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What is onomatopoeia? Give an example.
Onomatopoeia is a word that sounds like the sound it names. Example: Boom!!!
What is personification? Give an example.
Personification is when an object is given human qualities. Example: The volcano awoke from its long sleep.
What is hyperbole? Give an example.
Hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration. Example: I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
What is alliteration? Give an example.
Alliteration is when the same letter or sound is used at the beginning of many words in a sentence. Example: Cristiano cracked the crab's shell.
What is a simile? Give an example.
Simile is a comparison using the words like or as. Example: Your eyes are bright as the sun.
What is a metaphor? Give an example.
A direct comparison of two unlike things. Example: Her eyes were brighter than the Sun.
What is an idiom ? Give an example.
Idiom: A common saying with a meaning completely different from its dictionary definition.
Example: Break a leg!
What is a declarative sentence ? Give an example.
Declarative Sentence: A statement.
Example: I like candy.
What is a exclamatory sentence? Give an example.
Exclamatory Sentence: Expresses a strong emotion and ends with an exclamation mark.
Example: This is the best day of my life!
What is a interrogative sentence? Give an example.
Interrogative Sentence: Asks a question and always ends with a question mark.
Example: Where do you live?
What is a imperative sentence ? Give an example.
Imperative Sentence: Gives advice, instructions or a command. It ends in an exclamation mark or in period.
Example: Go to your room!
What is a noun ? Give an example.
Noun: A person, place or thing.
Example: Computer, robot, pencil, book, Las Rozas, Carlos, etc.
What is a pronoun ? Give an example.
Pronoun: Replaces a noun.
Example: I, we, he, her, you, they, etc.
What is a adjective ? Give an example.
Adjective: Describes a noun.
Example: Big, black, stiff, hard, soft, etc.
What is a verb ? Give an example.
Verb: An action or state.
Example: Gave, love, think, move, run, etc.