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Act out - expresar emociones a través de acciones en lugar de palabras
Example: "The child acted out his frustration by throwing his toys."
mencionar algo durante una conversación
Ask around - pedir información o ayuda a varias personas
Example: "I asked around to see if anyone had seen my missing cat."
buscar información en un libro o en internet
Back down - ceder en una discusión o argumento
Example: "He eventually backed down when he realized he was wrong."
ponerse ropa o accesorios.
Beat up - Example: "The bullies beat up the smaller kids on the playground."
golpear violentamente
Blow up -
Example: "The fireworks blew up in a colorful display."
explotar o aumentar exageradamente en tamaño o magnitud
Break in -
Example: "I need to break in my new shoes before I can wear them for a long time."
usar o desgastar algo nuevo para que sea más cómodo o ajustado
Brush off -
Example: "He brushed off her complaints about the noise."
ignorar a alguien o algo sin prestar atención
Build up -
Example: "He built up his savings over many years."
acumular o desarrollar algo gradualmente
Burn out -
Example: "I'm afraid I'm going to burn out if I keep working this hard."
agotarse o perder el interés o la motivación
Buy out -
Example: "The company was bought out by a larger corporation."
comprar una empresa o una parte de ella para obtener el control
Call on -
Example: "I'll call on you when I need your expertise."
visitar a alguien o pedir a alguien que hable en una reunión
Calm down -
Example: "He needed to take a few deep breaths to calm down before speaking."
tranquilizarse después de estar enojado o ansioso
Carry on -
Example: "He carried on with his work even though he was tired."
continuar haciendo algo o comportarse de manera inapropiada
Catch up -
Example: "I need to catch up with my reading before the test."
alcanzar a alguien o ponerse al día con algo
Check out -
Example: "I'll check out the restaurant's menu online before going there."
revisar o examinar algo o irse de un lugar
Cheer up -
Example: "I tried to cheer up my friend with some funny stories."
animar a alguien que está triste o desanimado
Clear out -
Example: "We need to clear out the old furniture from the attic."
despejar un espacio o irse de un lugar
Close down -
Example: "The restaurant closed down after many years of operation."
cerrar permanentemente un negocio o una empresa
Come across -
Example: "He came across some old photos while cleaning the house."
encontrar algo o alguien por casualidad o transmitir una cierta impresión
Come in -
Example: "She came in late to the meeting."
entrar en un lugar o llegar a un punto en una conversación
Count on -
Example: "I can count on my sister to be there for me."
confiar en alguien o algo
Cover up -
Example: "He covered up his mistake by lying."
esconder algo o cubrir algo para ocultar algo
Cut off -
Example: "The phone cut off in the middle of our conversation."
interrumpir algo o alguien abruptamente o desconectar algo
Draw up -
Example: "We need to draw up a contract before we start the project."
elaborar un plan, contrato o documento por escrito
Drop off -
Example: "Can you drop me off at the train station on your way to work?"
dejar a alguien en un lugar o reducir la cantidad o intensidad de algo
Eat out -
Example: "We like to eat out on special occasions."
comer en un restaurante o fuera de casa
End up -
Example: "He ended up studying law even though he had originally planned to be a doctor."
terminar en un lugar o situación después de un proceso o evento
Face up to -
Example: "He finally faced up to the fact that he needed to quit smoking."
confrontar o hacer frente a una situación difícil o problema
Fall apart -
Example: "She fell apart after her breakup with her boyfriend."
desmoronarse emocionalmente o físicamente
Figure out -
Example: "I need to figure out how to fix my car's engine."
descubrir o entender algo
Fill out -
Example: "You need to fill out the application form if you want to apply for the job."
completar un formulario o documento
Find out -
Example: "I finally found out the reason for the delay."
descubrir información o la verdad sobre algo o alguien
Fix up -
Example: "We need to fix up the old house before we can move in."
arreglar o mejorar algo o alguien
Follow up -
Example: "I need to follow up with my doctor to see if my test results are in."
hacer un seguimiento o continuar con algo después de una interrupción
Freak out -
Example: "She freaked out when she saw the spider in the bathroom."
asustarse o ponerse muy ansioso o emocional
Get away with -
Example: "He got away with cheating on the test because he didn't get caught."
escapar de las consecuencias de una mala acción
Get rid of -
Example: "I need to get rid of all the old clothes in my closet."
deshacerse de algo o alguien
Give in -
Example: "He finally gave in to her demands."
ceder o rendirse en una discusión o argumento
Give up -
Example: "He gave up smoking after many years of addiction."
renunciar o abandonar algo o alguien
Go ahead -
Example: "You can go ahead and start the project without me."
continuar o hacer algo sin restricciones
Go out -
Example: "We like to go out for dinner and a movie on Friday nights."
salir de casa o en una cita romántica
Grow up -
Example: "He needs to grow up and take responsibility for his actions."
madurar o desarrollarse física o emocionalmente
Hang out -
Example: "We like to hang out at the park on weekends."
pasar tiempo con alguien o estar en un lugar informalmente
Hang up -
Example: "He hung up the phone without saying goodbye."
colgar el teléfono o cualquier objeto suspendido
Hold on -
Example: "Please hold on while I transfer you to the correct department."
esperar o agarrarse firmemente a algo
Keep on -
Example: "He kept on practicing his guitar until he became a skilled musician."
continuar haciendo algo o mantener una actitud o comportamiento
Knock down -
Example: "They are going to knock down the old building and build a new one."
derribar algo o alguien físicamente o reducir el precio de algo
Lay off -
Example: "The company had to lay off several employees due to financial difficulties."
despedir a alguien de su trabajo o reducir la cantidad o frecuencia de algo
Leave out -
Example: "He left out some important details from his story."
omitir algo o alguien intencionalmente
Look forward to -
Example: "I am looking forward to my vacation next week."
esperar con anticipación o ilusión algo que va a suceder
Look up
buscar información en una fuente, mejorar o levantar la cabeza para mirar algo
Make up - inventar algo o una excusa, reconciliarse después de una pelea o maquillarse
Example: "She made up an excuse for being late to the meeting."
inventar algo o una excusa, reconciliarse después de una pelea o maquillarse
Measure up -
Example: "He didn't measure up to the requirements for the job."
cumplir o satisfacer los estándares o expectativas de alguien
Move on -
Example: "It's time to move on from the past and start fresh."
seguir adelante o avanzar después de una situación difícil o dolorosa
Pass away -
Example: "My grandmother passed away last night."
morir o fallecer
Pass out -
Example: "She passed out during the concert due to the heat."
desmayarse o repartir algo
Pay back -
Example: "I need to pay back the loan I took from my friend."
devolver el dinero prestado o hacer una acción como venganza
Pick out -
Example: "She picked out a beautiful dress for the wedding."
seleccionar o elegir algo o alguien
Point out -
Example: "He pointed out the mistakes in my essay."
señalar o indicar algo o alguien
Put off -
Example: "I had to put off my trip until next month."
posponer o retrasar algo
Put up with -
Example: "I don't know how she puts up with her rude boss."
tolerar o aguantar algo o alguien molesto o incómodo
Run into -
Example: "I ran into my old friend at the supermarket."
encontrarse con alguien inesperadamente o chocar con algo físicamente
Run out of -
Example: "We ran out of milk and had to go to the store."
quedarse sin algo o no tener más de algo
Set up -
Example: "We need to set up the equipment before we start the presentation."
establecer o organizar algo o alguien
Show off -
Example: "He likes to show off his expensive car to his friends."
presumir o exhibir algo o alguien para llamar la atención o impresionar a otros
Sort out -
Example: "I need to sort out my finances before I can buy a house."
resolver o arreglar un problema o situación confusa
Stand by -
Example: "I will always stand by my friend no matter what happens."
estar listo para ayudar o apoyar a alguien en caso de necesidad
Take after -
Example: "She takes after her mother in terms of her artistic abilities."
parecerse a alguien en apariencia o comportamiento
Take on -
Example: "I took on a new project at work that will keep me busy for a while."
aceptar una responsabilidad o desafío o contratar a alguien
Take out -
Example: "He took out some money from the ATM."
sacar o retirar algo o alguien o invitar a alguien a salir a una cita
Tear up -
Example: "She tore up the letter after reading it."
romper algo en pedazos o destruir algo por completo
Think over -
Example: "I need to think over the job offer before accepting it."
considerar cuidadosamente algo antes de tomar una decisión
Throw away -
Example: "He threw away the old magazines that were cluttering the living room."
desechar o tirar algo en la basura
Try on -
Example: "She tried on several dresses before choosing one for the party."
probarse ropa o accesorios para ver si quedan bien o no
Turn down -
Example: "She turned down the job offer because it didn't pay enough."
rechazar algo o alguien, o disminuir el volumen de algo
Turn up -
Example: "He turned up at the party uninvited."
aparecer o llegar de repente o aumentar el volumen de algo
Use up -
Example: "We used up all the milk in the fridge."
agotar completamente algo
Wake up -
Example: "I usually wake up at 6 am on weekdays."
despertarse o hacer que alguien despierte de su sueño
Walk out -
Example: "The employees walked out in protest of their low wages."
salir de un lugar o trabajo en protesta o enojo
Watch out -
Example: "Watch out for the icy patches on the road while driving."
tener cuidado o estar alerta a un posible peligro o problema
Work out -
Example: "I try to work out at the gym at least three times a week."
hacer ejercicio o resolver un problema o situación complicada
Write down -
Example: "I need to write down the grocery list before going to the store."
escribir algo en un papel o anotar algo para recordarlo más tarde
Zip up -
Example: "She zipped up her jacket to keep warm in the cold weather."
cerrar una cremallera o cierre en una prenda de vestir
Add up -
Example: "The numbers don't add up, there must be a mistake somewhere."
sumar algo o tener sentido lógico
Back up -
Example: "I will back you up if you need me to speak on your behalf."
respaldar o apoyar algo o alguien, o retroceder un vehí****
Bring up -
Example: "She brought up the topic of politics during the conversation."
mencionar o criar a un niño o joven
Call off -
Example: "They had to call off the wedding due to a family emergency."
cancelar o posponer algo que estaba planeado
Check in -
Example: "We need to check in at the hotel before heading out for sightseeing."
registrarse en un hotel o aeropuerto o preguntar si alguien necesita ayuda
Come across -
Example: "He came across as confident during the job interview."
encontrarse con alguien o algo inesperadamente o parecer o transmitir una impresión o imagen
Get away with -
Example: "He cheated on the exam but got away with it."
salir impune o evitar ser castigado por algo malo que se ha hecho
Get ahead -
Example: "If you work hard, you can get ahead in your career."
progresar en una carrera o en la vida
Get at -
Example: "I don't understand what you're trying to get at."
insinuar o sugerir algo indirectamente
Get together -
Example: "Let's get together for dinner this weekend."
reunirse con alguien o con un grupo de personas
Get off on -
Example: "Some people get off on scary movies, but I don't like them."
disfrutar o sentir placer con algo específico
Get through to -
Example: "I've been trying to get through to customer service all morning, but I keep getting put on hold."
conectar o comunicarse con alguien por teléfono o email
Get out of -
Example: "She always tries to get out of doing the dishes after dinner."
evitar hacer algo que no quieres hacer
Put aside -
Example: "I always try to put some money aside for emergencies."
reservar o apartar algo para usar más tarde
Put out -
Example: "The firefighters were able to put out the fire before it caused any serious damage."
extinguir un fuego, o sacar la basura y otros objetos fuera de la casa
Put in -
Example: "We need to put in new light fixtures in the kitchen."
instalar o colocar algo en su lugar correspondiente
Put on -
Example: "I need to put on my coat before we go outside."
ponerse ropa o accesorios, o hacer que alguien se ponga algo
Put together -
Example: "I'm trying to put together this new bookcase."
armar o juntar algo que está desarmado o separado en piezas
Put up -
Example: "We should put up some pictures to make the room look more inviting."
levantar o colgar algo en una pared o superficie
Put down -
Example: "Can you put down those heavy bags for a moment?"
poner algo en una superficie o lugar, o criticar o menospreciar a alguien
Put forward -
Example: "I think we should put forward a proposal to improve the company's marketing strategy."
proponer o presentar una idea o sugerencia
Put to use -
Example: "I want to put my language skills to use by working in a bilingual environment."
utilizar algo de manera efectiva