar indeciso

You shouldn't hang back, you are such a great artist.
Shout Down
Gritar para hacer que alguien deje de hablar

The teacher shouted the students down.
Spell Out

Your surname is so difficult, spell it out, please.