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Go On
Seguir, durar- I though it would be a typical concert, but it went on for more than three hours.

Basarse en- Kat didn't see what happened, she's just going on what Sue told her.

At - criticar a alguien continuamente-Mary is always going on at Jenny about the clothes she wears.

To - ir a algún lugar luego de haber ido a otro, comenzar a hacer algo luego de haber hecho otra cosa- After visiting Anne we will go on to my cousin's.
Have Over
Tener visitas en casa

You won't believe it, but I had Stephanie over last night.
Keep At
Perseverar en algo, insistir

I wanted to finish my report so I keep at it and worked till 8 o'clock.
Look After
Cuidar a alguien, ocuparse de alguien

The babysitter looks after my baby when I have to work.
Pull Away
Arrancar- The car pulled away and took the first turn to the left.

Tirar, apartarse bruscamente- I went near the dog to pet but it pulled away.
Run After
Perseguir, correr tras

The police was running after somebody suspected of murder.
See About
Ocuparse de, pensar

Jon likes reading, I'll see about buying him a novel for his birthday.
Stand In For
Sustituir a alguien

When Carol decided to quit her job, Jennifer stood in for her.
Take Apart
Destrozar, dar una paliza- Donald took Martin apart. You should have seen the competition!

Desmontar- The bomb squad tried to take the bomb apart this morning.
Take Out
Quitar- Take out your shoes if you want to rest in my bed.

Invitar a una fiesta, etc- Let me take you out for dinner.

Of - hacer que alguien se sienta
muy cansado- Can you drive? The trip's taken it out of Tom and he needs to rest.

On - desquitarse con- Al was upset about breaking up with Jo and he took it out on me.
Turn Around

Ann was so beautiful that all the men turned around to look at her.
Take Through
Explicarle algo a alguien o mostrarle cómo se hace algo

It's easy to handle this machine, I'll take you through how you do it.
Put Together
Juntar, armar, montar, añadir

We're all putting the puzzle together to see what picture it forms.
Put In
Instalar- I had a new CD-ROM drive put in in my computer last week.

Votar- According to the polls, the Democrats will be put in again.

Dedicar- I put in a lot of extra time at work but I haven't been paid yet

For - solicitar- After ten years at the office I put in for a raise for the first time.
Burn Down
Incendiar, destruir por el fuego

The building was burnt down by an arson attack.
Dress Up
Vestirse de punta en blanco Sally is going to a wedding, that's why she has dressed up.

Disfrazarse- I'm going to dress up as a Scotsman. Have you got a kilt?
Hold Off
Demorarse en hacer algo

We should hold the meeting off, Martin will not be able to come
Shut Up

If you don't know what really happened here shut up.
Survive On
Sobrevivir usando

I watched a movie where a man survives on what he finds on an island.
Water Down

This is a concentrated juice and needs to be watered down.
Amount To
Ser lo mismo que/equivalente a

Loving and being besotted do not necessarily amount to the same thing.
Fire Up
Enojarse, enfurecerse

I just don't understand why Joey fired up when Sally left the room.
Join Up
Enlistarse en las Fuerzas Armadas, etc

By his own means, Michael decided to join up the Army.
Nose Out

I'll nose out what Mary would like for her birthday.
Pitch In
Ayudar, colaborar para trabajar en algo

It would be wonderful if we all pitched in so we can finish soon.
Split Up
Dividir, separar

The competition is split up into five different stages.
Trip Up
Hacer tropezar

The kid didn't mean to trip you up, he didn't see you.
Fall Back
Retroceder, replegarse- When the police came, the demonstrators fell back and left the place.

On / upon - recurrir a algo- Sally will have to fall back on another plan if she doesn't want to lose her job.
Have In
Invitar a alguien a tu casa o trabajo

We should have somebody in to fix the leak in the kitchen.
Put Aside
Dejar a un lado- Put the books you need aside, I'll take the rest to Bob.

Ahorrar- Sue has put all the money she earned this year aside for a new car.