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Hi, my name is Rosa, I am going to explain about a rich recipe that you do not need to be a chef to make it, the salad.
Why did I choose salad? When I was little I did not know how to cook and my mom wanted to teach me. The first meal my mom saw safe for me was the salad. Cutting vegetables is not as dangerous as frying
types of salads such as chicken salad, salad with pasta, shrimp salad among others. Remember that I was a girl so I'll tell you about a Russian salad
There are many types of salads such as chicken salad, salad with pasta, shrimp salad among others. Remember that I was a girl so I'll tell you about a Russian salad
The russian salad is delicious as well as being easy to prepare. The salad has a quick preparation and is very healthy. In addition, the Russian salad is the most economical meal that may exist
The ingredients are very few and easy to find, probably have them in your refrigerator, and they are;
Two potatoes, a carrot, sixty peas, a red pepper, a spoonful of chopped parsley, a half tablespoon of salt, seventy-five millimeters of mayonnaise and a spoonful of vinegar.
FIRST Cook the whole, unpeeled potatoes with the carrot, peeled and cut in pieces, in water to cover until they are just tender. Cook the pears until tender.
THEN Peel the potatoes and cut into small dice. Add the diced carrot, peas, chopped pepper, parsley and salt.
NEXT Stir the vinegar into the mayonnaise and blend into the potato mixture. This is generally used to fill tomatoes with.
FINALLY For that you cut off the top of large tomatoes and scoop out the seeds and pulp. Drain the shells and fill them with the potato mixture. Place on lettuce leaves to serve.