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More expensive than it shows
that something is important enough to justify the amount of time or work that one must do to achieve it.
worth your while
having no value:
more valuable than any amount of money; precious:
there is only just enough of it:(money)<br />
Estamos justos de dinero
looking too bright, big, and expensive in a way that is intended to get attention and admiration:
Something that is expensive but vulgar in bad taste
unwilling to spend money:
to try to make someone do something for you by giving them money, presents, or something else that they want
A bribe
to pay someone some money before the regular time:
To receive your salary before payday
An advance
-A payment especially into a bank account.
-An amount of money that you pay as the first part of the total payment for something.
-An amount of money that you pay when you rent something and is returned to you when you return the thing you have rented.
Is money you pay to someone to reserve or to set a aside.
A deposit
an amount of money paid for a particular piece of work or for a particular right or service:
A fee
-to keep or save something from a larger amount or supply in order to use it later for a particular purpose
Reservar algo que compraste con dinero
-The act of paying farmers in order not to grown cops on areas of land.
-s a part of an amount of government money that must be used to give work to businesses owned by women or minorities
- an amount of money kept for a special purpose:
To set aside (Phrasal Verb)
to arrange to have a seat, room, performer, etc. at a particular time in the future:
Pay some for money for a reservation
To book
having a lot of money; rich:
having no money:
Flat broke
having very little money:
Hard up
To close something<br />
Cerrar algo
To shut down<br />
To close down
to have no profit or loss at the end of a business activity:<br />
to earn enough money to pay for expenses, without any profit:<br />
No perder nada ni ganar nada en el negocio al final del día
To break even (phrasal verb?)
with money in your bank account, or with more money than you owe
Be in the black
with more money being spent than there is available
you owe money to the bank.
Be in the red
a person in a hotel employed to carry suitcases, open doors, etc. for guests
a large amount of money that is demanded in exchange for someone who has been taken prisoner, or sometimes for an animal:
a regular amount of money that a law court orders a person to pay to his or her partner after a divorce (= the legal ending of a marriage)
​a person who makes someone go somewhere with them, especially using threats or violence:
to force someone to go somewhere with you, often using threats or violence:
To abduct
GDP<br />
Gross domestic product
a small present, especially of money, given at Christmas
Christmas box
Financial beneficts
one of a number of payments that you make over a period of time to pay for something that you can use while you are paying for it:
To buy something immediately ( de contado)
Down payment
automated teller machine: a machine, usually in a wall outside a bank, shop, etc. from which you can take money out of your bank account using a special card:
Cash dispenser
a person in a bank who receives and pays out money to customers
a person who has succeeded in business or industry and has become very rich and powerful:
​a poor person who lives by asking others for money or food
to take money out of an account:
To withdraw
<br />
(the total amount collected of) a plant such as a grain, fruit, or vegetable grown in large amounts:
To be in bankrupt
When a company fails
go belly up
a method of paying for something in which the buyer pays part of the cost immediately and then makes small regular payments until the debt is completely paid
Hire purchase
to leave a possession with someone in order to borrow money from that person, with the understanding that if you do not pay it back within the agreed time, the person can keep your possession and sell it
To pawn
a store where you can leave possessions in order to borrow money, or buy objects that others have left there and that are now for sale
​a person who lends money in exchange for objects that he or she can sell if the person leaving the objects does not pay an agreed amount of money in an agreed time
to become rich suddenly and unexpectedly:
To strike it rich (Idiom)
to strike it lucky
you buy it by making small regular payments over a long period
The same of hire purchase but it's an idiom
To buy something on the never-never (Idiom)
a usually public sale of goods or property, where people make higher and higher bids (= offers of money) for each thing, until the thing is sold to the person who will pay most:
a person in charge of an auction who calls out the prices that people offer
A system is one in which you pay for a service before you use it and you cannot use more than you have paid for:
Pre-paid services
to ask an amount of money for something, especially a service or activity:
To charge
an area of grass, especially near to a house or in a park, that is cut regularly to keep it short:
to cut plants, such as grass or wheat, that have long, thin stems and grow close together:
to mow
(an amount of) money paid to the government that is based on your income or the cost of goods or services you have bought:
all the people who pay tax to the government
Los descuentos que le hacen a tu sueldo en la empresa donde trabajas
the amount of earnings that you have left after tax, etc.
Your real salary
a person or organization that promises to pay back a loan (= borrowed money) if the person or organization that borrowed it cannot pay it back:
to get or receive something from someone with the intention of giving it back after a period of time:
To borrow (from)
to give something to someone for a short period of time, expecting it to be given back:
To lend (to)
something that takes a time (you put the time) to happen, do, or use
ten minutes’ worth/a week’s worth etc of something
A day's worth
Vale la pena mirarlo de rapidez
worth a quick look
Probar tu valor
Prove your worth
No vale la pena
Not worth
said when you are giving someone a piece of information and you are not certain if that information is useful or important:
For what is worth
to give someone who has provided you with a service an extra amount of money to thank them:
useful, important, or good enough to be a suitable reward for the money or time spent or the effort made:
Worth spending your time on
an amount of money paid regularly by the government or a private company to a person who does not work any more because they are too old or have become ill:
-a person who receives a pension, especially the government pension given to old people:
unable to pay what you owe, and having had control of your financial matters given, by a law court, to a person who sells your property to pay your debts
to spend or lose all of one's money : to go broke
Go bust (idiom)
Went bust
to make something easier to understand:
having a system that prevents change and produces new things that are very similar to the old ones even if they are bad things
Self-perpetuating spiral
a condition that makes someone work a lot of the time and find it difficult not to work:
to waste money, time, or an opportunity:
Expand all your money in an irresponsible way
Botar el dinero o algo de manera abrupta
To fritter something (money) away
to waste money, time or to waste opportunities by not using them to your advantage:
To expend your money in an irresponsible way
To Squander (action)
Squanderer (person)
to shop excessively; to buy a lot of things in an extravagant way
When you go shopping and you expend your money in differents stores.
To shop on spree
to go on a shopping spree
money that is given to someone to make them keep something secret:
hush money
Caminar derecho hasta sobrepasar a alguien
To walk past
relating to a business or part of abusiness that does not make a profit:
Loss-making business
of or at a height to reach the waist.
minutes to finish something
Minutes to go
to deserve and get something good, such as attention, respect, or a lot of money:
Money that you deserve or you really get
to be extremely important, so that many ordinary events could not happen without money
Money makes the world go round
lending money is always dangerous. Sometimes, when people are unable to pay you back, you take help from your friends due to that failed deal. it is disgusting to borrow money, because it indicates that you are living outside of your resources and means.
Neither a Borrower Nor a Lender Be
Money, more specifically the desire to obtain and amass it, is the ultimate reason humans do evil things to one another.
The love of money is the root of all evil
If you concentrate on saving small amounts of money you'll soon amass a large amount
Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves
When a person prefers to buy things in global brands than in local business makes that always local business don't develop and flourish and the global brands continue expanding
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer
Money can buy material things, but real happiness must be truly earned
Money can't buy happiness, but you can rent it for a while
Money is not the key to a happy life but without it, we would be sad
Money can't buy happiness but it helps a lot
To be very rich until the point of people believes you as a person who is...
To be made of money
money is something that must be earned and that it is not easy to acquire it.
Money doesn't grow on trees
Simon the silly wants to buy a cake but the salesman says to him first:
I want to see the colour of your money
to marry a rich person:
To marry money (Idiom)
To have a lot of money that one can spend freely (and often unnecessarily).
To have money to burn
Generic term for all types of bank cards, credit cards, debit cards, smart cards, etc.
Plastic money
a book of cheques with your name printed on them that is given to you by your bank to make payments with
a cheque that has been signed but does not yet have the amount of money written on it
A blank cheque
Marranito del dinero
Piggy bank
the people who are very wealthy and the people who are very poor
The haves and the have nots
the lowest wage permitted by law or by a special agreement.
minimum wage
The central idea of something (the main idea)
the unfair situation in society when some people have more opportunities, money, etc. than other people:
Inequality/ unequal
the total amount of a person's or organization's income in a one-year period before tax is paid on it:
Annual income
When a famous person appears in a commercial
Sponsorship deals
The main head of a company
The chief executive officer of a company
La cabeza de una compañia (no es CEO)
Someone who lasts for a short time being the boss
Short-lived head
to make something seem small or unimportant<br />
Hacer una comparación entre algo grande y pequeño y grande
To dwarf <br />
Majestic dwarfs the other buildings
Actividad hecha en muchos grupos para desarrollarla de forma más rápida
Split activity
To divide an activity into several pieces
Information gap<br />
Split activity
to read or consider something quickly in order to understand the main points, without studying it in detail:
to look at something carefully, with the eyes or with a machine, in order to get information:
To scan
the amount of money a person earns:
Pay packets
money that is earned from doing work or received from investments: ( INGRESOS COMPLETOS)
Casa, carro, plata guardada
to take something or someone away by force:
Coger algo y salir corriendo
a place in a public building where things that people have lost are stored
Lost property office (UK)
Lost and found (USA)
is any of the British universities built in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in cities such as Liverpool and Manchester, and not one of the older ones such as Oxford or Cambridge:
Red brick universities
a line of machines and workers in a factory that a product moves along while it is being built or produced. Each machine or worker performs a particular job that must be finished before the product moves to the next position in the line.
Production line
payment for work or services:<br />
Money that is earn for a service or work
Remuneration<br />
They demanded adequate remuneration for their work.
most important or best; leading:
a serious infectious disease that can cause permanent paralysis (= being unable to move the body):
​someone who regularly does special exercises to make their muscles bigger:
you have a wide variety of options and you gave one that is very far one way and now you will say the one that is very far the other way.
End of the scale
they are often criticized by people, but you think the criticism is unfair or exaggerated because they have good qualities too.
Causing or intending to cause harm or evil
of superior or excellent quality; outstanding (football meaning)
Top-flight (football club)

excellent; of very good quality:

extremely good:
A person who has died
The late
My late grandfather was a very generous man
The action of ending a rule or law<br />
Levantar una ley
To lift (terminar)
The lifting regulations
When you stop it ( Una ley o un proyecto )
To lift
a situation in which a price, etc. becomes lower (or upper) , or a situation gets worse (or better) and is difficult to control because one bad event causes another:
Something that goes up towards a high position, level or value

When a price becomes lower or a sittuation is getting worse than before
Upward spiral
downward spiral
something you say when you want something to stop:
You don't want to continue with something
Enough is enough
to start to become annoying or worrying:
It's gone beyond a joke
or get beyond a joke
Los mejores en algo ( equipos de fútbol )
Top-division clubs
based on or acting on good judgment and practical ideas or understanding:
best option
Sensible advice
to have a party:
To throw (a party)
Prime minister
to start an activity with a particular aim:
To set out (Something)
to make something full, or to become full:
To fill up (with something)
a division of a company, etc. into smaller parts:<br />
To break up
Another way of say pounds
Quid = same as plural
a large, expensive car, often driven by a chauffeur (= a person employed to drive a car for someone else)
to be very pleased:
Over the moon
a meal which is ordered and made in a restaurant and is then taken away to be eaten at home or elsewhere.
Takeaway meal
to pull something quickly and usually with a lot of force:
Como el vaso de cafe de la viejita
it is extremely hot:
to take someone or something, esp. by car, to a particular place:
To Drop someone/something off
(Phrasal verb)
a cover that can be lifted up or removed from a container
money that is paid to someone by a person or organization who was responsible for causing some injury or loss:
to take legal action against a person or organization, especially by making a legal claim for money because of some harm that they have caused you:
very shocked:
a group of people who have been chosen to listen to all the facts in a trial in a law court and to decide if a person is guilty or not guilty, or if a claim has been proved:
a place where trials and legal cases are decided, or the group of people who deal with legal cases there:
Court of law
is a pejorative term used to imply that, within a society, a significant number of claims for compensation for torts are unjustified, frivolous, or fraudulent,
Compensation culture
to succeed in doing something that is difficult
To pull off<br />
(Phrasal verb)

to (cause to) fall over onto one side:
Tip( something or someone) over
(Phrasal verb)
a piece of skin taken from one part of the body and used to replace damaged skin in another part
Skin graft
Tipos de quemazon de piel
first-degree burn
the least serious type of burn that needs medical treatment
second-degree burn
a serious burn in which the skin develops blisters
third-degree burn
a very serious burn in which the flesh is destroyed
the money earned by an employee, esp. when paid for the hours worked:
the amount of money that a court orders to be paid to someone in return for something that has been lost or damaged:
Actual damages
an amount of money that someone who commits a crime has to pay, that is intended to be large enough to prevent them or others from committing similar crimes in the future:
Punitive damages
a strong expression of anger and disapproval about something, made by a group of people or by the public:
in a way that involves someone doing something they do not want to do:
Cual es tu opinion en... (Expression)
What's your take on.. thing
feeling that you have the right to do or have what you want without having to work for it or deserve it, just because of who you are:
To take something into account

​to accept a new idea, method of working, etc.:
To take something on board
Involving people working together to achieve something
Willing to take risks in business
Good reports and reviews of something in the media
Favourable publicity
An idea or way of doing something that is new. different from and better than those that existed before
Established for some other reason than to make money
Unusual, especially in an interesting way
Paying for itself
To begin very well or successfully
To get off to a flying start
To make a formal, public promise to give money
To pledge money
Prefix Anti Means
Prefix -Bi Means
Prefix Dis Means
The opposite of
Prefix In Means
Prefix Inter Means
Prefix Mal Means
Prefix Mis Means
Prefix Mono Means
Prefix Multi Means
Prefix Out means
Beyond, Outside
Prefix Over Means
Too much
Prefix Post Means
Prefix Pre Means
Prefix Pro Means
In favour of
Prefix Semi Means
Prefix Sub means
Under or Below
Prefix Un Means
Prefix Under Means
Not Enough
Suffix Able Means
Can Be
Suffix Al
Suffix Ful Means
Suffix Ic
Suffix Ish Means
Quite- Not Very
Suffix Ive Means
Suffix Less Means
Suffix Ous
Suffix Y
the period that follows an unpleasant event or accident, and the effects that it causes:
to give something to someone as their share of a total amount, to use in a particular way:
Cuando el gobierno da un porcentaje para destinarlo a algo ( la salud por ejemplo )
To allocate
to try to communicate with a person or a group of people, usually in order to help or involve them:
Reach out to (young) somebody
to start an action that is taken to deal more strictly with crime, a problem, protests, etc<br />
Medidas que se usan para evitar que algo ilegal grave pase desde el gobierno
To launch a crackdown
a series of three successes, especially in sports such as football when the same person scores three times.
To score a hat-trick
to visit someone you know, especially when you are in the place where they live for a different reason.
To look somebody up
to perform a ceremony in which you officially state that a building is ready to be used
To open a museum
to put a boat or ship into the water
To launch a new ship
to put or knock against someone in a crowd, especially so you can get somewhere or do something before other people.<br />
En los juegos de fútbol cuando se meten por el balón
To jostle for position
to help someone do something
To give someone a hand (spoken
to go and live in a different house.
To move house
used to ask a question when you are very surprised or angry<br />
On earth (spoken)
used to say that something will be given first priority
First thing
to study facts again, in order to learn them before an examination.
this phrasal verb has many meanings — only one is explained here)
to search something in order to find something in particular.
Go through
of amounts or numbers) very small or not enough.
Restringido insuficiente
Negative Inversion
For a Moment
Not for a moment and inversion
Negative Inversion
Only When
Colocar only when y la segunda frase sin inversion despues añadir la primera con la inversion
Negative Inversion
As soon as
Puede ser
As soon did (subject)
No sooner than did (Subject)
a large, long radio or music player that can be carried around by hand
Ghetto Blaster
the value of all investments that are traded:
Bolsa de valores
Stock market
a person whose job is to receive and pay out money in a shop, bank, restaurant, etc.
to offer a particular amount of money for something that is for sale and compete against other people to buy it, especially at a public sale of goods or property:
an amount of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back, usually together with an extra amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing:
too willing to believe that someone is telling the truth, that people's intentions in general are good, or that life is simple and fair. People are young and/or have not had much experience of life:
Naîve<br />
the fact of finding interesting or valuable things by chance
an organization, especially a business, or a difficult and important plan, especially one that will earn money:
wanting very much to do or have something, especially something interesting or enjoyable:
a person who has stopped working:
a person's husband or wife:
a short period of doing a particular, usually enjoyable, activity much more than is usual:
In an excessive way
To write a cheque
To issue a cheque
a line of things, people, animals, etc. arranged next to each other:
a mathematical picture in which different amounts are represented by thin vertical or horizontal rectangles that have the same width but different heights or lengths
A Bar chart
a general development or change in a situation or in the way that people are behaving
Vocabulary for graphs
Movements Up
rises /Rose
it rose about 3m,
Go/ Went Up
Spending on research went up from $426 million to $461 million.
Investments are certain to increase in value.
Sales of new cars grew by 10% last year.
Shot Up (Quickly and suddenly)
Demand for water has shot up by 70% over the last 30 years.
Surged (Suddenly and Greatly)
Oil prices surged.
Rocketed (Increases quickly and suddenly)
Car sales rocketed from 180 to 2000 a year.
Vocabulary for graphs
Between 1995 and 2000
From 1995 to 2000
Sales rose from 200 to 250
Sales fell to 150 in March
Sales fell by 195% or Sales plummet by 195%
Vocabulary for graphs
No movements (Usar con adjectivos y otros verbos)
Remained steady and were unchanged (means don't change)
Did not change
Remained constant
Remained stable
Vocabulary for graphs
Movements down
Shares in the company have sunk as low as 620p.
went down
plunged (suddenly decrease by a large amount)
plummeted (suddenly quickly)
Vocabulary for graphs
Adverbs and intensifiers
Sightly and a little (ar the same)
A lot
sharply (bruscamente) (Suddenly by a large amount)
Prices have risen sharply over the last few months.
suddenly (de repente)
steeply (abruptamente)
gradually (slowly, over a long period of time)
gently (suavemente)
steadily (continuamente)
Vocabulary for graphs
Tops and Bottoms
Reached a peak (Alcanzar un pico)
peaked ( en la cima)
Reached their highest level
Fell to a low (Caer mas bajo a lo mas minimo)
Sank to a trough
Reached a bottom ( Lowest possible value)
Ways to explain numbers
-The number went up or went down by (number of difference) from (initial number) to (final number)
The number doubled between 1992 and 1994
-Twofold increase/ Aumentar dos veces
There was a twofold increase between 1992 and 1994
-Trebled/ Triple
The number trebled between 1994 and 1996
-Three times/ Tres veces
The figure in 1996 was three times the 1994 figure
-Quadrupled/ Cuatruple
The figure quadrupled from 1996 to 1998
-Four times/ Cuatro veces
The figure in 1998 was four times the 1996 figure
-Sixfold/ Seis veces
The figure (went up) sixfold between 1992 and 1994
Ways to explain fractions
-The number went up or went down by ( half or one-fith etc) from (initial number) to (final number)

Que el total se puede dividir en 5 partes iguales
-One fifth/Un quinto (fracciones)
Between 1992 and 1994 the figure fell by one fifth
-A half/La mitad (fracciones)
Between 1994 and 1996 the number dropped by a half
Un decimo (Fracciones)
Que el total se puede dividir en 10 partes iguales
- One-tenth / Un decimo
The figure in 1998 was one-tenth the 1992 total
Ways to explain percentages
The figure went up or went down by (percentage) from (initial number) to (final number)
The figure went up or went down (percentage) to ( final number)
Ways of expressing Numbers
20 por ciento
Uno en 5
Un quinto
Twenty per cent
One in five
A fifth
Ways of expressing Numbers
25 por ciento
Uno en 4
Un cuarto
Twenty five per cent
One in four
A quarter (of)
Ways of expressing Numbers
10 por ciento
Uno en 10
Un decimo
Ten per cent
One in ten
A tenth
Ways of expressing Numbers
Un poco mas del 30%
Un tercio
Uno entre tres
Just over thirty per cent
A third
One in three
Ways of expressing Numbers
75 por ciento
Tres cuartos
Tres de cuatro
Seventy five per cent
Three quarters
Thee out of four
Ways of expressing Numbers
Un poco mas de 60%
62% aprox
Dos tercios
Tres de cuatro
Just over sixty per cent
Two thirds
Two out of three
Countable nouns used to describe figures and statistics
The Majority of
A small number
Fewer and fewer
Uncountable nouns used to describe figures and statistics
A little
A large amount
Less and less
A small amount
Countable and Uncountable nouns used to describe figures and statistics
A lot of
None of
a mathematical picture in which different amounts are represented by thin vertical or horizontal rectangles that have the same width but different heights or lengths
bar chart
a way of showing information about how a total amount is divided up, consisting of a circle that is divided from its centre into several parts
Pie chart
a drawing that uses lines to show how different pieces of information are related to each other:
Line graph
Ejes (lados de una grafica)
Title of the graphic
Key or legend
Titles and labels
Redondear cifras
To round a figure up
Tenses for describing charts
Present simple and past simple (static graphs)
Simple past and past perfect (dynamic chart)
Hacer una fortuna
To make a large profit
the increase in the number of people who do not have a job that provides money:
High unemployment
the act of reducing the amount or number;
Reducir presupuestos
Spending cut
an increase in the level of economic activity, and of the goods and services available
Economic expansion
Another way of say inflation
Another way of say economic crisis
Economic boom
a very successful and powerful person or organization:
a person from one's own city or country.
fellow citizen
known or talked about by many people; famous.
giving money, food, or help free to those who are in need because they are ill, poor, or have no home:
a false spoken statement about someone that damages their reputation, or the making of such a statement:
Very valuable (Worth word)
Worth a fortune
Valer la pena conservar (tener) o guardar (algo)
Worth keeping
Valer la pena el esfuerzo
Well worth the effort
Sencillo de dinero
(Five) pounds worth
Equivalent to days that are important
(Two) days worth
financial resources provided to make some project possible
financial backing
happening very quickly:
The group conducts training workshops in theatre arts, playwriting contests, indigenous theatre material compilations and theatre presentations.

Utilería en las obras de teatro
Having a youthful outlook, especially in spite of one's age. For example, She loves carnivals and fairs; she's a grandmother but she's young at heart.
young at heart (Idiom)
a container with glass sides in which valuable or important objects are kept so that they can be looked at without being touched, damaged, or stolen
the system of sharing the profits that a company makes between all the people who work for it
​to fry small pieces of meat, vegetables, etc. quickly while mixing them around:
a type of food consisting usually of meat or fish and vegetables cooked slowly in a small amount of liquid:
Cocinar en agua
the quality of behaving mentally and emotionally like an adult
to do whatever is necessary to stay level or equal with someone or something:
to Keep up with demand
(phrasal verb)
The total cost associated with delivering goods or services to customers.
Marketing costs
not harmful to the environment:
Environmentally friendly
used to describe an activity that is organized and takes place locally:
That it is a success in the market
commercially successful
an amount of something that can be held in one hand:
A handful
a small amount of something, especially liquid food, that is added to something else:
A dash
left temporarily with a person in exchange for an amount of money that must be paid back after a limited time to prevent the thing from being sold): Algo empeñado
to produce or provide something official:
to not be loyal to your country or a person, often by doing something harmful such as helping their enemies:
something that encourages a person to do something:
official help given to a person or organization in the form of money, loans, reduced taxes, etc.:
Financial Assistance
To show disapproval or a low opinion of something
Sniff at something
someone or something that is equal to or as important as the person or thing being mentioned:
The likes of someone/something
Extremely large
Astronómica mente grande y vasto
Astronomical Rate
an amount of money that is given back to you, especially because you are not happy with a product or service that you have bought:
To stop working in order to do something else
Have or take time/ a day/ a month off
the fact of putting a word or phrase that does not normally come at the beginning of a sentence at the beginning, in order to emphasize it
to make something stronger:
to argue that a statement or claim is not true:
the top surface of the upper part of the legs of a person who is sitting down:
Parte del cuerpo donde uno pone el PC cuando está sentado
the skill with which something was made or done:

a soldier who guards a place, usually by standing at its entrance:
it a company that is more successful than any other company at selling the product:
Corner the market
Latin phrase meaning "in the year of the Lord", the full form of the abbreviation AD, which is used when referring to a year after Jesus Christ was born
Anno Domini
to enter a place:
Poner pie en algún lugar
set foot in (some place)
the act of killing a something in large numbers, or reducing something severely:

a long pole made of wood, plastic, etc. with a line attached to it and a hook at the end of the line, used for catching fish
Fishing rod
especially of a disease or a condition, regularly found and very common among a particular group or in a particular area:
you become interested in it and spendtime doing it, either as a hobby or as acareer.
to take up (an activity ) phrasal verb
the job or process of listening to someone and giving that person adviceabout their problems:
a period of time when you eat no food:
To fast
 is a treatment that is intendedto remove poisonous or harmfulsubstances from your body.<br />
<br />
Overhau<br />
<br />
Detox programme
a form of exercise involving slowmovements of body, originally done in China
t'ai chi
to take action to do something,especially to solve a problem
to deal with
to take action to do something, especially to solve a problem
to deal with
light amplification by stimulated by emission of radiation
Laser treatment
a disciplinary facility or program in which young offenders are forced to participate in a rigidly structured routine
Boot-camp style
 a person who does not eat meat for health or religious reasons or because they want to avoid being cruel to animals:
a person who does not eat or use any animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, cheese, or leather:
a person from an ancient culture who lives in a city, town, cave, etc.
​especially of a disease or a condition, regularly found and very common among a particular group or in a particular area:
a list of things provided or work done together with their cost, for payment at a later time (factura)
to (cause to) move up and down and/or from side to side with small, quick movements: to move a flag
easily deceived or tricked, and too willing to believe everything that other people say:
to say that someone has done something illegal or wrong without giving proof:
to start doing something regularly as a habit, job, or interest
Taking up ( an activity)
To take up (phrasal verb)
To give something away
to stop thinking or believing something
To give up (Phrasal verb)
to seem to see, hear, feel, or smell something that does not exist, usually because you are ill or have taken a drug:
an experience involving the apparent perception of something not present.
Traer beneficios
To bring benefits
the ability to keep doing something difficult, unpleasant, or painful for a long time:
become fatter (or thinner).
You're putting on weight
to put on or (lose) weight
To steadily put on weight
​a man whose wife or husband has died and who has not married again
​a drink, sometimes an alcoholic drink, that someone has just before going to bed
Do it yourself (Acronym)
to cause a baby or young animal to stop feeding on its mother's milk and to start eating other food, especially solid food, instead: (Destetar)
an exciting entertainment in an amusement park, like a fast train that goes up and down very steep slopes and around very sudden bends
causing a feeling of extreme fear:
to make your feelings and emotions obvious rather than hiding them
To wear your heart on your sleeve
to do or say something that makes you feel embarrassed
Hacer el oso
To make a faux pas
To drop a brick
To drop a clanger
Inventar algo
The make up (somethig)
not eating enough food to continue to be in good health:
a long bar with a weight on each end that you lift up and down to make your arm and shoulder muscles stronger
Doblar la rodilla y levantarla
Knee bending
Tonificar (tus músculos)
To tune up (Your muscles)
make or become stronger or more intense. ,(musculatura )
To build (your muscles)
the rate at which metabolism occurs in a living organism.
Metabolic rate
a level or situation that you intend to achieve:
Un objetivo que puedes lograr y que es lógico en ejercicio
Manageable target
a promise that you make to yourself to start doing something good or stop doing something bad on the first day of the year:
New Year's resolutions
extremely fat in a way that is dangerous for health:
No estar en el peso ideal
A peculiar way
A funny way
Ejercicios de tobillo ejercicio
Ankle strengthening exercises
the way in which someone usually holds their shoulders, neck, and back, or a particular position in which someone stands, sits, etc.:
feeling less interested in and enthusiastic about your work:
To put on weight (Phrasal Verb)
Estar metido en la oficina
Stuck in an office
to exercise in order to improve the strength or appearance of your body:
To calculate
To work out
to interest or attract someone:

Configurar (Una aplicación)
Set ( The app)
To analyze deeply
Scan (the bar code)
to contents of food and the impact of constituents on body. It relates to carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, additives, enzymes, vitamins, sugar intake, cholesterol, fat and salt intake
Nutritional value
Nutritional information
one of several substances, such as sugar or starch, that provide the body with energy, or foods containing these substances such as bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice
to work to earn money or encourage donations for the benefit of someone, something, or doing something
To raise money
From 0
From scratch (Running)
a place where young children and babies are taken care of while their parents are at work:
you do it regularly:
an increase, especially one that is gradual:
To accumulate
To build up
extremely tiring and difficult, and demanding great effort and determination:
whatever happens:
You do it because you know you have to do it
come rain or shine
A bad Stomach bug
to disappoint someone by failing to do what you agreed to do or were expected to do:
To let somebody down
a system of giving money, food, or help free to those who are in need because they are ill, poor, or have no home, or any organization that has the purpose of providing money or helping in this way:
To remember something
To look back on something
To make that you appear in the newspaper
To make headlines
A talk
a painful swelling on the first joint of the big toe
To lie on something
To crash on
physical activity that you do to make your body strong and healthy:
You are exercising
the physical and/or mental strength to do something that might be difficult and will take a long time:

the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort.
to do something in a way that is too extreme:
Overdo (it)
to begin to do something in business or a job, or to begin your working life in a particular way:
To start out
a short bar with a weight on each end that you lift up and down to make your arm and shoulder muscles stronger
a long bar with a weight on each end that you lift up and down to make your arm and shoulder muscles stronger
proteina (bebida)
Protein shake
needing or using a lot of physical or mental effort or energy:
polite expression for an old person:
Senior citizen
likely to suffer from an illness or show a particular negative characteristic:
​to search everywhere for something, sometimes leaving a place very untidy:

to (cause something to) change completely and in a bad way:
To be turned upside down
it can be achieved or performed:
not expensive:
Algo que es quitado de ti
To be taken away from you
Don't ignore
Don't take it out
strongly felt and sincere:
to become more relaxed and less serious:
To lighten up
a person trained to care for the sick or infirm, especially in a hospital.
2 uk a place where young children and babies are taken care of while their parents are at work:
To nurse
If a situation or decision comes down to something, that is the thing that influences it most
Todo se trata de/Al final todo se resume en
Comes down to
A product that is intended to be thrown away after use:
See-though (Adjective)
sleeping deeply; "it would be cruel to wake him; he's sound asleep"
Fast asleep
completely naked.
Stark naked
you're happy and at peace.
Blissfully happy
Perfectly Clean
Spotlessly clean
without any imperfections
Absolutely flawless
to think calm thoughts in order to relax or as a religious activity:
the activity of writing stories, poetry, etc., or the stories, poems, etc. that are written:
creative writing
a running race of slightly over 26 miles (42.195 kilometres):
​a treatment for pain or illness in which thin needles are positioned just under the surface of the skin at special points around the body:
any medical operation that is intended to improve a person's appearance rather than their health
Cosmetic Surgery
A sport that is too risky
High-risk sport
training that makes people more willing to obey or more able to control themselves, often in the form of rules, and punishments if these are broken, or the behaviour produced by this training:
the use of hypnosis to treat emotional problems
the quality that involves deep feelings and beliefs of a religious nature, rather than the physical parts of life
Trabajo Voluntario
Voluntary work
belief and confidence in your own ability and value:
to increase the range of one's knowledge, understanding, or experience
Abrirle la mente a alguien
broaden one's horizons
<br />
Estar abrumado
slightly worried or uncomfortable about a particular situation:
not producing very much
someone whose job is to help you become stronger and healthier by deciding which exercises you should do and showing you how to do them:
Personal trainer
Tonificar los músculos
To tone up (your muscles)
used to encourage someone to continue doing something:
to keep it up (phrasal verb)
decorative or complicated:
Estar bien fitness
overall fitness
Extremely fit,
used to show approval for someone's success or good luck:
good for you
thin in an attractive and healthy way:
wishing you had what another person has:
to spend a particular amount of time doing something, or to make a particular amount of effort in order to do something
to put into (Phrasal Verb)
to become interested in an activity or subject, or start being involved in an activity:
to get into sth(phrasal verb)
To attempt to accumulate some amount of money, either through work or donation, in order to fund someone or something.
raise money for (someone or something)
to take someone or something, esp. by car, to a particular place:
To Drop someone/something off
(Phrasal verb)
in a careful way so that every part of something is looked at or considered to make certain it is correct or safe:
extremely tiring and difficult, and demanding great effort and determination:
someone who treats people using physiotherapy
To sleep in (another way=
to crash on (the sofa)
To be a sympathetic listener
someone who is willing to listen to your problems and give you sympathy, emotional support, and encouragement:
To be a shoulder to cry on
to manage to stop yourself from smiling or laughing:
Stop yourself from laughing
To keep a straight face
very frightening:
Body idiom
to ignore something that you know is wrong:
Pretend not to notice
Turn a blind eye to something

Treat something with contempt
Mirar cómo si algo no te gustará o te disgustara y con desdén
Turn your nose up at something
(of food) having a very good appearance or smell that makes you want to eat
Delicious or tasty
to be very busy:
Totally overwhelmed by work
Up to your neck
to succeed in understanding something difficult or strange:
Get your head round something
causing great sympathy or sadness:
extremely sad and moving
To feel very nervous before you do something
Have butterflies in your stomach
To win easily
Win hands down
Very clumsy
All fingers and thumbs
Make fun of somebody (Body idiom)
Pull someone's leg
Say something that upsets somebody
Put your foot in it
to (cause something to) change completely and in a bad way:
turn (sth) upside down
to make someone disappointed by not doing something that they are expecting you to do
To let down (phrasal verb)
to treat someone badly because you are upset or angry, even if they have done nothing wrong:
Desquitarse con alguien
take something out on someone
to use or enjoy something as much as possible:
to make the most of something
Todo se trata de/Al final todo se resume en
to come down
comes down
Felices hasta la muerte
Cherish the dead
a group of people or things arranged in a row:
To line
has legs that curve out at the knees
their knees bend towards each other.
their feet in towards each other when they walk.
does not appear to be easily hurt by criticism:
thinking that you are more important or more intelligent than you really are:
far from places where many people live or usually go:
Out of the way
​<br />
<br />
a house or other building and the land on which it is built:<br />
<br />
​<br />
<br />
a house or other building and the land on which it is built:<br />
<br />
inform someone in advance of a possible danger, problem, or other unpleasant situation.
To warn
To invade a place
 is a group of youth who gather to participate in criminal behaviour with the purpose of gaining power, recognition and control. 
Teenage gangs
1 to persuade someone to work for a company or become a new member of an organization, especially the army:
to recruit
jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force.
To leap in
If something dangerous orunpleasant breaks out, it suddenly starts:<br />
When something bad begins
To break out
Tumbar a alguien al piso, estar encima de él y golpearlo
To pin to the ground ( Collocation)
a person who attacks another person:<br />
Assailant<br />
To follow and find a person on the internet
To Track down
​<br />
<br />
a piece of paper that can be used to pay forparticular goods or services or that allowsyou to pay less than the usual price for them<br />
<br />
$50 shopping voucher
an area of northern England that includes the counties (= areas with their own local government) of North Yorkshire, South Yorkshire, East Yorkshire, and West Yorkshire:
done in a hurried way and in a state of excitement or confusion:
physical, especially violent, strength, or power:
Forzar abrir una puerta
To force (the door open)
begin to burn.
To catch fire
Open by breaking
To break open
Open by kick
To kick open
To withdraw or remove someone (from something). In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "pull" and "out."
To pull someone out
a state in which a person is unconscious and cannot be woken, caused by damage to the brain after an accident or illness:
a piece of equipment made of a large piece of special cloth that is fastened to a person or thing that is dropped from an aircraft, in order to make him, her, or it fall slowly and safely to the ground
to take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly:
agarrar la oporunidad
To grab ( the opportunity)
used to say that a decision, action, etc. is sudden and done without any planning:
On the spur of the moment (reaction)
the first public performance of a film, play or piece of music.
to stand or walk on your toes in order to make yourself taller or in order to walk very quietly
using the most modern and recently developed methods, materials or knowledge
to pour something from one place or container into another
Tip out (phrasal verb)
not as good or important as some people think or say
better than people think or say
dressed in clothes that are too formal for the occasion
dressed in clothes that are too informal for a particular occasion
extremely attractive or beautiful
very exciting, shocking or strange
Mind-blowing (informal)
to have great confidence in how good or effective something is
Swear by (phrasal verb informal)
a system of medicine in which a disease is treated by giving extremely small amounts of a substance that causes the disease