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Cómo estudiar sus tarjetas

Teclas de Derecha/Izquierda: Navegar entre tarjetas.tecla derechatecla izquierda

Teclas Arriba/Abajo: Colvea la carta entre frente y dorso.tecla abajotecla arriba

Tecla H: Muestra pista (3er lado).tecla h

Tecla N: Lea el texto en voz.tecla n


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48 Cartas en este set

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contar un chiste
tell a joke
You don't look 30. You look about 25 years old.
prestar dinero a alguien
lend money to somebody
I always lend money to you and you never give it back.
pedir prestado
borrow money from somebody
I'll need to borrow money from my parents. I don't have enough.
llevar ropa
wear clothes
I wear a suit to work every day.
llevar joyas
wear jewellery
I'm not allowed to wear jewellery to work.
llevar un bolso
carry a bag
I carry my bag on my shoulder.
llevar un bebé
carry a baby
The baby is too heavy to carry.
ganar un premio
win a prize
Do you win a prize or is it just for fun?
ganar un partido
win a match
Who won the match?
ganar una medalla
win a medal
I won a medal for winning the race
ganar un salario
earn a salary
She earns a good salary.
ganar dinero
earn money
She's a student but she has a part-time job to earn money.
conocer a alguien bien
know somebody well
I don't know her very well.
saber algo
know something well
I know something about her that is quite surprising.
conocer por primera vez
meet somebody for the first time
When did you meet your wife?
quedar con alguien a las 11
meet somebody at 11 o'clock
Let's meet at 11 o'clock outside the school.
esperar que algo bueno pase
hope that something good will happen
I hope the weather's good tomorrow.
esperar hacer algo
hope to do something
I hope to become a doctor.
esperar un autobús
wait for a bus
I'm going to wait for a bus. It's too far to walk.
esperar mucho tiempo
wait for a long time
I've been waiting for a long time for this opportunity.
ver la tele
watch TV
Let's watch TV. There's a good movie on.
ver un partido
watch a match
mirar una foto
look at a photo
mirar tu reloj
look at your watch
Look at your watch. We're going to be late!
parecer feliz
look happy
You look happy today!
parecer tener unos 25 años
look about 25 years old
You don't look 30. You look about 25 years old.
parecerse a tu madre
look like your mother
You look like your mother, not your father.
parecer una modelo
look like a model
You look like a model.
perder el autobús
miss the bus
We're a bit late. Did we miss the bus?
perder una clase
miss a class
I missed my first class this morning.
perder tus gafas
lose your glasses
What's the matter? Did you lose your glasses?
perder un partido
lose a match
We lost the match last night.
traer tu diccionario
bring your dictionary
Bring your dictionary to class next week, please.
traer algo de recuerdo de las vacaciones
bring something back from holiday
llevarte un paraguas
take an umbrella
You should take an umbrella because it's going to rain.
llevar a los niños al colegio
take your children to school
buscar tus gafas
look for your glasses
Shall I help you look for your glasses?
buscar un trabajo
look for a job
encontrar tus gafas
find your glasses
encontrar un trabajo
find a job
I hope I find a job soon.
decirle algo a alguien (say)
say something to somebody
perdir perdón
say sorry
say hello
Say hello to Colin for me.
decirle algo a alguien (tell)
tell somebody something
tell a lie
Do you think it's ever OK to tell a lie?
contar un chiste
tell a joke
prestar dinero a alguien
lend money to somebody
I always lend money to you and you never give it back.
pedir prestado
borrow money from somebody
I'll need to borrow money from my parents. I don't have enough.