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Teclas de Derecha/Izquierda: Navegar entre tarjetas.tecla derechatecla izquierda

Teclas Arriba/Abajo: Colvea la carta entre frente y dorso.tecla abajotecla arriba

Tecla H: Muestra pista (3er lado).tecla h

Tecla N: Lea el texto en voz.tecla n


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Bring Along
Traer, llevar consigo

If you come to the party, bring your friends along.
Log On To
Conectarse a un sistema de computación

Log on to the new system, you will see it works perfectly.
Point Out

Let me point out the importance of this subject.
Settle In
Mudarse y adaptarse

I suggest that we visit Patrick's new house after he settles in.
Weigh Out
Calcular el peso

I need you to weigh out these ingredients for the pie.
Fall Down
Hundirse, fallar, fracasar- Richard's new shop has fallen down because he couldn't manage it properly.

Caerse- Sam is in hospital because a balcony fell down when he passed.
Come Off
Dejar de tomar medicamentos o drogas -I think Paul should visit a doctor to help him come off drugs.

Dejar de funcionar- It is so late! I didn't realized the clock came off!
Cast Away
Be cast away on - llegar a una isla desierta

Have you ever imagined being cast away on a desert island?.
Follow On
Seguir luego de un intervalo

Let's take a break and have some coffee, we can follow on later.
Make Away With

The thieves made away with my grandmother's jewels.
Put Down
Apuntar- The teacher asked us to put our names down on another list.

Sacrificar un animal enfermo- The dog was so ill that my father had to put him down.

Bajar- The policeman told the man to put the gun down but he refused.

As - catalogar a alguien como algo- The first time I met Jo I put her down as a bohemian woman.

To - atribuir algo a alguien- I put Peter's behavior down to his having lost his job.
Set Apart
Separar, distinguir

The new player set apart from the rest because of his strength.
Dawn On
Aparecer, comenzar a aclararse algo

It dawned on me when I saw him kissing Mia, he was cheating on me!
Figure Up

Please figure the cost up while I go for my wallet.
Come Forth
Aparecer -The possibility to get a better job came forth her own boss.

With - hacer una sugerencia a una oferta, dar a alguien información
Joe came forth with some interesting proposals at the meeting.
Play Down
Hacer que algo se vea menos importante

Neil played down all my research on mammals.
Scrape Off / Out
Quitar grasa, pintura, etc

I will scrape the paint off before somebody slides.
Sum Up

I think your essay is too long, you should sum it up.
Wind Up
Dar cuerda- Don't forget to wind up the clock.

Finalizar una reunión o discurso- We winded up the meeting with a toast.
Keep Ahead
Mantenerse al frente

The new supermarket keeps ahead because of its good prices.
Run On
Prolongarse, durar, seguir hablando

Tony's speech ran on for more than an hour.
Let On
Decirle algo a alguien cuando se suponía que esto iba a ser un secreto

Susan let on to Mary that Angela had an affair with Peter.
Pull For

All the fans were pulling for their team despite the score.
Set Up
Colocar, construir, establecer

This old building was set up in the early '20s.
Read Off
Leer rápidamente, con fluidez

Before entering the shop I read off the list of things needed to buy.
Send Out
Distribuir, repartir

I need you to send out all the invitations before Friday.
Switch On

Please switch on the radio, Monica's program is about to start.
Wear Away / Down

You need new shoes, the soles of those ones have worn away.
Come To
Sumar, ascender a- Pam bought everything for the party and it all came to a hundred dollars.

Recobrar el conocimiento
It took many hours for Sally to come to.
Flame Out
Estallar el fuego

As soon as Thelma went away, the fire flamed out in the kitchen.