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Simple tense: present and past
simple tenses do not normally have an auxiliary verb in affrimative sentence. Use do/does/did in an auxiliary is needes.
Perfect verb forms
present: have/has + past participle
past: had + past participle
future: will + past participle
Continuous (progressive)
be + verb+ ing
present: am/is + verb + ing
past: have/has + verb + ing
Continuous (progressive)
be+ verb+ ing
past continuous: was/were+ verb + ing
past perfect continuous: had been+ verb + ing
Future continuous: will be + verb + ing
Modal verbs
nine ( will, would, can, could, shall, should, may, might, must)
follow by an infinitive without to ( have to, need to, etc)
Subject questions
What clauses
more emphatic
Present habit (what)
actions that are repeated regularly over a log period of time
Present habit (frequency)
Simple present used with adverbs ( usually, sometimes, once a week)
A fox COMES into our garden ALMOST EVERY NIGHT.
Present habits (predictable or characteristics behaviour)
will/won't+ infintive
A hungry fox WILL ATTACK pet rabbits
Present habits (repeated behaviour (negative))
keep +verb+ ing
If your newspaper KEEPS PUBLISHING this type of journalism, tou will lose loyak readers.
Present habits (exaggerate or complain)
present continuous + always/forever/constantly
The gutter press IS FOREVER FILLING its pages with sensationalist stories.
Past habits ( past habits)
used to + infinitive and would+ infinitive to talk about past habits
EVERY NIGHT he and his dog SAT down to dinner together.
Past habit (past states qnd habitual past actions)
used to + infinitive
Each dog USED TO HAVE its own personal servant.
Past habit (habitual past habits)
would + infinitive
He WOULD DRIVE in his carriage with half a dozen dogs inside.
Past habit ( states)
We cannot use would + infinitive to talk about states.
Adolphus Cooke a firm believer in reincarnation.
Be/ Get used to
be+used to= situations or actions that are already familiar.
be+get used= they are becoming familiar with the new situation.
Defining & non-defining relative clauses
Give information about a noun.
Defining & non-defining relative clauses
that, who, wich (people and things)
whose (her, his, their, etc)
when, where (time and place)
Participle clauses
present participle (ing)
past participle (ed)