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What happened duribg the regime of Diaz?
Poverty had increased
What did the Plan de San Luis Potosi stated?
No reelection was declared supreme law of the nation
Who supported Madero?
Pascual Orozco, Francisco Villa and the Maderists
On may 21, 1911 the treaty of cd Juarez was signed by whom and for what?
Madero and Diaz, to end their fight
Who was vice president when Madero was president?
Jose Maria Pino Suarez
Which three groups were formed during the revolution?
Constitutionalists, led by Carranza, Zapatists led by Emiliano Zapata and the Villistas with Francisco Villa as a guide
What was Francisco Villa's real name? What was his nickname?
Doroteo Arango, centaur of the north
When was the new constitution approved and what was it based on?
February 5th 1917, based on the constitution of 1857
What does "secular" means?
Independent from any religious organization
What did plutarco elias called did when he was president?
He built roads, created the Bank of Mexico and the first airline
What was the cristero war?
Calles wanted to create a church that did not rely on Rome, catholics disagreed and formed the National League for the Defense of Religious Freedoms
What did the article 123 stated?
It gave everyone the right to have a decent work and promoted the creation of social labor organizations
What is the five day working week?
The workweek that goes from monday to friday
What did article 27 stated?
It laid the basis for land reform, limiting the extension of private property
Which president profound a reform based on ejidos?
Lazaro Cardenas
What is an "ejido"?
What is the "maximato"?
Period when Calles was President, he was known as the maximum leader
What kind of ideology did Cardenas and Calles showed?
Cardenas has a socialist ideology while Calles showed a conservative position
What did Cardenas did to break the maximato?
He reformed the PNR and changed it to PRM
What did Cardenas do as a president?
Expropriated the oil, nationalized the railways, communicate with people in need
Who wrote the novel "Balun Canan"?
Rosario Castellanos
What did the article 83 stated?
The exucutive power was unitary, directly elected by the people for a period of 6 years
Who founded the INI?
Miguel Aleman
What caused the great depression?
A fall in the US stock market in 1929
What replaced the exporting model?
Import substitution
Official rate or tax which determines the rights to be paid
How was the mexican miracle achieved
The import substitution model and the war economy
What is the war economy?
Economy that is applied in times of armed conflict
The mexican miracle occured during the mandate of whom?
Manuel Avila Camacho and Miguel Aleman Valdes
What does PROTECTIONISM means?
Imports and foreign investment were limited to encourage the domestic industry
What is the captive market?
When there are barriers that prevent free competition in a country
Term used in the oil industry to indicate the product search
What was the bracero program?
Mexicans migrated legally to the US to work the land
Which important event happened before the olymipic games?
The student movement at the plaza de las tres culturas
Which guerrilla groups were attempting to destabilize the government?
Socialist and communist movement led by fidel castro and che guevara
Which was one of the first movements for obtaning the right to vote?
The one demanded by ruiz cortines for a reform to the article 34 to consider women as citizens giving them the right to vote and be elected
What happened in the ten tragic days?
Madero was forced to resign from the presidency and murdered after