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computers that are connected to the network also called and devices or clients. client software for requesting displaying the information obtained from the server
Internet Protocolo (IP)
a number that identifies the host in the network is attached to
computers with software that allow them to provide information to other and devices on the network.
Example of a client software
A web browser
A computer that takes both rules of server and client on the network.
End device
It is either the source or the destination of a message transmitted and network
Intermediary devices
connect the individual end devices to the network using the destination end device address in conjunction with information about the network to determine the path that messages should take through the network
Network media
-Metal wires
-Glass or plástico fibers
-Wireless transmission
Topology diagram
The visual representation of a network
specialized sports on a networking device that connect to individual networks. Because routers connect networks the ports on it are called network
Network Interface Card (NIC)
physically connect the end device to the network
physical topology diagrams
they illustrate the physical location of intermediary devices and cable installation
logical topology diagrams
they illustrate devices sports and the addressing scheme of the network
Local Area Network (LAN)
provides access to users and and devices in a small geographical area. LANs provide high-speed bandwidth to internal and devices
Wide Area Network (WAN)
provides access to other networks over a wide geographical area. typically owned and managed by large corporations like service providers (SPs) or internet service providers (ISPs). Slower speed links between LANs.
the internet is a worldwide collection of interconnected networks. there are commonly recognized technologies standards and protocols.
a private connection of lans & wans that belongs to an organization and accessible only by the organization members employees or others without authorization
public secure access to company's intranet
home and small office internet connections
-DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
-Dial-up telephone
Businesses internet connections
-Dedicated leased line
-Metro Ethernet
-Business DSL: maybe symmetric DSL
Fault tolerance
it makes use of redundancy and packet switching to ensure a message gets to destination and to recover easily when a failure occurs
Packet switching
split traffic into packets that are routed over a shared network
having multiple paths to a destination so if one fails the messages are instantly sent over a different link
expands quickly to support new users and applications without degrading the performance on the services of current users and it is possible because standards and protocols
Quality of Service (QoS)
prioritize time-sensitive traffic for example boys over data flow. when the volume of traffic is greater that can be transported devices will hold the packets in memory until resources become available
Network security
it includes physically security devices and preventing unauthorized access.
Bringing Your Own Device (BYODs)
it means any device any content any manner any ownership used anywhere
cloud computing
allows us to store files and even back up an entire drive on servers over the internet. possible because of data centers.
Data centers
facilities used to house computer systems and associated components. A large corporation may have its own warehouse while a small corporation may lease one
Powerline network
it uses existing electrical wiring to connect devices heat sensing formation by sending data on certain frequencies
Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP)
using similar wireless technologies found in a home. An antenna is installed on the subscribers roof. Common in rural areas where DSL or cable does not reach
Wireless Broadband Service
It uses the same cellular technology as a smart phone by just attaching an antenna to the house
Viruses, worms, Trojan horses
contain malicious software or code running on a user device
Spyware and adware
software installed on a user's device that secretly collects information about the user
Zero-day or zero-hour
accor on the first day that a vulnerability becomes known
Threat actor attack
a malicious person attacks users devices or network resources
Denial of Service (DoS)
slow or crash applications and process on a network device
Data interception and theft
captures private information from an organization's Network
Identity theft
steals the login credentials of a user in order to access private data
Home network security
-Antivirus and antispyware
-Firewall filtering
Corporation security
-Dedicated firewall systems
-Access control lists (ACL): filters access to traffic forwarding based on IP addresses.
-Intrusion prevention systems (IPS)
-Virtual Private Network (VPN): provide secure access into an organization for remote workers