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Cómo estudiar sus tarjetas

Teclas de Derecha/Izquierda: Navegar entre tarjetas.tecla derechatecla izquierda

Teclas Arriba/Abajo: Colvea la carta entre frente y dorso.tecla abajotecla arriba

Tecla H: Muestra pista (3er lado).tecla h

Tecla N: Lea el texto en voz.tecla n


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38 Cartas en este set

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Bring Over To
Persuadir a alguien para que esté de acuerdo contigo.

She'll never be able to bring Peter over to agree with her.
Call Away
Pedirle a alguien que deje de hacer algo para ir a otro lado

I couldn't finish my report because I was called away to deliver some documents.
Come Away
Desprenderse- Wait for a minute, a button has just came away from my dress.

Marcharse- I will come away now, I have to get up early tomorrow.
Hand On

If you want I can hand the package on to Nelson.
Stay Up
Quedarse levantado

The children were allowed to stay up until the game finished.
Go Under
Hundirse- The paper boats the kids had made went under in the lake.

Quebrar- The company went under after a series of bad investments.
Lay In

Ants lay in food specially before the rain starts.
Mark Off
Marcar divisiones

Let's mark off the territory so there's no problem with the other group.
Look Back On
Mirar hacia atrás, recordar, pensar en el pasado

The old man was looking back on his days as a sailor.
Move Out

Peter and Jennifer have moved out to Texas.
Side With
Ponerse del lado de alguien

You were supposed to be his friend, why didn't you side with him?.
Put Forth
Echar, tender, extender

The little girl put her hand forth and gave her brother a balloon.
Dry Up
Secarse- These plants have dried up because of lack of water.

Secar- I will dry the dishes up in a minute.
Hold Against
Culpar de algo

If I told you I lost all your money, would you hold it against me?.
Move In

Walter is planning to move in to his brother's apartment.
Draw Near

I can see Kate's car drawing near.
Fall Under
Ser incluido en un grupo particular de cosas, comenzar a ser controlado o sentir los efectos de algo

Articles on quantum physics fall under those of advanced physics.
Call For
Pedir, exigir, pronosticar

Such a good piece of news calls for a toast.
Draw Up
Detenerse (un vehí****)- A mysterious car drew up at the door.

Redactar un plan o un documento formal- The lawyer is drawing up the contract at this very moment.
Draw Up
Detenerse (un vehí****)- A mysterious car drew up at the door.

Redactar un plan o un documento formal- The lawyer is drawing up the contract at this very moment.
Live On
Vivir de algo

If Helen does not work, she must be living on her savings.
Grow Up
Crecer - Gina wants to be a teacher when she grows up, just like her sister.

Desarrollar una leyenda, tradición, vestuario, etc- I don't know when the legend of the tooth fairy grew up, but I like it.
Mount Up

Be careful of what you buy, your bills are mounting up excessively.
Come Between
Arruinar una relación

I wouldn't let Patricia's gossiping come between us.
Check In
Despachar las valijas en un aeropuerto- Remember to check in your bags one hour in advance.

Registrarse en un hotel- We checked in our hotel and then went sightseeing.
Hear Out
Escuchar a alguien hasta que haya terminado

You may not draw conclusions until you hear me out.
Iron Out
Resolver problemas, dificultades, etc.

You are good friends... you should iron out the misunderstanding.
Send On

When I finish reading the message I'll send it on to everyone.
Tidy Up

You can't go outside until you tidy up your room.
Write Off
Cancelar, dar de baja

If you don't pay your credit card by Friday it will be written off.
Fall Off
Desprenderse, disminuir, decaer

Bill used to play the piano when he was a child, but now his interest has fallen off.
Volunteer To
Ofrecerse a hacer algo

As Sue was so tired Ben volunteered to do her job while she took a break.
Work Off

After a few sessions I worked off many of my fears.
Come In For
Criticar o elogiar a alguien por algo que ha hecho

Ellen came in for praise in what she's done for Rick when he was ill.
Inquire About
Buscar información

Before taking any trip, try to inquire about in a travel agency.
Pass Up
Dejar pasar la oportunidad, perder una oportunidad

You can't pass up the opportunity to get that job...
Read Out
Leer en voz alta

Today, the teacher asked me to read out the text on page two.
Rise Above

Helen rose above her fear of water and now she loves swimming.