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Cómo estudiar sus tarjetas

Teclas de Derecha/Izquierda: Navegar entre tarjetas.tecla derechatecla izquierda

Teclas Arriba/Abajo: Colvea la carta entre frente y dorso.tecla abajotecla arriba

Tecla H: Muestra pista (3er lado).tecla h

Tecla N: Lea el texto en voz.tecla n


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Put Under
Dejar inconsciente a aguien antes de una operación

You will be put under a few moments before the operation starts.
Make After
Seguir a, perseguir

The police made after the suspect all around the city.
Keep From
No contarle algo al alguien

You're keeping something from me. Tell me what it is!
Have off
Fuera del trabajo

Call your sister! I'll have a week off so we could visit her
Go Into
- Chocar contra -The drunk driver suddenly turned and went into the traffic light.

Examinar a fondo- To solve the mystery, you have to go into every little detail
Get Round
Convencer- I will call Elizabeth and get round her to come.

Divulgar informacion- I can't believe the newspaper got round such morbid information about her
Fall Through
Fracasar- Andy's idea of a picnic has fallen through, it is starting to rain
Come Forward
Avanzar, ofrecerse, responder

Carol was so busy that I came forward to help her in whatever I could
Do Down
Menospreciar, subestimarse

Why is Susan always doing herself down? She is a great singer
Muddle Up

Leslie needs help for the exam, she muddles up all the formulas
Pan out

The girls told me that the party has panned out perfectly
Pass Away

My mother has just told me that aunt Sylvia has passed away
Serve Up
Preparar una comida

You don't have to bring a dessert, Jo is serving up a pie for tonight
Warn off

The father warned his son off not to touch the tools
Worm Out

Jimmy is trying Kate not to worm his secret out
Speed Up

If you speed up here the traffic warden will give you a ticket
Slice Up
Cortar en rebanadas

If you want to help me take that bread and slice it up
Reckon In

Don't forget to reckon in the balloons on the list
Flood Out

I heard that more than a hundred citizens had to be flooded out
Turn Inside Out
Dar vuelta

Let's turn his drawers inside out to see if we find the money you lost.
Set Against
Enemistar con, poner en contra de

Helen was very jealous and tried to set Carol against John
Call Around
Llamar por teléfono a varias personas, generalmente para obtener información

Before buying the book, call around to see if anybody has it.
Come Of
Suceder como resultado de un evento o situación

What came of your visit to the dentist?
Inquire After
Preguntar por la salud, felicidad, etc. de alguien

You're so selfish, you never inquire after your mother's health.
Log Off
Desconectarse de un sistema de computación

Don't forget to log off before leaving
Offer Up
Elevar una plegaria

On every Mass the priest offers up prayers for the poor
Bring Off
Lograr, conseguir

The plan was perfect, but they didn't bring it off
Care For
Cuidar de enfermos, bebes- My grandmother cared for me when my mother was at work.

Not care for- Disgustar- Julie has never cared for her in-laws. They are too busybodies.
Ease Off

If you take this pill, the pain will ease off.
Finish Up

Kate will finish up her thesis by March.